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Post #46. Unexpected

Posted on Sat Mar 18th, 2023 @ 6:09pm by Lieutenant JG Sarissa Aloran & Captain Jamie O'Connell

Mission: Mission 9 Deal with the Devil
Location: Ready Room

Heading up to the bridge, Sarissa made a beeline for the Captain’s Ready Room. The briefing had been surprise enough seeing Jamie again, the two of them having had a Shoreleave romance not too long ago. She hadn’t expected to see him again, now here he was.

Pressing the door chime she stood nervously outside waiting for a call to enter.

Hearing the chime go off "Enter" the Captain said wondering who was wanting to see him so soon after getting underway.

Walking in Sarissa offered a warm smile as she approached Jamie’s desk. “My initial reports Captain, both from a Counselling and Medical standpoint.” She placed a PADD down on his desk. “I have several appointments set up, I’ve also done a brief inventory of our medical supplies.”

Jamie smiled back "Please Lieutenant, have a seat, and make yourself comfortable....would you like something to drink" he commented then went on " Thank you for being so prompt with the medical information."

“My pleasure Sir” Sarissa smiled back as she took a seat. “We need to know where we stand on supplies, so far we’re okay but there’s not much in the way of excess if we needed it. It might be worth trying to locate some backup medical supplies incase we ever need them.” She blushed as she found herself staring, and quickly looked away.

Jamie couldn't help but grin seeing her stare but wasn't too concerned "Let's address the elephant in the room" he stated then continued " It's been awhile since we met on Shore have you been?"

Sarissa smiled. “I’ve been very well, thank you. To be honest I never thought we’d ever see each other again. I’m glad that’s not so, we had a very special time on Risa. I know it’s known for being shore leave romance capital, where everyone meets and has a fling!” She grinned. “But... I’ve missed you.”

"Yes Risa does have that reputation indeed. Needless to say I was quite surprised to see your name on the Crew Roster a few days ago" Jamie stated with a grin " With all the people in Star Fleet the chances of meeting again, let alone serving on the same Ship, is quite astounding.....and I have thought of you from time to time."

“That’s nice to know” Sarissa smiled. “I know that holiday romances don’t always lead to anything, but...” she paused. “Would you consider having dinner with me later?”

"I would love to have dinner with you....but.....right now all the eyes of the Crew are on the Captain waiting to see how he conducts himself" Jamie explained then went on "I would happily take a rain check for a later time if you still want to have dinner" Jamie explained hoping Sarissa understood.

Sarissa nodded. “I understand, a rain check it is.” She smiled. “So now we’ve got the elephant out of the way, what do you expect of me? I consider myself to be not just a Counsellor, but your confidant in times of need. A sounding board if you will.”

"Thank you Counselor, I'm sure I'll be taking you up on that from time to time. As far as what I expect of you......look after the Crew both physically and mentally following all Star Fleet Regs and Protocols" O'Connell stated " Your duties are equally as important as mine are....just in different areas. You had mentioned needing more Medical Supplies; when we dock with the Base I would encourage you to meet with the CMO. If there're following Star Fleet protocols then he should have extra supplies on hand for you to grab for the Ship."

“Of course Sir” Sarissa smiled and nodded. “It’s going to keep me busy being Doctor and Counsellor, hopefully we’ll have a Chief Medical Officer at some point to help lighten the load.”

"That would be nice. However the Ship is equipped with the latest Emergency Medical Hologram so if your not on duty request the Computer to bring it online, that way you can get some rest and relax as well as enjoy a day off which we all need" Jamie explained before continuing "If the occasion ever arises where you become over taxed in Sick Bay please feel free to use the EMH as well. The Ship is equipped with Holo-emitters everywhere so the EMH can literally navigate anywhere on board, which should be quite beneficial at times."

“It most certainly will be!” Sarissa nodded. “After all I can’t do my own boarding medical. Well I could but Starfleet wouldn’t be happy about it.”

"No I suppose not" Jamie replied with a grin then stood offering his hand "I look forward to working with you Lieutenant Aloran.....unless you have something to add then you are dismissed and can return to your duties."

Sarissa stood taking Jamie’s hand. “It’s been nice talking to you again Sir.” She smiled warmly before letting go and heading for the door. “Ohh Jamie... I will look forward to that rain check.” With that she headed on her way.


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