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Post #008 Testing Seeds

Posted on Mon Aug 30th, 2021 @ 12:47am by Lieutenant Lily Crawford

Mission: Captives
Location: Science Labs
Timeline: Just after 006

Lily left the arboretum and headed to the science labs. She put the seeds in one of the biology labs, ready to run some tests on them - but first she needed some sleep.

She had written a full report of what had happened to her after she had been taken from the station until she had been rescued by the Bohr while she had been in Ops, but she had worked a full duty shift there after being awake all night and working a full day the previous day. She was exhausted. There was no way she was going to be able to do any serious work. She could, however, get an experiment started.

"Computer, set up the small containment zone in Biology Lab A." she ordered after extracting a seed from each of the packets he had given her and putting them in the appropriate containers. These she put into the area where the containment zone would go up. She pinched the bridge of her nose. "Insert into the containment zone all the gasses in the percentages found in the atmosphere found at the surface of the planet known as Savai."

<> The computer intoned. <>

"Computer, leave containment zone with gasses intact until I order it to be taken down." Lily said. "Authorization Crawford-echo-delta."


Lily nodded and turned to leave the lab. It was a basic test, probably one that would return no problems with the seeds in Savai's atmosphere, but she promised that she would run anything she could think of. This she could run while she slept, and do the rest tomorrow.



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