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Post #002. Night of disappearances

Posted on Thu Aug 12th, 2021 @ 4:04pm by Captain Shauna Callaghan & Lieutenant Isabelle Veran-Dallas & Commodore Sureth & Lieutenant Lily Crawford & Lieutenant Hiri & 2nd Lieutenant John Dallas & Crewman Recruit Leaf Brol & Lieutenant JG Nic Covenant

Mission: Captives
Location: Various


Shauna had just wrapped up reports for the night, it was getting late and she was heading for her quarters when she was suddenly absconded from the station. There was no time to yell, scream or raise the alarm she simply vanished from the corridor like she’d never even been there.

Across the station similar disappearances were taking place, the alarm raised when a Trill security officer vanished while on her nightly patrol. Unknown what had happened the alarm was raised, partners waking to find their female counterparts missing from their beds.

Lily had tried to work on a report of the day's happenings, but she was exhausted. It had been a very long day. She retreated to her quarters and a deep sleep. The next thing she knew, she was not in her bed. Unsure of her surroundings, she wasn't even sure she was awake.

Lying in her bed Isabelle was awoken by the sound of someone banging on her door, putting on a dressing gown over her nightdress she walked out to find security already in her living room. “Apologies for the disturbance Counsellor, you need to come with us... we have to get you to safety.”

The ships had found themselves and had now returned together to complete their goal of finding incubus for their god. Reboarding the station the sleething green and grey biopeds subdued any female they saw.

Heading out of her quarters with her security escort Isabelle couldn’t help but wonder what was going on. She soon found out as their party was surrounded. For a few moments the attackers conversed in their own native tongue before the security detail was quickly dealt with and Isabelle, like all the other women on the station, vanished...

No sooner had the attack begun it was over, leaving the station barren of breeding age females. The doors to Ops burst open as a security officer swiftly entered. “Captain... they’re gone! All the women... are gone!”

" Contact the dock master I need the Bohr prepped to launch." Sureth ordered.

“Aye Sir!” Came a response.

~ Meanwhile ~

Aboard the alien ship Isabelle sat in a large cell along with the other women from the station.

“You alright?” Shauna walked around checking on the women under her command, they’d all been taken no doubt to find suitable females for breeding.

Isabelle nodded. “I’m fine, just wondering why they chose me.”

“That’s a good question” Shauna nodded in agreement. “Let’s just hope being pregnant hasn’t proved you’re good material for their master. Not that they can do anything about it in your condition.” She offered a smile. She looked towards Crawford “Lily are you okay?”

Lily nodded, the look on her face uncertain. "I can't help but feel this is all my fault. If I hadn't sent that message, maybe they would have left us alone."

“It’s not your fault Lily” Shauna offered a reassuring smile. “We weren’t to know what these... people were looking for. It seems they’ve decided to take all the women from the station, even though their leader singled you out as his main choice.”

~ Back aboard the Mercury ~

“The Bohr is ready for launch Captain!”

Sureth was limited to whom he could leave the station with as ironically the bulk of the station was mainly crewed by females.

" Computer activate the Emergency Command Hologram on the Bohr." an act that would avail him to be on the bridge and the station at the same time.

Lt Bob Covenant was on the bridge at engineering when the Emergency Command Hologram of Sureth appeared.

" Captain? They've staggered their warp trail . But it looks like their heading to that damn sphere. Our probe is leading us right to it." Covenant reported.

" I want to get there before they do.'

" Sir they have several hours on us. She is an old ship." Covenant declared.

" He Lieutenant. Niels Bohr was male, this ship was named after him so there for this ship would be a he if it had a sexual organ." Sureth argued.

" I will get us there sir " Bob replied.



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