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Post # 51 - Marines

Posted on Fri Mar 24th, 2023 @ 3:13pm by Lieutenant Maria SanChez

Mission: Mission 9 Deal with the Devil
Location: USS Peel
Timeline: Concurrent


{Deck 5}

Now that Maria had met with the Captain in the morning and checked on some Security equipment it was early afternoon. She decided to head to Marine Country, as they call it, and introduce herself to Captain Hunt and have a conversation about Ship's Security.

Walking into Marine Country, or more like an area on Deck 5, SanChez noticed a group of Marines standing and talking nearby "Excuse me but could you point me to your C.O.'s Office' she queried looking rather somber.

A young female Marine walked over "What are you doing in Marine Country bitch" came the reply with a straight glaring stare.

As Maria heard the 'cat calls' from the rest of the Marines, her first instinct was to rip her heard off and shove it down her neck but she had been around Marines long enough to know when they were just having some fun as she replied looking a the women's chest "So those bumps under your that what's passing for boobs now days" Maria replied as she stood her ground and hearing more 'cat calls'.

The Marine suddenly grinned as she snapped to attention "Private Anderson Sir. Begging the Lieutenant's pardon we were just having a little fun" she commented.

Now it was SanChez's turn for some fun "Ok about you hold that position until I tell you otherwise" she ordered still with a straight face.

"Yes Sir!!!" came the reply. SanChez walked away about a half dozen steps, stopped, turned "Private as you were" then broke out into a smile as she turned back towards the C.O.'s Office.

"Touche" Maria heard the Private call out after her.

SanChez walked over to the open door and knocked waiting for a response out of respect for the C.O. Captain Hunt looked up "Yes Lieutenant may I help you" he asked.

"Yes I'm Lieutenant Maria SanChez Chief Security/Tactical Officer; I thought we may have a word concerning Ship's Security if you have a few minutes" she explained with a smile.

Hearing that Hunt stood and walked around his deck returning the smile "Sure thing SanChez please come in and have a seat" he commented then sat himself.

"I heard a commotion just before you knocked, did my people give you a hard time" Hunt asked.

"Not really, one of your female marines and I were just getting to know one another" Maria replied with a grin.

Hunt just gave her a look "Let me guess....Private Anderson.....I hope she's not going to turn into a problem child with only eight of us total" he replied.

"Nah, she's just a" then she paused "Little high spirited. Trust me Captain I've dealt with a lot worse over the years being a female and all" Maria explained.

"Admiral Snow approached me to be CO for the Viper Squad and allowed me to hand pick my own people. I grabbed seven young Marines both men and women; I wanted to get Marines who are not of the old mindset of Fleet versus Marine. The Admiral wants the blending of Security and Marines to be seamless and I'm determined to do just that" Hunt explained.

"I'm right there with you Captain besides I can use the extra people power. With having to man Tactical on the Bridge three shifts a day that doesn't leave many bodies for Security so you can Imagine I need this to work" SanChez replied.

Hunt grinned "Just so you know where my head is at, even though we are of the same rank, as far as I'm concerned being the Security Chief I will gladly follow your orders" he reassured Maria.

"Sounds good to me Captain; I'm sure we'll all work just fine together. Ship's Yeoman should be scheduling Marines and Security together starting next week for all three shifts" she explained "My people are well aware of the upcoming transition and are willing to make this work."

"From what you're telling me there is no doubt in my mind that this won't work out well" Hunt replied being very hopeful.

"Well Captain this was a good discussion but I'm due on the Bridge soon; looking forward working together" Maria commented then stood to leave the area.

Hunt stood "Yes it was Lieutenant, I'm sure we'll be in regular contact with each other as time goes on to ensure our success" he replied with a smile.

SanChez gave the Captain a 'thumbs up' with a smile then turned to make her way back to the Bridge.


Lieutenant Maria SanChez
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
USS Peel


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