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Post # 003 " Gamblers Odds"

Posted on Mon Aug 16th, 2021 @ 1:30pm by Commodore Sureth & 2nd Lieutenant John Dallas & Lieutenant JG Nic Covenant

Mission: Captives
Location: USS Bohr
Timeline: Concurrent


< Bohr >
The Pacifica class cruiser reached its second wind and rushed warp 5 . But the three alien ships were half a days distance.

Lt Bob Covenant joined Sureth on the bridge and asked for a moment.
" Captain the ship can easily defend itself on automation but if we go to battle with a skeleton crew we will be a mess." Bob told him.

" I will do my best to prevent a battle. But we have to retrieve our ladies." Sureth replied. He then walked back to tactical.

" Have you gotten any telemetry information about those ships ? " Sureth asked Dallas as though he was really there. In actuality the real Sureth was observing everything from operations on Starbase Mercury.

" Sir tactically we have an advantage . A few modified quantum torpedoes and we can stop them just before they get in tractor range of that Sphere." said Dallas.

" Make those modification Master Sergeant." replied Sureth.

Minutes felt like hours but then Dallas nodded to the Captain.

" They're ready sir . And ole reds the first target."

" Arm the torpedoes and fire in your mark Dallas."

Dallas steadied his fingers and fired and as he predicted the red ship dropped out of warp.

" Scan for our ladies." yelled Sureth.
" Indicates negative sir. Maybe we will get lucky with the green one. It is 20,000 kilometers ahead." replied Dallas.

" Maximum impulse helm."

Pushing on the same resulted but atleast the two ships would not be in Sureths way.



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