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Post # 005 " Rapture "

Posted on Fri Aug 20th, 2021 @ 4:12pm by Commodore Sureth & Lieutenant Hiri & 2nd Lieutenant John Dallas & Captain Shauna Callaghan & Lieutenant Isabelle Veran-Dallas & Lieutenant Lily Crawford & Lieutenant Bob Covenant & Lieutenant JG Nic Covenant

Mission: Captives
Location: Blue ship/ USS Bohr
Timeline: Following Post 2 and 3


< Bohr >

The race was on but the blue ship was already at the presiface of the opening to the Sphere. Scanning ahead the ship was met with gravimetric pressure and radiation flowing into the quasar.

The shimmering of power diversion was maintained by the operations officer Nic Covenant but not enough to maintain the emergency command hologram. Sureth disappeared.

" Dad we need you on the bridge." Nic called down to engineering and specifically Lt Bob Covenant the Chief Engineer.

< Sphere >

Heldon guided Lily through the void and they were transported to the other side of the sphere.

" It worked. I have never been aboard the Great Sphere. You are truly the Incubus." Heldon told Lily.

"Yes, but at what cost? I don't want to be stuck here for the rest of my life. I have so much to learn, and to share with others. I could be a go between for your people and the Federation." Lily replied. She glanced back to see if the myst was still there. "This is wonderous and amazing, and I want to know more, but I also want to see my people again."

" This is but a mere room Incubus. The true power is beyond," Heldon pointed. " If the gods are present they will come for you. I too seek an audience but in order to do so I had to bring an Incubus..." Heldon nudged Lily to go forward.

But they paused as a floating sentry shaped like a glowing crystal appeared. First red then purple then blue, green and orange. It spoke but the universal translator did not discern its words. But Heldon did and paused his advance forward.

" I can not go further. No male of our kind has ever seen the gods . You can."

Lily didn't move, despite the nudge. "I will not go, unless you promise me that the other women you hold in that circular room will go back to the station. Immediately." Her voice was hard, uncompromising. "You wanted me. They never should have been brought here."

Heldon stared at Lily as nothing had ever defied his orders before.
" If you do not go all of the others will die." Heldon warned.

< Bohr >

The Bohr arrived and immediately hailed the blue ship but to no avail as it did not respond.
" Dad...I mean sir I have our people and can beam them out. No shields are up." Nic said.

" Do it son," Bob ordered.

All beamed to the Bohr except Lily who was no longer aboard.

< Sphere>

Your first duty is to escape. Lily wanted to know what was beyond the room she was in, but she could not stay here. She leaned down and bit his wrist, hard, then kicked him for good measure and ran back through the myst.

Heldon yelled but watched as Lily vanished and then the worst occurred as the myst closed on him.

< Blue ship >

The Corjii faltered to look for the females. One spied Lily but instead of grabbing her it bowed followed by the others.

Lily looked into the room. "Where are the other women?" she asked.

No spoke but suddenly she knew why as the transporter enveloped her spiriting her away from the Corjii minions.

< USS Bohr >

Lt Covenant did not relinquish command to the XO as she and the others had to go to sickbay. He did however launch a single quantum torpedo at the blue ship and paused its plan to pursue them.

" This is Lt Covenant acting captain. We will be back on Starbase Mercury in a few hours. Get some rest you deserve it."

In sickbay Hiri argued with a Nurse and Fesra hissed at hers.

Lily didn't think she had ever been so relieved to see the inside of a Starfleet ship. "Thank the stars." she sighed with relief.

Isabelle breathed a huge sigh of relief as she was checked over. Given the stress of it all she was given a clean bill of health. She made her way across to Lily offering a smile. “Are you alright?”

"Yes, I am." Lily replied. "Are you?" A nurse was gesturing to her, so she got on the biobed and let the nurse check her over.

Isabelle stepped aside out of the nurse’s way. “I’m fine, we’ve both been given a full bill of health.” She rested her hand on her rounded stomach. We were lucky today, especially you.”

"I'm glad you're fine." Lily said. "Both of you. If he could have given me an assurance you would have been safe, I might have gone into that sphere."

“I guess he never gave you any assurances?” Isabelle looked at Lily curiously.

"Quite the opposite." Lily said. "He told me if I didn't go along with that whole 'see his god' thing the rest of you would be killed. So I bit him and kicked him and ran back through the portal. The rest of you had already been beamed over." she sighed. "I'm glad of that."

“You’re not the only one!” Isabelle smiled. “I’m just glad you managed to get away. I mean... we did get away right? This isn’t just some shared illusion?”

"I'm pretty sure it's not a shared illusion." Lily said. "I could try pinching myself if you want?"

“No it’s okay, it’s just me being silly” Isabelle smiled. “I need to let my father know I’m okay, I’ll see you later.”

"Sometimes we need silliness." Lily replied with a small smile. "I'll see you later."

The door to sickbay swooshed open as young Nic Covenant came running in.
"Lieutenant Crawford you're okay. I gambled it was you."

"Thanks." Lily said. "I'm really grateful. I don't know what they would have done to me once they realized I turned down their god."

Isabelle turned to look back at Lily. “So what happened to Heldon?”.

"I don't know." Lily replied. "I didn't have time to look back. I ran through the portal and the men on the other side..." She paused, frowning. "They bowed to me. I asked where all the women had gone and then I was beamed here."

" By me," smiled the young Ensign.

"My hero." Lily smiled back at him. "That was clever and fast thinking."

Nic smiled as a young man would at being called cute by a pretty girl. " Oh ma'am Captain Sureth is on the viewer for tou." Nic added tapping the button to turn it on.

[ Lt Crawford what ever you did was excellently handled. Come see me when you get back to the station.]

Lily sobered up somewhat, although a faint smile hovered around the edges of her mouth. "Thank you sir. I'll see you when I get back."

Nic left the room and Hiri joined that team.

" I hate other Doctors...." she hissed.

Lily looked over, surprised. "Why?" she asked. "You work with them. Surely you must see from their point of view." she didn't always agree with other things her fellow scientists said, but she enjoyed collaborating with them. The exchange of ideas was something she cherished, and she had thought medical doctors felt the same.

" They are slow. I would have us all back on duty by now." Hiri grumbled.

" Back to bed Hiri," the Nurse yelled.

< The Red Ship>

A lone buoy craft flaked off the listing red and hurled itself away at impulse power. Enough thrust ro avoid the gravimetric pressure from the quasar its goal followed the warp signature of the Bohr.



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