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Post #45 - Getting To Know You

Posted on Sat Mar 18th, 2023 @ 5:47pm by Lieutenant Commander Angel Devroe & Lieutenant JG Sarissa Aloran

Mission: Mission 9 Deal with the Devil
Location: USS Peel
Timeline: Concurrent


{Deck 1}

Angel Devroe had just had a very honest and enlightening meeting with her new Captain; since she was on a roll decided to get the other things out of the way as well. Tapping her Comm "Lieutenant Aloran this is Lt. CMDR. Devroe, if you have some time I would like to meet with you as per Captain's orders" she commented.

Sarissa was just going over personnel files when Devroe’s voice came over the comms. “By all means Commander, I’m in my office now.”

"On my way Lieutenant" Angel replied then headed for the Medical area of the Ship.

{Deck 4}

Finding her way, since the Peel wasn't that big and had her PADD in hand, Angel approached the Medical Office and palmed the chime waiting for recognition.

Sarissa was sitting in the Assistant Chief Medical Officer’s Office, which would also double as the Counsellor’s office. Having two jobs onboard was certainly going to keep her busy. She looked up as the chime rang. “Come in Commander.”

"Hello Lieutenant, thank you for seeing me; I thought I would fulfill the Captain's orders and get my Medical Regs done" Angel said with a smile.

“Of course Commander” Sarissa smiled. “Please take a seat, make yourself at home. It’s not as I want it in here yet, but it will be eventually. Ohh, and please call me Sarissa.”

"Thank you Sarissa and please call me Angel. I think it'll be awhile before any of us gets really settled in since most of us are doing double duty due to the small Crew size" Devroe replied.

“It’s going to take some getting used to, but it’s a smallish size ship so we won’t be overrun.” She grinned. “So, Angel is there anything you’d like to talk to me about? Any worries?”

Angel thought for a moment "There is nothing I wish to discuss at this time.....and as far as only concern was about the Captain but those have been put to rest since meeting with him.

Sarissa nodded. “That’s good to know. How are you settling in so far? Is this your first assignment as First Officer?”

" Well it's been a very busy couple of days but I'm settling in quite fine. My Quarters are very comfortable and are almost to my liking. I'm already able to navigate around the Ship pretty well...I'm just glad it's a small Ship" Angel explained "And yes this is my first assignment as a First Officer...well sort of."

“Sort of?” Sarissa looked at Angel curiously.

"Please let me explain. On my last Ship the XO was badly injured and was unable to perform his duties for almost a year so my C.O. asked me to fill his spot until his return. I gladly accepted the challenge and gained a lot of experience from it; that's probably why I'm here now" Angel replied with a grin.

“It could well be” Sarissa nodded. “Starfleet were obviously impressed with your performance.”

Angel grinned "I would like to think so Sarissa" she replied.

Sarissa smiled. “Given how small the crew compliment of this ship, compared to bigger ships we’ll all be getting to know each other over the course of our on and off duty times. It should be interesting.”

"That it should; I can see this Crew ending up being sort of family over time. Sometimes bigger is not necessarily better" Angel replied with a grin.

“That’s very true” Sarissa nodded in agreement. “Well I think I’ve ascertained that you’re completely sane and ready to take on your duties, I’m happy to pass your evaluation.”

Angel had to chuckle at Sarissa's last comment "I'm sure the Captain will be relieved he's not working with a nut job......thank you for your time Counselor.....or do I call you Doctor/Counselor" she quipped with a grin.

“How’s about just Sarissa when we’re alone” She smiled warmly. “Ohh and don’t worry, as the old saying goes you don’t have to be crazy to work here, but it helps!” Sarissa grinned a wry grin.

"I've never heard that saying before...but I like it and will have to remember it for future conversations" Angel replied with a big grin "If we're all set here I should probably be getting back to the Bridge before the Captain sends Security looking for me."

Sarissa nodded.“By all means Commander, thank you for coming to see me.”

"It was my pleasure and am happy to know you a little better" Angel replied then stood and left the office to get back to her duties on the bridge.


Lieutenant JG Sarissa Aloran
AST. Chief Medical Officer/Counselor
USS Peel

Lt. CMDR. Angel Devroe
First Officer
USS Peel


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