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Crew Compliment

Posted on Wed Mar 22nd, 2023 @ 5:59am by Lieutenant Kalva Ren

Mission: Mission 9 Deal with the Devil
Location: USS Peel
Timeline: Current

Considering the size of the crew I expect that this will most likely be the breakdown of crew and positions, Based loosely off of US Naval staffing requirements.

The following crew compliment is 14 Officers and 45 Noncoms (as per the Sabre class ship the ship is 15 Officers and 45 Noncoms). And yes, Engineering is the biggest department, but they are generally about 50% of a crew compliment as there are more systems to be maintained than any other department would have for operations alone):

Ships Captain
1st Officer
Ships Yeoman

Chief Helm Officer
Helm Specialist x3

Chief Navigator
Nav Specialist x3

Chief of Comm
Comm Specialist x3

Chief Engineer
Engineering Officer - Power
Engineering Tech x5
Engineering Officer - Drives
Engineering Tech x6
Engineering Officer - Computer/Electronics
Engineering Tech x2
Engineering Officer - Mechanical/Damage Control
Engineering Tech x6

Chief Science Officer
Lab Tech x4

Chief Medical Officer
Asst Medical Officer/Counselor
Med Tech x2

Chief Security Officer
Senior Security
Security x6

Support Services:
Chief of Supply/Purser
Supply Tech


So if this is acceptable to the Captain we can use this as a foundation for working with the NPC's on the ship to maintain a level of consistency in posting.


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Comments (1)

By Lieutenant Commander Ramvek Williams M.D. on Thu Mar 23rd, 2023 @ 3:50pm

Acceptable Lieutenant Ren.