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Post # 001 Captive

Posted on Tue Aug 10th, 2021 @ 4:21pm by Commodore Sureth & Lieutenant Hiri & 2nd Lieutenant John Dallas & Captain Shauna Callaghan & Lieutenant Isabelle Veran-Dallas & Lieutenant Lily Crawford
Edited on on Fri Sep 2nd, 2022 @ 4:11pm

Mission: Captives
Location: Starbase Mercury
Timeline: Concurrent to Mission 1:17


Captains Log stardate: 77130.2
Our guest have thus far been reluctant to answer out hails so we have yet to greet them. Aside from the unique encounter earlier we know very little of them.

Brol, a member of this crew senses they are lost and worried. I only hope this doesn't make them aggressive.

Log concluded

< Station Ops >

"Captain, perhaps we could try an alternative hail." Lily said. "Sending mathematical formulae is a time honored way of communicating our knowledge. Sending the formulae of the Dyson sphere and a black hole, as well as how we utilize subspace to travel may work where other ways have not."

" Excellent thinking Lieutenant. Start your computations." Sureth replied.

Lily nodded and went to work.

Brol remained on the observation deck following its meeting with Fesra and Kuroth. With its abilities it had been able to inform Lily of the emotions it had discerned from the alien craft. Now everyone waited to see if Lily's postulations would work.

Isabelle was picking up on both the ship and Brol, her encounter with the fruit Brol had grown was bringing her more in-tune with Brol.

Brol felt Isabelle but halted to get closer as it
did not wish to anger Captain Sureth.

"All right. I'm ready to send this." Lily said. "Do you wish to look over it, Captain?"

" No science officer. The honor is all yours, The name sake of this ship once said " We are suspended in language." Vivere est Cogitare., Life is Thought." Sureth replied.

"Here goes then." Lily transmitted the set of formulae to the ship outside the station. "I included the formulas as well as a key to decode them. They have starship technology, they should what at least one of those things is."

On the screen the blue ship could be seen just hovering and then it moved towards the station.
" Sir the ship has moved 10,000 kilometers...they are now at extreme transporter range. 9,8,7,6,5000 kilometers. Sir they have activated that .....they are coming aboard," Dallas said as the mystic cloud appeared and then some sort of portal door appeared as a bunch of gray and green beings exited and assumed a position about the round deck

The beings then produced sticks and at the end of them energy surges shot out and subdued the bridge staff in place. Dallas grabbed a side arm but he was too slow.

" I am the Captain...release my crew." Sureth yelled.

Lily tried moving her hands and feet. When she found she could not she was terrified. She took a deep breath to try and calm herself. Panicking now would not do any good. At least they could talk. "Why are you doing this?" She asked.

Each looked to the one in the center who seemed to be in charge .

" We accept the terms of your offer Captain. How do you wish to receive your payment for this station? Our funds are not aboard our ship but soon our fellow ships will return. Payment for the damages you inflicted will be deducted from the cost of the base." this being informed.

" You have me at a disadvantage . What payment? Lieutenant Crawford do you understand this being?" Sureth asked her.

"No I do not." Lily replied.

" Your message assures a sales cost. We are strapped for payment but when our ships find us you will get exactly what you have coming to you." the bugged eyed reptillion promised.

"My message was a set of scientific formulae outlining thr math behind the sphere which we call a Dyson Sphere and the supermassive black hole it used. There was also a key to what the various letters meant, in case they were different in your mathematical system. If anyone-"

Lily had to physically bite her lip in order not to insult them. "We are not interested in monetary gains. We are explorers and scientists who want to know more about our galaxy and the beings within it. We are peaceful, except when attacked. We mean you no harm, but if you do not release us others will come and they will use force to get you to let us go. Please, release us from this. The station is not for sale."

Isabelle was doing her best to stay calm and level headed given her pregnancy. “We were simply trying to communicate with you, we weren’t sure if you understood our language or not.”

The leader looked over to Sureth.
" I will buy both of these and any other females."

" We do not sell our own. If you would release us and let us speak to you we can get to know one another. As you said we are no threat to you."

" Why are the Imminents being held as prisoners on the planet below?" the alien eyed being replied.

" We do not hold anyone prisoner unless they have done a crime against our laws. Who are you?" Sureth asked.

" I am Heldon of the Corjii. Release these beings." Heldon ordered his minions.

Sureth looked to his crew to assure they were ok snd then to Heldon. Raising an eyebrow he inquired.
" Are you familiar with this planet?"

" No but we were summoned here by the beacon. The great portal seeks out the paths of the Gods and it brought us to this place." Heldon replied mire clearly as the universal translator seemed to be working better. " If you did not wish to sale the incubus why did you place them here?" Heldon asked.

"We are not incubus. We are the female of our species." Lily spoke up, feeling braver now. '"And we did not put that there. Someone on the planet below must have."

" Incubus are reveared by the Gods. To produce the blessed seed. In the Great Sphere you would be a goddess." Heldon responded. " This place, show us how it works."

Isabelle looked at Heldon curiously. “When you say great seed, do you mean for females.. your incubus, to be the mothers of the next generation of your species? Like I am to be the mother of the next generation of our species?”

" Only the pure could host the seed of a god. A symbiont relationship with the god of the sphere." Heldon replied

“A symbiont...” Isabelle looked at her father. “Like a Trill?” She looked back at their visitors. “Like a species we have as part of our Federation, they’re called Trill. Some of them carry a symbiont within.”

“But not all of us do” Shauna looked at their guests from where she stood. “I’m half Trill, I don’t carry a symbiont only certain Trill’s do.”

Sureth joined them.
" Non of you are procreating with those beings. We know nothing about them. Understand me?" he said as a father might. Sureth then looked to Dallas. " Isolate their weapons abuilities. I need a defense "

" Sir yes sir." Dallas replied.
Heldon walked over to the port windows and saw the blue ship orbiting the station.

" There is a problem our other two ships the red and the green have lost their way here. We have to go search for them but we will be back. Now would ve a good time to select incubus for the gods. I personally think this one would be first choice." Heldon said pointing to Lt Lily Crawford.

The myst appeared and then the portal opened allowing Heldon and his minion beings to walk over to their vessels bridge, and then it closed.

" Lieutenant Crawford, Heldon has singled you out. I will do everything I can to protect you and all the females on this station.

" Number One make sure security and tactical have a plan together to block that portal. Something should be able to block it." Sureth ordered

"Commander Callaghan, if science can help with finding a way to block that portal, I am at your disposal." Lily said. She didn't exactly relish the thought of becoming some incubus for their god or leader.

“In that case let’s get to it” Shauna smiled as she looked at Lily. “Brol we could use your help as well, your abilities and knowledge could come in useful.”

" I sensed ... betrayal in those beings...Brol will help. Nothing will hurt my friends." Brol told Isabella .

" Sir that ship has left our system. Their maximum warp appears to be 9.6." Dallas reported.

" Good to know Master Sergeant. I have to inform the Savai we have made contact with the Corjii. Number One you have the bridge." Sureth replied .



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