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Post # 47 - A Science Thing

Posted on Mon Mar 20th, 2023 @ 3:31pm by Captain Jamie O'Connell & Lieutenant JG Johan Albo

Mission: Mission 9 Deal with the Devil
Location: USS Peel
Timeline: Concurrent


{Deck 1}

With only a couple more meetings with his Senior Staff left to do the Captain was eager to complete them so he could get back to the Bridge; although Number One was doing an excellent job while he was busy.

Tapping his Comm "Lieutenant JG Johan Albo please report to the Captain's Ready Room. Sipping his coffee Jamie pulled Johan's file and read it over before his arrival.

Lieutenant Albo heard the call and left the Bridge to meet with the Captain. Walking to the open door Johan knocked and waited for recognition.

Jamie looked up and smiled " Mr. Albo please come in and have a seat....make yourself comfortable" he ordered.

Johan walked in and sat with his feet flat on the floor and back straight "You wanted to see me Captain" he queried hoping this would be quick. Being in front of the C.O. made him a bit uncomfortable.

"Yes I wanted to get to know you a little better and please relax I don' bite....well not very hard anyways" he stated with a grin "You stated in the Senior Staff meeting that you are proficient in a few of the Sciences; which ones exactly."

Johan collected his thoughts for a moment before answering "Biology, Chemistry, and Stellar Cartography Sir" he replied feeling a little more at ease.

"That's a strange combination but I'm pleased to hear you're proficient in Stellar Cartography. If we have to map this part of Space it's nice to know I have a few people able to do the task properly" Jamie explained.

"Thank you Captain I would be happy to help out if the need arises" he answered "Or anywhere I'm needed in the Science Department."

"That's good to hear Mr.Albo....with a Crew of this size the more versatile each member is then the easier it'll make all out jobs" Jamie stated "Also I noticed at the Staff meeting you seem to have an eye for the Ladies."

Johan didn't know quite how to respond to the last statement "Yes Sir I suppose I do to some degree" he replied hoping he wasn't in any kind of trouble already.

Jamie grinned "I don't know as I blame you there are quite a few attractive women on this Ship; but be careful with your exploits I wouldn't want you to alienate the female population aboard" he commented sort of giving Johan a subtle warning.

"Yes Captain I will tread lightly....I wouldn't want that to happen either" he replied while thinking "This guy doesn't miss anything."

"Good, as long as we understand each other" Jamie replied "I'm pleased to see you know Operations as well.....good Ops Officers are hard to find in Star Fleet."

Johan grinned "Thank you Captain I will endeavor my best to live up to your expectations" he reassured the Captain.

"There's no doubt in my mind Mr. Albo" he stated then continued "So are you finding your Quarters suitable?"

"Yes Sir they are quite comfortable despite their smaller size" Johan replied "And I like the smaller size of the Ship as makes getting around so much more convenient."

"According to your file your previous assignment was aboard a Sovereign Class Ship; this size vessel must have been a shock to your system" Jamie assumed after reading over his file.

Johan chuckled "That's what I was alluding to when I mentioned the Saber Class being much more convenient to navigate. Most of the larger Ships have so much wasted space that could be much better utilized in my opinion Sir" he commented.

Jamie just grinned "Yes I agree with you, there is quite a bit of wasted or ill used space.....Star Fleet could adapt this type of layout on their larger vessels.....but that certainly is above my pay grade" he commented "So do you have any questions for me before I dismiss you?"

Johan thought for a moment "No Captain I think I'm good and thank you for the one on one" he replied with a smile.

The Captain stood offering his hand "You see I don't bite; I look forward serving together Mr. Albo. Dismissed" he stated with a smile.

The Lieutenant stood as well shaking the Captain's hand "As do I Captain" he replied, gave a nod then turned to go back to his duties.


Lieutenant JG Johan Albo
Science/Operations Officer
USS Peel

Captain Jamie O'Connell
Commanding Officer
USS Peel


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