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Post # 48 - Meeting Her

Posted on Tue Mar 21st, 2023 @ 9:00pm by Lieutenant JG Johan Albo & Lieutenant JG Sarissa Aloran
Edited on on Fri Mar 24th, 2023 @ 3:14pm

Mission: Mission 9 Deal with the Devil
Location: USS Peel
Timeline: Concurrent


Lieutenant JG Johan Albo wanted to get his Medical requirements taken care of and especially wanted to meet the cute blonde known as Sarissa. Tapping his Comm "Lieutenant Aloran this is Lieutenant Johan Albo, I would like to fulfill my Medical requirements if you have a few minutes to spare" he commented hoping for the best.

Between Counselling appointments for evaluations, and crew requesting Medicals Sarissa was keeping extra busy. She was just taking five minutes when Albo’s voice came over the comms. “Come on down to Medical Lieutenant, I’ll see you now.”

Johan navigated to Medical and walked through the doors and in front of him was Sarissa as he walked up to her with a smile "Thank you Lieutenant for seeing me at this time."

“My pleasure Lieutenant” Sarissa offered a warm smile. “Please call me Sarissa, it saves bouncing ranks back and forth!” She motioned to a nearby biobed. “Make yourself comfortable, and I’ll have your medical done in no time.”

Mr. Albo returned the warm smile as he lay on the Bio-bed "In that case please call me Johan" while looking into those gorgeous eyes of hers.

Sarissa couldn’t help but blush at the way Johan was looking at her, she smiled as she turned away to pick up a Medical tricorder. “So, is there anything Medical I should know about? Any recent injuries, or illnesses?”

Johan thought for a brief moment "No Sarissa none that come to mind....I guess you could say I'm just a healthy blue blooded Ragalian" he stated then gave her a wink.

Sarissa smiled the biggest smile yet. “Well that’s good to hear Johan.” She tapped her tricorder. “This won’t take long, I just need to get a baseline scan for our records.” She set the tricorder and got to work, it didn’t take long at all. “Well from what I can see you’re fit and healthy just like you said. I just need to take some bloods if that’s okay?”

"Take anything you need" Johan commented with a smile "As long as you leave enough for me."

“Ohh don’t worry I only need a tiny amount.” Sarissa picked up a hypo and slotted in a sample container. “This won’t hurt a bit” she gently pressed it to his neck and took the sample. “There all done.”

"Thanks for leaving me some. Now that the Medical is finished I guess we need to talk some more so you can see I'm not nuts or anything" he commented wanting to spend some more time with really cute blonde.

“Indeed we do” Sarissa motioned to the rear of sickbay. “We can talk in my office, it’s still a work in progress but it’s got some creature comforts.” She lead the way walking into the office she motioned to a small sofa, or comfy chair, both had comfy cushions and she even had a faux fur rug on the floor. “I’m a woman who loves her comforts!” She grinned.

Johan followed the Counselor into her Office while enjoying the view as she walked ahead of him. Not wanting to seem too over eager he decided to grab the chair instead of the couch as he commented " You've done well decorating your office so far" he commented as he sat "And the chair is very comfortable.....I see why you like your comforts."

“Well when you’ve been...” She paused as she looked at the web of implants on her hand. “Never mind.” She sat on the sofa. “So... how are you settling in onboard ship?”

Johan noticed Sarissa was going to say something and didn't but he decided to let it slide for now " Very well and I especially like the compactness of the Ship which makes it much easier to navigate around" he replied still looking into those beautiful eyes.

“That’s good” Sarissa nodded, pausing as she found herself looking back into Johan’s eyes. She blushed as she looked down at her PADD. “Do you err... have any worries? Anything you’d like to talk about?”

Johan purposely paused like he was thinking then looked at Sarissa with a smile "I really don't have any worries but there is something I would like to talk about......I was wondering if you would be gracious enough to have dinner with me tonight....let's say eighteen hundred in the Mess Hall....civilian attire" he queried hoping for the right answer.

Sarissa opened her mouth to speak before closing it again, she hadn’t expected that response. “I err...” she blushed as she smiled. “I would like that very much. Thank you Johan.”

Johan grinned as he could tell he had taken her completely by surprise by her somewhat flustered state of mind at the moment " So Counsellor this has to prove I'm not nuts by asking a gorgeous woman out to dinner" he commented still grinning.

Sarissa grinned. “Well I had already come to that conclusion.” She put her PADD down on the table. “Why me?” She gave him a curious look. “Most men steer clear of me because I’m an ex-b”

"First of all I'm not most men.....secondly there is just something about you I find intriguing and really want to get to know you better.....and lastly 'Ex' is the operative word; the fact you used to be a 'b' makes no difference to me whatsoever" Johan commented being very serious at the moment.

Sarissa smiled, it was nice to meet someone so direct and honest. “Thank you Johan, I guess I just needed to hear that. Roll on tonight.”

After a few moments of silence Johan spoke up "I have probably taken up enough of your time and I should be getting back to the Science Department.....I look forward to dinner tonight" he replied with a smile.

“Likewise” Sarissa smiled and nodded. “Until later.”

Johan stood with a smile and turned to head back to the Science department; little did he know his 'playing the field' would come to an end soon by his own desire.


Lieutenant JG Sarissa Aloran
ACMO/Chief Counselor
USS Peel

Lieutenant JG Johan Albo
USS Peel


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