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Post # 007 " Sacred Texts part 1 "

Posted on Thu Aug 26th, 2021 @ 6:21pm by Commodore Sureth

Mission: Captives
Location: Savai
Timeline: Concurrent to Post 006


< Savai >
The orange and white sky overview was Captain Sureth's vision as he piloted down to the surface. His runabout nestled well into his parking hold if the orbiting legitimate island where the Onvoy and Kodos the Ambasssdor awaited him.

Sureth also availed to bring the Furvian Ambassador Fesra along with.

" They will never trust you Captain. You scare them," Fesra told Sureth.
" Do I scare you as well?" Sureth replied.
" No I would eat you alive." Fesra yowled.
" On Vulcan we have sehlats. I raised three...the key to them is to scratch the back of their ears like this." Sureth replied as he rubbed the back of Fesra's. The effect paused her as his numbing fingers were enticing. But then she resisted.
" Dont ever do that again."

" Then don't threaten me again." Sureth replied with a raised eye brow.

Fesra and Sureth strolled together into the governing hall never once visited by a fur. Fesra was nervous as her tail whipped about.

" Welcome to the great hall honored guests " said the Onvoy.

" Thank you." Sureth replied.
Fesra nodded and sat on the floor beside Sureth's chair.

Sureth took the floor and addressed the Legitimate leaders and Ambassador Kodos.

";We believe we have made contact with the Corjii. A leader named Heldon tried to kidnap all of our female staff on the station, including Ambassador Fesra. He says he is looking for the procreate with his god . Are you aware of any of this in your culture?"

" We will have to look through the sacred texts Captain. This may take some time. Please find lodging for the Captain and Ambassador Fesra." Onvoy replied.

Sureth was not happy to have to stay with all that was going on the station but his Number One and Number Two officers had earned his respect.



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