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Post # 006 Speaking with the Captain...and others

Posted on Wed Aug 25th, 2021 @ 11:38pm by Commodore Sureth & Crewman Recruit Leaf Brol & Lieutenant Lily Crawford

Mission: Captives
Location: Operations/Arboretum
Timeline: Current

< SB Mercury >

It was a relief to be back on the station. Lily had taken five minutes to change from her pajamas, which she had been wearing when they took her from her bed, into her uniform for her talk with the captain. Then she made her way to Operations to speak with him.

Sureth was very punctual as he had a lot to do today both on the station and planetside. With the reception canceled the two factions were now arguing again.

" Lt Crawford it is agreeable to have you back on duty." the Captain greeted.

"Thank you Captain Sureth, it is good to be back on board the station." Lily replied. "I hope to stay put a little longer this time."

" For sure. In fact I wish to offer the added role of Second Officer if you are interested. Normally I would offer this to tactical but you are becoming a very valuable team member." Sureth replied.

"Thank you." Lily said. "I am honored. Since you are offering, I accept." Lily had spent a fair bit of time at the science station on the bridge of her last ship, and knew some of the ins-and-outs of command, but she had never considered herself ore than a scientist. "I have never been anything more than a scientist, but will endeavor to do my best."

"We are all more than the sum of our parts Lieutenant. I am headed planetside. You have the con while I am away. Try to not mess it up too much." Sureth punned as he turned and exited.

Lily watched him go, then moved to the science station for the time being. She could always move around the room if necessary should something come up. "There could be retribution from the Corji. Tactical, please keep an eye out for their ships."

There was an acknowledgement from the tactical station.

Brol visited the bridge and immediately took the center to see Lily. In its hand was a blossomed Lily of the valley plant that it just grew upon seeing her.

" For you My Lily, genus lilium." said Brol .

"Brol, this is lovely." Lily said. "Thank you."

" Are you ill Lily? Your skin is flushed perhaps you need to see the Doctor Hiri, feline erectus.'

Lily frowned and held the back of her hand to her forehead. "I feel fine, and not feverish. Last night was very unusual and rather dangerous. It's probably just that. I was checked out on the Bohr and given the all clear." Lily replied, unwilling to leave her post.

" Come see me in the arboretum later so we can talk more" Brol replied as it left her side and headed to the lift.

Lily watched him go, then felt her face again. She felt fine, and wondered what Brol was talking about. She gave a shrug, and looked down at her console. There were things she could be doing.

Time passed. There were a few questions she needed to answer, and she moved among the other crew, occasionally touching the back of a hand as she helped answer a question. She had always been touchy-feely to a certain extent, and had learned to hover her hand over other people's and look to see if they seemed uncomfortable before lowering hers onto theirs.

She was talking with an ensign assigned to the security station when she accidentally scratched the back of his hand. "Oh, I'm sorry." she said, whipping her hand away and tucking it behind her. "I didn't realize my nails had gotten so long."

"It's ok. No blood, no foul." he assured her. They finished their chat regarding a drill that needed to be run and Lily returned to her station.

When her relief showed up, she thanked them and headed for the arboretum.

< Arboretum >

Brol loved this place and called it home. As the doors opened all the plants made known the arrival of a non plant.

"Brol?" Lily called out. She had not been in this arboretum yet, and was unfamiliar with the place. She started walking, and then saw him. "Ah, there you are." she said with a smile. She moved over to him. "I'm sorry I brushed you off in Ops, but the Captain put me in charge, and that's not something I'm used to. I needed to focus on it."

((( I am always available. Just think of me))) Brol mentally replied.

Lily recoiled in surprise. "How did you do that?" she asked. "Did you use telepathy on me?"

((( Plant Speak )))
" It is a gift to speak to all forms of life. Some carbon based biopeds are also mind speakers. I can read minds my Lily. I am glad you feel better." Brol replied with his translator voice. " Do you like liquids. Brol made an herbal tea to calm anxiety in biopeds." Brol offered.

"I don't need any tea, thank you." Lily said, taking a deep breath. "Brol, where I come from, it's really bad to read other people's minds without their permission."

" I have heard this. In the society of Brol all is open and pure. If one needs reassurance or support we know and are there for one another. I will not read you any longer
A food source and a grass Lily." Brol replied as its leaves sort of wilted.

"Thank you Brol. I don't mean to be rude, but when I want help I ask for it." Lily tried to explain. "That is probably the biggest difference between our species. You are not naturally vocal, so you have to rely on other ways of communicating." she paused. "I'll tell you what. Since it's you, and you're pretty unique, I give you permission to talk to me whenever using your natural speaking ability."

" Agreed my Lily." Brol replied. " I have the first seedlings for the transplants down to Savai. A grass for erosion and a kale food source for the humanoids. As science person can you examine my work?" Brol replied.

"I can, but biology isn't my specialty." Lily replied. "The best I'll be able to do is make sure the seedlings are chemically compatible with the atmosphere and the soils they are going in, and that the kale is edible for the humanoids who will be eating it. There are probably other tests biologists would run on it. It's better than running a tricorder over it and telling you that they're fertile seeds and the kale is edible, though." she smiled. "Do you have some samples I could take to the lab?"

" These are ready." Brol produced. " They are without sentience."
"Excellent. Ethically, I could not work on something that was sentient without its permission." Lily replied. "I suppose as their progenitor, you would have been able to give it anyway. But I still would have felt rather awkward." She held out her hand for them.

" I have learned that humans once aborted their progeny? Was this for food consumption?" Brol asked.

Lily frowned. "No. We do not eat our own kind. We call that cannibalism - it is taboo - pretty much forbidden." she replied. What had she learned about abortion. "People used to abort unborn children because they didn't have the ability to take care of them, I think. Now, with a society that supports life, there is more support for children, even helpless infants. Isabelle's child will be cared for even when she is working. She will have access to medical care for the baby, and food that helps it grow and thrive. That was not always the case."

" I would sacrifice my life to save my Lily if you were hungry. Brol flesh is full of nutrients."

"I hope it never comes to that, Brol." Lily replied.

Brol shivered and continued its work. Other seeds had to be grafted if the task was to work.



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