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Post # 009 " Canteen Supper "

Posted on Sun Sep 5th, 2021 @ 12:48am by 2nd Lieutenant John Dallas & Lieutenant Isabelle Veran-Dallas

Mission: Captives
Location: Starbase Mercury
Timeline: Concurrent to post 006


< Medical Bay >

Security on the station was slim but efficient and even more so as Master Sergeant Dallas implemented the lastest gadgets to assist him. Until a department chief arrived Dallas was the sheriff.

Naming his android service units Deputy One and Two the little round bots patrolled the corridors efficiently along with their little blue and white lights blinking.

Passing the Counselor Deputy one stopped her.

\ Greetings Citizen/ it said.

Isabelle was surprised to find android deputies, not that androids were unusual they were regularly used. “Greetings” She offered her usual customary smile.

\ Have a nice rest of your day/ Deputy one told her.

Ahead of her the presence of Master Sergeant Dallas exited the lift passing Deputy One..

"Counselor you shouldn't be walking along. May I escort you to wherever you're heading?" Dallas asked Isabella.

Isabelle smiled warmly as she looked at Dallas. “I was just heading to see my father, to let him know I’m alright after recent events. It would be nice to have some company.”

" He is off the station on a mission. The Captain asked me to check in on you."

“He is?” Isabelle smiled. “In that case I’m grateful you came. I may as well head to my quarters, would you mind walking me home?”

" As acting sheriff yes ma'am. Ms Isabella are you having dinner with anyone?" Dallas replied.

“Actually no” Isabelle shook her head.

" Well I think I would be negligent to not offer. " Dallas replied as the lift doors opened. John had seen Isabella on the station often but given her pregnancy he didnt approach. But as scuttlebutt often was useful he heard she was single and decided to at least ask her to dinner.

Isabelle was surprised to be invited, she smiled warmly as she looked at Dallas. “I’d like that, thank you.”

John smiled as Isabella was gorgeous and had a warm disposition with only one draw back. She was the Captain's daughter.

" Lounge or Private dinner? I make a hell of a canteen surprise?" joked Dallas.

“I think I like the idea of a private one, I’d love to see this canteen surprise though!” Isabelle grinned.

" I will pick you up at 2000 hours ma'am...I mean Ms Isabella. I'll surprise you." Dallas smiled.

Isabelle nodded. “In that case I’ll look forward to it. In the meantime can I interest you in a drink? That’s if you have time?”

" Let me tap the controls to continue patrol and yes I'll clock out." Dallas replied. He also reserved a Holo suite and prepared their evening.

Reaching her quarters Alicia paused in the doorway. “Just come on in when you’re done.” With that she headed inside.

Setting up his plans Dallas entered Isabellas quarters with a sense of euphoria. Isabella was a lady in all senses of that word.

“All sorted?” Isabelle smiled as she looked at Dallas. “I hope I’m not taking you away from anything important, my father won’t be pleased if I am.”

" My deputies and Sergeant Hajab are also on patrol. So I booked us a holo suite and canteen stew instead of soup. Some of the staff helped make it some I shared. That little baby will sleep all night for you after one bowl. How many weeks are you Ms Isabella?" Dallas replied.

Isabelle smiled. “I’m currently 25 weeks, just over the 6 month mark.” She rested her hand on her bump.

" I will just have to make sure I dont serve anyhing that might induce labor. Shall we go?" replied John.

“Don’t worry I’ve still got another 3 months to go yet.” Isabelle smiled as she stood ready to go.

< Holosuite D >

The scene was a large series of tree houses over looking a canyon Heavy security perimeters were in place to help Isabella feel comfortable.

" Welcome to the top of the world."

“It’s so beautiful here!” Isabelle marvelled at the site. “Where is this? I would love to see it for real.”

" Savai...the planet below us. They have crystals that are magnetically the same as the planets core. This allows islands to float all over the place. This tree had a house built into it. I stayed there a few weeks ago. This is a recollection of what I saw." Dallas replied. " Ma'am I understand the child’s father is not in the picture. I hope you will allow me to call upon you in the future?"

Isabelle gave Dallas a warm smile. “Cal decided that he wasn’t ready to be a father” she sighed. “I would like that very much John.” It was the first time that she’d used his first name hoping he didn’t mind.

" I like how you say... John.... empathizing the hn. This is my famous has quibasa...." and other wholesome meats with veggies.

Isabelle licked her lips. “Mmmm it smells and looks delicious! I’ve never tried quibasa so this will be a first for me.”

John smiled wildly as he hadn't done so in many years with a lady.

" After dinner...I arranged for an air skiff ride over the pride lands. The Furs, live out there in prides. They use a unique air ship system. It really cool."

“In that case I’ll look forward to experiencing it!” Isabelle smiled warmly before politely eating some of her stew. She nodded as she tucked in enthusiastically. “Mmmm... where did you learn to cook? This is amazing!!”

" It's hash. In the corp bivouac...cook or starve. What about you Mommy to be? Will baby Isabella be a robost lassy?" John asked.

“Actually...” Isabelle grinned. “Baby Isabelle is a boy, and I’m undecided on a name so far. I’m going to have to make a shortlist of names that I like.”

" Welln John has always been a strong name." Dallas joked

Isabelle smiled a warm smile. “That’s true, I’ll add it to my shortlist.” She found herself admiring Dallas as she politely ate some more of her stew, she was enjoying it immensely.

" What it does is soothe your tummy and helps you sleep well on cold nights. I couldn't booze you up so what better than good food for an expectant mother. " John replied .

A virtual surprise of a hot fudge cake suddenly appeared for dessert.

" This is my festish... hot fudge cake." John added.

“Mmmm cake!!” Isabelle practically grinned from ear to ear. “Now this is definitely one of my vices, I love cake! Even more so since I became pregnant!”

John enjoyed this moment as he remembered his own past relationships and their ends. No other was willing to share him and his career choice. But the Mercury was strangely more than a posting. Unlike the Amandora this was more like a home.

" Enjoy beautiful lady. More to come after dinner as our skiff ride awaits." Dallas replied.

Isabelle nodded and politely dug into her cake savouring every little morsel until her plate was clear. She sat back in her seat resting her hands on her rounded stomach. “Thank you so much for this John, I’m having such a lovely time.”

" So my next dinner invite needs to be more impressive. Maybe a weiner roast near one of the Sagittarius suns?" he joked.

Suddenly the fun was cut short as his chime rang out.

[ Ops to Master Sergeant Dallas. An alien shuttle craft has entered our orbit. Security is at yellow alert.]

" Acknowledged. Counselor I have to leave but please stay and enjoy."

Isabelle’s smile faded a little. “I would but I think you could use my help, my senses may be of some use.”

" It might be nothing or very dangerous."

Isabelle nodded. “I’ll stay back out of the way, but if you’d rather I didn’t accompany you then that’s fine.”

" You might be right having you there might be better after all. Computer save program." Dallas ordered. He then walked over and steadied Isabella before the chair vanished.

" I feel safer already." Dallas smiled.

“No I’m the one who already feels safer” Isabelle smiled as she looked into Dallas’ eyes.

Dallas led them out as they went in search of answers.



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