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Post # 18 Fishing Trip

Posted on Fri Apr 14th, 2023 @ 8:28pm by Captain Deke Rivers

Mission: Mission 10. Move to the Lagoon Nebula.
Location: Shuttlecraft H472
Timeline: Concurrent


Deke had left the station only hours before the big move to the Lagoon Nebula. The utility shuttle was slow but would get him anywhere he needed to be in a hurry.

His in a hurry was a retired ship commanded by an old friend from his past, Smitty.

Trudging along Deke noticed the vaporous cloud growing around him. Answering all stop Deke awaited what was next to come.

" You didn't have to damage my nacelles. I ain't going to run." Deke said aloud.

[ I had to be sure. You are after all still active duty. I will bring your shuttle aboard mine.] the voice of Smitty replied.

" Sure what ever. I want a sonic shower and a hot meal." Deke replied.

[ That and more old friend. That and more.]

< Merchant Vessel Geisha >

Smitty captained an old merchant ship large enough to hold Deke's shuttle and his own escape one. Looking around the rear of the hanger Deke could tell Ole Smitty had become a hoarder.

Smitty met Deke half way across the bay.
" Ready for that shower? I have a sweet little Orion girl waiting to bathe you." Smitty joked.

" Tempting but I will pass. Never trust an Orion girl while naked. So why did you want to see me?"

" The people I work for could use a man like you Rivers. The pay is amazing and the spoils are everywhere."

" Who is paying?" Deke poked.
" Not yet. Let me show you to your room we're going to be bunk mates again" Smitty reminded. He and Deke had been room mates on the Vengeance many years ago. Now they would be again it seemed. Leaving Deke to consider what he had gotten himself into.

" The people I work for could use a man like you Rivers. The pay is amazing and the spoils are everywhere."

" Who is paying?" Deke poked.
" Not yet. Let me show you to your room we're going to be bunk mates again" Smitty reminded. He and Deke had been room mates on the Vengeance many years ago.


Very little sleep was done on the Geisha as Smitty and Deke Rivers ate and drank all night remembering all the good ole days.

" So she bore you a bastard son? That Klingon harlot. I have kids out there somewhere too. Right after the Dominion War I bedded me a Dabo girl on Deep Space 9. Never married her though." Smitty joked.

" Smitty who do you work for? " Deke probed.

" They is a new faction in this sub quadrant. The Essary are ex fleeters who hate the agendas of the Federation . I bring them things and people and they pay me well. I fact today is payday." Smitty smiled.

" Things and people huh. You mean me don't you?" Deke asked.

" Sorry ole buddy but I am afraid so. There is a hefty bounty on your head. Somebody high up wants them a Captain Deke Rivers."



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