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Post #54. Sometimes you go with the flow

Posted on Sat Mar 25th, 2023 @ 7:51am by Captain Shauna Callaghan & Lieutenant Isabelle Veran-Dallas & Commodore Sureth & Taavis {UFP Intel Agent} {Meji} & Lieutenant Commander Ramvek Williams M.D. & Lieutenant Commander David Wallace & Lieutenant Commander Billi & Lieutenant Ainkara "Kara"
Edited on on Sat Mar 25th, 2023 @ 7:55am

Mission: Mission 9 Deal with the Devil
Location: Briefing Room
Timeline: Current - Morning (0930)


David had learned a few things in his short time aboard the station, very little would phase the population. The arrival of an engineering starship and two of the monstruous Scavenger Class tugs was that something. The Scavenger class looks like someone flipped the secondary hull of a starship over and strapped on an oversized deflector dish, and if you happened too be looking on a sensor display you'd see a power signature of three galaxy class starships. Then there was the Curiosity class engineering ship. Too the average observer it looked like a flattened out Sovereign class, again looks are deceiving. David had learned this three years ago, the bridge was larger and had what looked like a drafting room in place of the briefing room, where you would find science labs, there were machine shops, material testing labs and other fabrication facilities.

David had been up for roughly about thirty minutes when he'd been informed by an overly excited crewman about the arrival of the engineering task group. David slammed back his coffee and ran to the transporter room. He arrived to Captain Blumrnberg materializing, followed by "David!" she said with a smile, "So good too see you."

"Good too see you Maria." David said

"This is my first officer Dale Quinn, my structural specialist Bianca Fleiss and Xom Delerc one of the fleets best electrical engineers." Maria said making introductions.

"Welcome to the station." David said with a smile

"Commodore Sureth and some of the senior staff should be up in the main briefing room by now." David said

"So Mr Wallace I understand your an intelligence officer like your father." Xom said first

"Sort of, I'm just an analyst nothing special." David said

"I call crap, David is the whole reason I'm alive after the whole fiasco on Hellguard." Maria said with a slight gush making David blush.

"Hey Maria, this should be a fun, we've done this what twice?" Dale said looking at some structural detail.

"Uh...two, Deep space three and Fort Macleod station." Maria said "Didn't we get pelted by micro meteors during the DS three move?"

"Micro meteorites?" David looked concerned.

"Yeah fluke event, although that did give a structural crew got quite the wake up call." Bianca finally spoke, "We'll need to add booster generators too the outer force field generators."

"Add it to the list, let's go meet with the senior staff." Maria commented.

Moments later they arrived at the meeting room, David made some introductions "This is Captain Maria Blumenberg and her staff."

With no First Officer officially assigned to the USS Nazgul, Taavis had informed Billi, just before they went over to M-69, that she was now acting Number One. She could tell it caught the Orion off-guard, but the woman, as always, recovered her composure in a moment. As an Engineer, and part of the Command Staff for M-69, Ejo would be there without needing to be summoned. With that in mind Taavis told Ainkara to join herself and Billi, transporting over with them to the meeting. Ainkara was the Nazgul's Science Chief, so her insights could prove useful.

When Lieutenant Wallace and Captain Blumenberg entered, and she was introduced by the Intel Chief, Taavis gave a nod of greeting and a warm handshake to the woman. "A pleasure, Captain Blumenberg." She then shook Wallace's hand. "Good to see you again, David." Taavis pointed out the two standing near to her. "This is Lieutenant Bilii, my Number One, and this is Ainkara, my Science Chief."

Both of the younger women shook hands and said hello.

Arriving at the meeting room just in time to catch the introductions Shauna offered a warm smile. “Hello Captain, I’m Shauna Callaghan, First Officer of M-69, this is Lieutenant Isabelle Veran Dallas, our Chief Counsellor.” She motioned to Isabelle who had followed her into the room.

“A pleasure Captain” Isabelle smiled warmly.

Momentarily Doctor Williams entered the Briefing Room as the introductions were finishing up. Ramvek walked over to the group "Captain Blumenberg I am Lt.CMDR Williams the Chief Medical Officer for M-69; it's a pleasure to meet you" then looking towards Taavis "Captain congratulations on your reassignment and promotion."

Commodore Sureth exited his office and entered the briefing room. Spotting Commander Callahan he leaned into her ear.
" There has been a change. Starfleet has apparently found another ship for this station. The Nova 2 has been recalled. Captain Taavis will be commanding a different vessel."

“Interesting” Shauna smiled as she looked at Sureth. “Do we know what the ship is called, or what class it is?”

" I am not sure but knowing Captain Taavis she will tell me after she has assumed command of it. Starfleet is also adding another vessel. The move of this station just got to the top of Starfleets roster." Sureth added.

“It sounds like it’s going to be an exciting time then Sir” Shauna smiled warmly. “Let’s hope the move goes smoothly.”

Maria looked at David then spoke "We should be able to pull this off with few problems, we're already looking at previous moves by other engineering teams, plus our own experiences and come up with a full plan." pausing "Ensign Fleiss and the structural teams are going over the blue prints."

Bianca smiled "When we moved Deep Space three we had to reenforce mostly outer areas with additional forcefields and physical upgrades, I'm expecting the same after we do our scans hopefully."

Sureth looked around the room.
" Let us begin. The first part has to be the evacuation of nonessential staff."

Maria spoke next "The quicker we can get the get that done the sooner we can get the physical reinforcements started, last thing we need is the station crushing like an egg."

The Tellarite Xon spoke next "Upgrades too the emergency forcefields for them to be active for the length of the move can be done during the evacuation of the nonessential staff, I can have my teams on the station in the next couple of hours to start the work."

David shifted "That's the power management module you were talking about in the Turbolift earlier?"

Xon grinned "That's right, I believe there are eleven hundred to swap in total."

“I can help with the evacuation of the civilians” Isabelle offered a smile from where she sat. She wasn’t sure what to do about her son though, she loathed the idea of having to be separated from him.

Doctor Williams spoke up "Hopefully Sick Bay will be devoid of Patients so my Staff can help the Counselor as well. We will however have Staff available should anyone need medical attention during this process" he commented hoping Medical would not be needed.

Sureth then added " Department Chiefs have your teams ready for the Bugout. Engineering will be very busy technically. Security will help maintain safety and direction. Intel keep your eyes and ears open. Let me know if I can be of any assistance to anyone. Is there any other items to report?"

David spoke next "Commodore Wallace arranged for three reserve fleet ships to collect the station population that aren't going on ships that are already here."

" Let me also add, given the nature of our next assignment Starbase M69's new mission will be the Starfleet stronghold in the Sagitarrius." Sureth added.

Dale Quinn spoke in a gruff voice "The sooner we can get the structural work for the move done the faster we can get this metallic egg moving, the easy part is aiming the tractor beams, the hard part doing things so we don't rip this base in half."

Maria spoke next "The systems teams will have to start promptly with the force field upgrades and other power system upgrades, once each portion of the station is completed the structural teams will move in with the reinforcement structural members, most of that will consist of installing new versions of cross members that were removed during the stations initial construction." Pausing as a holographic display came on "As we finish phase two of the structural work, we're hoping that the evacuations first phase can begin."

Xon knew his turn was next "The force field upgrade is very simple, anyone can do it, all that's involved is removal of the older power module, and installation of the newer variant that we've fabricated aboard our ship." he said as the holographic image changed showing the new force field module.

Taavis and her people had listened to all that went back and forth. "The USS Nazgul is a Narendra-Class cruiser, parked in orbit as we speak. We can comfortably house a couple hundred in our shuttlebay. Turn it into a refugee triage. And, we can stuff our cargo holds to capacity with anything that may need to be moved, as some items don't do well either shaken or stirred." Looking to her two officers, she said to them under her breath. "Get to the ship, get ready." Both women tapped their combadges and disappeared within a transporter signal.

David decided to play devils' advocate, "I'll be aboard USS Thomson so any quarters assigned to me can be given to a family, but if we're going to make the time line we'll need to get the work started within the next ninety minutes, any objections?"

"See you on the other side, Mister Wallace," said Taavis, a crooked grin on her face as she tapped her badge. "Taavis to Nazgul, one to beam up." And, she was gone.

"Looks like we have some work to do." David said standing.



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