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Post # 53 - Making Adjustments

Posted on Fri Mar 24th, 2023 @ 10:31pm by Captain Jamie O'Connell & Lieutenant Commander Angel Devroe & Lieutenant JG Johan Albo

Mission: Mission 9 Deal with the Devil
Location: USS Peel
Timeline: Concurrent


{Deck 1}

Captain O'Connell exited the Lift the next morning onto the Bridge noticing his Number One had already arrived sitting in the Command Chair when he walked over "Good Morning Lt.CMDR. Devroe, how are you this morning" Jamie asked with a coffee in his hand.

Hearing the Captain's voice Angel stood with a smile "I'm doing well Sir and how are you this fine day" she replied "Sir please have a seat and I'll stand."

Jamie looked at Angel "No please remain seated, I insist....besides I have a few things to go over in my Ready Rom anyway" he commented then continued "You know I think I've had just about enough having only one Command Chair" then tapping his Comm "Lieutenant Albo this is the Captain, where are you at the moment."

Hearing the Captain's call "Good morning Sir, I'm on my way to the Science Labs to look around a bit" he replied wondering what was up.

"Could you please swing by the Bridge first I'm in need of your Operations expertise" Jamie replied then turned to Angel "It's time we installed a second Command chair so we both can sit while on the Bridge."

"On my way Captain" came the reply.

Angel smiled "Now that's the best news I've heard so far today.....although the day is just getting started" she replied with a light chuckle.

Just then the Lift doors swooshed open as Johan exited and walked over to Command "Sirs" then looking at Jamie "So what can I do for you Captain" he queried.

"How difficult would it be to install a second Command chair so the First Officer and I can both be on the Bridge and sit at the same time so we can converse" Jamie asked.

"Not hard at all Sir. I checked Ship's manifest for the Cargo Bay yesterday and there are two extra Command chairs in case we needed one or both of them" Johan replied " I can have one of them beamed directly to the Bridge and grab someone from Engineering to give me a hand installing; we can have it done before lunch Captain" Johan replied looking over at Angel with a smile.

"Make it happen Mr. Albo" Jamie commented. "As you wish Sir" then turned to head to Deck 6 where the Cargo Bay was located.

" The Lieutenant seems to have an eye for the ladies" Angel commented "Hope that's not going to be a problem with such a small Crew."

"He and I have already had that conversation Number One, but keep an eye on him just in case" Jamie ordered "Ok I'm heading to my Office for a bit, I shouldn't be too long" and with that he turned and headed that way.

{A coupe hours later}

The Captain walked out of his Office to be greeted by a spanking new second Command Chair as he walked up to number One "Now that's what I'm talking about" he commented being quite pleased with the new addition.

The First officer stood from the center chair "Yes it didn't take very long at all Captain" she replied seeing the smile on Jamie's face.

"Excellent, I think Mr. Albo may have redeemed himself from earlier" Jamie commented with a slight chuckle "Please Number One that's your seat, Have a sit and see how it feels."

Angel sat as requested "Much better Sir, now we can both be comfortable and be able to carry on a conversation at the same time" she replied with a grin.

"Yes that was the whole point. When I saw just the one Command chair I knew that probably was not going to work out too well" Jamie replied "Since this is our Ship we might as well have it the way we want it."

"That certainly works for me" Angel commented being quite comfortable at the moment.


Captain Jamie O'Connell
Commanding Officer

Lt.CMDR. Angel Devroe
First Officer

Lieutenant JG Johan Albo
ACSO/Operations Officer
USS Peel


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