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Post #1. Getting Ready

Posted on Sat Mar 25th, 2023 @ 1:22pm by Lieutenant Commander Ramvek Williams M.D. & Lieutenant JG Heidi Stone
Edited on on Sat Mar 25th, 2023 @ 9:07pm

Mission: Mission 10. Move to the Lagoon Nebula.
Location: M-69
Timeline: After Briefing - Backlog


{Deck 41}

The Doctor returned from the Briefing and walked into Sick Bay "Can I have everyone's attention please.....very soon the Base will be moving to the new location therefore we need to get everything 'battened down'..... Medical supplies, equipment, the works. I do not want any damage due to the move. After that is finished Ensign Stone and I will staff Sick Bay. Doctor Hiri I would like you and the rest of the Staff to help the Counselor in getting the Civilians evacuated; I'm sure she will need all the help she can get to achieve this; Dr. Hiri gave a nod of understanding" Ramvek explained knowing his Staff would do their best to aid Isabelle "Are there any questions?" Looking around the room no one said anything "OK let us get to it people."

There was a flurry of activity as everyone did as ordered. Ramvek walked into his Office and made sure everything was secure. Then tapping his Comm "Dr. Gram this is Williams; we will be moving the Base shortly so please make sure all the medical supplies and equipment in Secondary Sick Bay is secured for the move."

"Understood Doctor Williams, I will make all the necessary arrangements" Dr. Gramm replied in her usual computer generated voice.

"One other thing, do you think you will have to go offline during the move at all" Ramvek queried.

"I do not believe that will be necessary but I will monitor the computer systems; if the system is stressed in any way I will go offline to provide the extra terra flops of computing power" Gram replied.

"Thank you Dr. Gram, I will leave that situation in your capable hands, Williams out."

After a couple hours of everybody doing their jobs, Sick Bay with all the a joining areas and Labs, things were set for the big move. Being Ramvek's first time being assigned to a Star Base, he was a little apprehensive about something this size being towed through space. He only hoped the damn thing would not come apart at the seams; although with all the Ship power and the experts designing the move he was fairly confident things would be alright.

As the good Doctor stood starring off into nothing really Heidi walked over "A penny for your thoughts Doctor" she said musingly since they were now the only two left in Sick Bay.

Ramvek turned and looked at Heidi with a grin "I was just thinking, I hope the Base can withstand the move. I would hate for it to come apart at the seams; the vacuum of space is one place I never want to visit without the proper equipment" he commented being quite serious.

"Ramvek you worry way too much about things, you need to lighten up a little" Heidi said with a light chuckle in a low voice.

He just grinned "Yes you are right.....old habits are hard to break sometimes" he replied.

"Maybe when all this is over with we should go out for an evening on the town.....well on the Promenade anyway" Heidi stated trying her best to put the Doctor at ease a little.

"Now that sounds like a great idea.....we haven't been out socially in quite awhile.....besides I always to enjoy the company of a beautiful women" he replied realizing what he had just said to Heidi.....oh well to late to take it back now.

Heidi smiled, Ramvek had finally paid her a nice compliment but for the life of her she couldn't understand why he hadn't really made any moves towards her; perhaps she would have to make the first overture as she said "Thank you Ramvek for the compliment, you're pretty handsome yourself."

Suddenly Ramvek could sense his face was starting to flush and he had to get out of there now "I need to check on something" then he turned and hustled out the door.

Heidi just stood and shook her head thinking "I really need to get that guy to relax" thinking Ramvek would say "Sounds like a logical solution."


Ensign Heidi Stone
Head Nurse
Star Base M-69

Lieutenant Commander Ramvek Williams, MD
Chief Medical Officer
Star Base M-69


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