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Post # 0010 " Game of Thrones"

Posted on Sat Sep 11th, 2021 @ 3:51am by Commodore Sureth

Mission: Captives
Location: Savai
Timeline: Concurrent to post 009


Captain Log Stardate :

" Summoned to Savai only to be told to wait for a decision was not fun at the Academy nor now. But alas we wait for the councils return. This leader, the Viceroy has thus far be very secretive. I will play along for a while longer..
Log Concluded

Sureth was past patience even for a Vulcan as he awaited the return of the council. The legitament people were quiet about their past especially once they figured out their origin story. But there were parts that still needed answers and Sureth was determined to find it out.

Kodos was cordial enough but he had not won Fesra over just yet. So when the Viceroy returned to the council room Sureth exhaled a bit.

" Captain I appreciate your patience in this matter. It is a delicate thing to reveal you were once a slave." Viceroy stated.

He moved to the side of the podium and added.
" Our complete culture and history has been unraveled and we are just now putting together pieces of a truth. Add to that we have to take into account the coup and the add realizations that the Fur people are not as savage as we once believed. When we approached the Federation we hoped you would help us unite our selves but it would seem that there are divisions of this council that prefer to live in the dark. Therefore we are asking for a postponement if our enlistment to join the Federation."

Sureth listened and then replied.

" We came as you requested Viceroy. We even moved our space station to sit above your world and provide you with protection and a neutral voice. We even provided you with the technology to communicate. Would you have us leave and remove this station from your world?"

Fesra yowled.
" If they do then we will ask you to stay. My people are natives to this world and welcome the Federation to guard our skies. For too long the Legitimate have hovered about us...their crystals falling on us killing us. No more."

A hush filled the hall.

" There is no talk of you leaving Captain we just fear the Corjii's returning."

" We will help you forge a peace Viceroy." Sureth replied

" Our history shows them to be fanatically religious to their gods and ways. When we rebelled we were able to vanquish their great orb. But now it is said the orb has returned." Viceroy replied.

Kodos joined Sureth.

" Viceroy the Federation repelled the Corjii with their own ship. We have no stronger a protector that Captain Sureth and his station."

" Very well. I can over ride the councils wishes and will do so Kodos. Captain our fate is in your hands." Viceroy said.

Fesra walked around both Kodos and Sureth, swishing them with her tail.

" And I will return to the station to make sure he keeps his word "



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