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Post # 17 - An Old Friend

Posted on Tue Apr 11th, 2023 @ 7:01pm by Captain Jamie O'Connell & Lieutenant Commander Angel Devroe
Edited on on Tue Apr 11th, 2023 @ 7:02pm

Mission: Mission 10. Move to the Lagoon Nebula.
Location: USS Peel
Timeline: Current


{Deck 1 - Bridge}

Now that the Peel was finally on the way to the Lagoon Nebula, Jamie had Angel take the Conn so he could finish up going over some reports in his Ready Room. Walking in he grabbed a coffee from the replicator and sat at his desk.

Although there weren't many reports to attend too, Jamie still wanted to keep up with them as much as possible. After an hour of reading and signing off Jamie was interrupted "Captain you have an incoming call, Sir" Comms stated. "Send it to my office" Jamie replied wondering who it could be.

When the screen came to life Jamie was completely surprised at who he was looking at "Jamie O'Connell you're a hard man to track down" came the statement.

Being stunned at the moment it took O'Connell a few seconds to respond "Katlyn Zebot....this is a have you been" Jamie queried with a smile.

"I'm doing pretty well actually. When I called I asked for Commander O'Connell when I was informed it was Captain now.....congrats. It's about time Star Fleet gave you your own how is it going Captain" Kat asked with a smirk.

"Ok, don't be a wiseass" he replied with a slight chuckle "But to answer your question it's going very well. This is a Saber Class ship with a total compliment of sixty; she's a small, compact Ship but is extremely fast, fully armed with a great Crew" he explained.

"I'm happy for you Jamie" then Kat paused "There is something I wanted to tell you before you heard it from someone else.....I have resigned my Commission and have left Star Fleet" she explained.

O'Connell was shocked to hear the news "Kat what there anything I can do to help" he asked feeling sort of bad for his old friend.

Kat let out a sigh "No, what's done is done. There aren't a lot of people in Star Fleet that I still respect, but you're one of them. I'll explain everything in detail sometime" she commented then went on "So are you just flying around space on missions or what."

"No actually the USS Peel has been attached to Star Base M-69, along with a second Ship, and we're in the process of moving the Base to the Lagoon Nebula in the Sagitarrius System. Once we reach our destination I'm not quite sure what will come next" Jamie explained "So what's next for you."

"Wow you're out in the middle of nowhere, or what people like to call the frontier. As for myself, I have purchased a slightly used Aero Shuttle and have outfitted her with all the equipment I need. You see I have become an independent Computer Specialist going around fixing people's equipment when it breaks down" Kat stated sounding quite proud of herself.

"That's terrific and congrats to you as well. I always said you were the best Computer Specialist I ever had the pleasure of working with" Jamie answered with a smile.

"Thanks Jamie, coming from an old Engineering Chief that's high praise" she replied with a grin "Say I may be out your way in a month or so, maybe I'll swing by the Base.....dinner perhaps then we can talk over old times....that is if you're free" Kat commented.

Jamie knew exactly what Kat was referring to "Yes I would love to see you" then he paused "Yes I'm always free now.....let's just say Heather and I had a parting of the ways about a year ago" Jamie replied.

"I'm sorry to hear that but maybe it was for the best" Kat replied being quite happy to hear Jamie was a free man once again.

"Thanks but like they say it's water under the bridge" he stated "Anyway being a Captain will keep me busy without worrying about a shipboard romance" he replied with a grin.

"That's true" Kat replied "Well I've taken up enough of your time was really nice talking to you Jamie and perhaps I'll see you in a month or so" Kat commented while thinking she would really like to see him again.

"It was nice talking to you too Kat and I hope to see you again sometime soon. O'Connell out." as the screen returned to the UFP logo. Sitting back in his chair Jamie was pleased to hear from Katlyn....and it would be nice to see her again.

O'Connell's thoughts were interrupted "Captain to the Bridge" he heard Number One say. Jamie rushed out of his ready Room and onto the Bridge "Number One report."

"Captain we have received an urgent message from Captain Blumenberg asking us to return to the Fleet; sounds like a problem" Number one stated.

Captain O'Connell sat in his seat "Helm drop us out of warp....full stop....plot in a return course to the Fleet....warp seven" he ordered. "Aye Sir" Helm replied as he did as ordered "Going to warp seven now" as the Peel smoothly went to warp.


Lieutenant Commander Angel Devroe
First officer
USS Peel

Captain Jamie O'Connell
Commanding Officer
USS Peel


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