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Post # 49 - Chief To Chief

Posted on Wed Mar 22nd, 2023 @ 5:05am by Captain Jamie O'Connell & Lieutenant Commander Angel Devroe & Lieutenant Kalva Ren
Edited on on Fri Mar 24th, 2023 @ 3:14pm

Mission: Mission 9 Deal with the Devil
Location: USS Peel
Timeline: Concurrent


{Deck 1}

After meeting with another one of his Senior Officers O'Connell decided to take a break and stretch his legs; he wasn't used to sitting for so long. Making his way onto the Bridge he walked over to Devroe "Number One report" he ordered with a smile.

Lt.CMDR. stood out of respect for her Captain "Things are going well Sir.....we're right on schedule moving towards the Star Base" she replied ready to relinquish her seat if need be.

"Excellent and please hold your seat, I just needed to stretch my legs before meeting with another Senior officer"Jamie explained then stood next to Devroe for a few minutes. Looking at her and speaking in a low voice "I'm not used to sitting for so long" he stated with a light chuckle.

"No Captain you don't strike me as someone who hides in his Ready Room most of the day" Angel replied with a chuckle of her own.

After a couple more minutes "I guess I should get back at you were Number One" he stated with a smile then turned to go back to his Office. While on the way he tapped his Comm "Lieutenant Kalva Ren please report to the Captain's ready Room" came the request as her entered. Jamie sat and pulled up Kalva's file in preparation for their meeting.

Stepping off of the turbolift onto the bridge, Kalva pauses for a moment to scan the room, identifying the door to the ready room he steps towards it. A tap pad, tap pad, tap pad moved with him as he crossed the bridge to the door. As he got close Kalva sent a mental command to the door to open and he stepped right in.

"First of Many... Captain" stopping in front of his desk "How may I serve?"

The Captain looked up when he heard the door slide open and was a little surprised to see his Engineering Chief just waltz into his Office....but Jamie decided to let it slide as it seemed to be his way. "Lieutenant Ren, please have a seat and make yourself comfortable....can I offer you something to drink" Jamie said with a smile thinking this could be an interesting meeting.

"Yes, Ckomba" sitting in the offered chair. When the Captain looks confused at the requested beverage Kalva says "I have already entered my culinary requirements into the ships computer." When Jamie looks up the beverage later he sees that it is fermented from the blood of a small rodent that is native to his home world.

Handing the glass of viscous green liquid to Kalva, Jamie pauses for a moment then steps around his desk to take a seat. Before he can say anything notifications begin to pop up on his screen.

"You have my reports on this ships systems" having just loaded them directly to the Captains systems as Kalva finds the use of PADDs as an unnecessary step in communicating data to others. "As with all Federation systems I have encountered, this ships computers and systems are relatively primitive. Though there may be opportunities to make the system more efficient, there are limits to what can be done with existing systems."

As the Captain yet again begins to speak Kalva continues "I have reviewed the personnel assigned to the Technologists department and have included my review of their acceptability as Technologists." Swallowing his drink in a single gulp he says "That is all that I have to report at this time." Setting down the glass on the Captains desk he begins to stand up.

O'Connell sees his most unusual Officer begin to stand "Lieutenant please remain seated, I do have a few questions to ask you before you depart "he ordered then went on "This meeting is to get you and I a chance to get to know one another a little better and may I say your thoroughness is exemplary.....I see by your file you had quite the trauma as a there anything that you require to make your Quarters or Engineering better suited to your needs."

"Trauma" thinking for a moment "you speak of the incident that forced my upgrades before meeting the age of choice." Holding up his cybernetic arm and flexing the hand "yes, not the enhancements that I had thought I would seek when the time came were a bit different than what I needed at the time." Flexing his hand again "but they have served me well over the years."

"Though, with the integration of Borg technology into our own, it has opened up many new opportunities for the Mek-Purr to expand our cyber systems base, especially since they seem to have acquired technology from across the galaxy. It has definitely opened up paths of inquiry that we would not have even considered had they not come along."

Having only dealt with Humans for only a few months at the Star Fleet Academy, Kalva was still unable to interpret Human facial expressions, but he was sure that what he was seeing on the Captains face was a mixture of shock and horror at the thought of anyone actively using Borg technology.

Shrugging internally as it was not really his concern what the Captain thought, he continues "as for my living arrangements here on the ship, they are acceptable. Your replicator technology is allowing me to customize the chamber to fit my needs with little effort."

"The more time I spend within the Federation, the more I see opportunity for trade between our two cultures."

The Captain smiled finding navigating his Chief's communication and mannerism's somewhat easier with each passing minute "I couldn't even imagine what your transformation must have been like but by the looks of things you have adapted quite well "he replied "Please make whatever modifications to your Quarters that you feel necessary for your comfort. How are you finding Engineering and working with your Staff."

"Somewhat cumbersome." Jamie notices that the biological hand is flexing somewhat on the arm of the chair and it reminds him of a house cat kneading a cushion as the claws extend slightly with the movement. "We were warned before accepting this assignment to Your Federation" with an emphasis on the 'your' "regarding the fact that your culture prefers to use hominids to perform both mundane and dangerous tasks rather than use robotics and cybernetic automation to do such things."

"I find your system of organization using biologicals to be slow and inefficient, not to mention that a Mek-Purr equivalent ship of this designation would be manned by 5-6 Mek-Purr and the remaining systems would be managed by robotics and cyber systems. Reducing the need for so much of the ships systems to be taken up by life support and supplies to support the living crew."

"That all aside, this is supposed to be a learning experience for me and my cohorts who have come to the Federation. So I will have need to learn how to interact with so many individuals. I am sure that the Federation Firsts who have gone to serve on Mek-Purr vessels will find relief in not having to manage so many beings to maintain their ships within maximum operating efficiency."

"I'm sure in time you will get used to our systems and who knows in the future Star Fleet may just go the route you suggested using non human equivalents to man the majority of the Ships" Jamie responded knowing that it probably wouldn't be in his lifetime "As far as interaction with the Crew, once you get comfortable with your Staff perhaps take them to the Lounge for some drinks and get to know them it will help to build teamwork in the Department. Then from there you can fan out and meet others of the Crew as time goes on" Jamie explained then paused "Do you have any questions about what we've discussed or about the Ship/Crew in general?"

"At this time I do not, I will endeavor to learn to work with your crew as that is part of the reason I am here."

The Captain stood out of respect for his Chief "I would rather you start thinking about the Engineering Staff as your Crew since you will be working closely with them. If there is nothing further, then you are free to return to your duties and I look forward serving together and leaning from each other as well" he stated with a smile.



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