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Post # 004 " Incubus"

Posted on Mon Aug 16th, 2021 @ 7:33pm by Lieutenant Hiri & Captain Shauna Callaghan & Lieutenant Isabelle Veran-Dallas & Lieutenant Lily Crawford

Mission: Captives
Location: Corjii blue ship
Timeline: Concurrent to post 001-002


< The Blue >

Though held captive the female captives were not being held in cells buy rather a large round room in the center if the ship. Apparently used to entertain the numerous male beings of the Corjii.

Lily watched uncomfortably as the men came and went. She didn't know exactly what the one on the station had meant, but she had a good enough idea; the fact that she had been singled out was worrying enough. She was decent enough at self defense, but didn't know it would be adequate against their technology. She gave a little shiver.

Bloodthirsty screams filled the room as one of the green gray beings ran out of the room to the corridor vanishing in the myst that was their transporter. Only to realize that both Hiri and Fesra had attacked it when it had come to close to them.

" I dont think it liked our foreplay," Hiri joked to Fesra.
Then Heldon approached Lily.

" Please do not be disturbed . You will not be injured but rather I invite your to join me as my guest. We will approach the great sphere soon and you are to be our Incubus." he told her.

"Will you let these other women go?" Lily asked.

" They are our guest however you have been found to be most precious. By criteria you are the fairest of the Incubai and exceed the standard for our god. Are you not honored to ve chosen?" Heldon asked.

"I am, but I have no idea what it actually entails. Am I expected to mate with your God? To live with him? What exactly will happen?" Lily asked, hoping to find out more information. Only then could she hope to free herself and the others.

" The great sphere will open...we will enter and the god if the sphere will welcome us into its majesty. From there sacred texts states the incubus will enter into the abode of god and the two shall become as one. Jubilee for all slaves will be sounded and the holy seed shall reign forever. My job is to arrange that meeting with the incubus." Heldon replied.

"Am I expected to live and make new life with it?" Lily asked. "Forever?"

“That’s what I’d like to know” Sasha walked over to Heldon. “As well as what the idea was bringing a heavily pregnant woman here” She motioned towards Isabelle.

" YOU'RE FATES ARE IN GOD'S HANDS," Heldon replied.

"I'm gong to need a few minutes alone with my colleagues." Lily told him, unnerved by the man, but not willing to show it.

Heldon bowed to Lily and walked past Isabella and her questions . Then all of the beings left the females alone in the round room. Fesra and Hiri quickly joined Lily and Isabella.

" We have to escape this place," Fesra yowled.

"You are not kidding." Lily agreed. "We need to get control of the ship and turn it around. I thought if I played along with him, I could take him by surprise. I'm pretty athletic, I may be able to get the drop on him. It's pretty risky though. I'm concerned about their weapons technology. They had something that could hold us in place, down on the station. I wish I had a phaser or even a knife."

Fesra extended her very long claws and snickered. " One of them learned its lesson "

Lily returned Fesra's grin. "That's great. I'm glad you could teach even one a lesson."

" You can too little one. The easiest way to a victims neck is a bite." Fesra offered.

" The Captain will be looking for us I am sure. Especially you Isabelle." Hiri added.

Teeth...she had not thought of that. "Your idea is superb, honored one." She told Fesra. "I have no doubt the Captain is looking for us. It would be wonderful if he could reach us in time, but we need to plan for the possibility that he can not, or that he is not able to gain our freedom once he is here. Very well. I will go with Heldon and do my best to free the rest of you. Any advice, Isabelle?"

Isabelle looked at Lily. “All I can say is be careful, Heldon may appear gentle but his loyalty is to his gods. I don’t think he cares anything about us, or you. Just the incubus his god needs.”

" If it is a god they want I can show them a god." Fesra yowled.

The door reopened as the Corjii attendants returned along with Heldon .

" Please remain calm. We are approaching the entrance to the Sphere. Incubus please follow me to your chambers." Heldon informed.

Lily glanced at the others, hoping she didn't look too frightened. Then she nodded at Heldon. "Lead on." she said. "Although, I am so nervous I am almost shaking. Could you take my hand?"

Heldon paused and looked into Lily's eyes.
" Is this a normal action of your species?"

Lily nodded. "It is. People who know one another frequently hold hands. In addition to that, it is an ancient custom that someone hold the hand of the woman who is to become the wife, or lifelong special one of a man directly before they are emotionally joined." she replied. "I know nothing about what will happen next, and some physical contact would help."

Heldon had four appendages with no 5th middle finger as others might but he grasped Lily's hand and walked through the myst.

Lily felt her heart beating hard, so hard she could hear it in her ears. As soon as she could see what surrounded them on the other side, she was going to have to act. It's an officer's duty to try and escape she heard her former self tell Ensign Covenant. It was going to be now or never.



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