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Post #16 A Chink In The Armor-Pt.2

Posted on Sat Apr 8th, 2023 @ 2:55pm by Captain Jamie O'Connell & Lieutenant Commander Angel Devroe & Lieutenant Maria SanChez & Captain Shauna Callaghan & Lieutenant Kalva Ren & Lieutenant JG Sarissa Aloran
Edited on on Sun Apr 9th, 2023 @ 1:59pm

Mission: Mission 10. Move to the Lagoon Nebula.
Location: USS Peel
Timeline: Current


{Deck 1 - Bridge}

The Captain, Councilor, SanChez, and the three Freighter Captains all made their way into the Conference Room leaving Devroe at the Conn. Angel kept close watch of the Freighters while keeping the Bridge humming along like a well oiled machine.

Noticing Lieutenant Ren sort of shifting from one foot to the other, Angel walked over "Lieutenant you are free to return to Engineering" she commented as Kalva looked up and nodded; he was way too exhausted after multiple shifts to even answer. Turning he sauntered off towards the Lift with a rhythmic clank, then a soft nearly silent step from the pads on the bottom of his other foot. Angel grinned as she thought "He certainly is a unique sort of person."

Turning Angel called out "Communications patch me through to Commander Callaghan on M-69" came the order. Moments later "Your on Commander" came the reply. Walking forward several paces Angel saw another Commander come up on the Screen "Commander Callaghan, Captain O'Connell is presently in talks with three Freighter Captains who have set up a blockade directly in our path. I am confident the Captain will have the issue resolved shortly" she explained in detail.

“I certainly hope so Commander” Shauna offered a concerned gaze. “It’s not like we can slow the station’s progress in a hurry, I’d hate to plow through.”

"Nor would I Commander, but like I previously stated I have complete faith in the Captain and the Counsellor to come to a diplomatic solution. I will keep you appraised of the situation....Devroe out" she explained sitting back in her Chair really wanting to be right on this.

{Conference Room}

As the group walked into the room O'Connell asked "Would you gentlemen like anything to drink while we discuss the matter at hand."

The First Captain spoke up "No we're fine Captain.....let's get on with this" he commented.

"Fair enough....I do have a question before we get started.....what government do you report to" Jamie queried wanting to make sure he was talking to the right people.

Donance chuckled "We don't report to any government, we are what you would call self appointed; let me explain" he stated then went on "Over the past several months it has been harder and harder to use the shipping lanes to transport goods back and forth with all the interference we've been seems to be getting worse as time goes on; so about twenty of us got together and formed this Alliance where we take turns being the law so the others can go about their business."

Jamie smiled to himself "And that's where Star Fleet comes into play. The mere presence of Star Base M-69 being parked close to the Lagoon Nebula will bring stability to this region of space" he explained then continued "The Base has Medical facilities, Shops to purchase blankets, clothing, and things for your homes. They also have eating establishments where you can either eat or buy food to take home with you. Also it can be a safe haven for anyone who needs it."

Donance thought for a few moments "You do make a lot of sense Captain......but the last thing we need is for someone to come in and take're talking about how we provide for our families and such."

"No one is going to take over anything.....we simply want to bring stability to this frontier....that's all. You have my word as an Officer, and more importantly a Gentleman." Jamie assured his guests "But before that can happen we need for you to remove the blockade so we can proceed to the Nebula" now the ball was their court.

The First Captain thought for a few moments "Can we have a few minutes to hash things over before we agree to anything" he asked.

"Certainly, we'll go stand on the other side of the room while you discuss things" Jamie stated as he, Sarissa, and Sanchez moved to their new positions. Turning to the Councilor in a whisper "I sure hope this works or it's on to plan B which I would like to avoid at all costs.

Sarissa offered a polite smile, making it look like they were having a fun conversation. “They are intrigued by what you said about the station Captain, but I’d air on the side of caution. I wouldn’t put it past them to make a play for the station, they’ll know it won’t be traveling with a full crew complement.”

Jamie thought for a few moments pondering what the Counsellor had just shared "I don't see where we have much of a choice, they need to move that bloody blockade so M-69 has a clear path to the Nebula and the last thing I want to do is use force" he reasoned as a new idea came into his head "I had a thought....if they're agreeable to moving the blockade then perhaps we should return to the Fleet and act as an escort.....that way if they should try anything funny then we can deal with them at that time.....what do you think and of course I'll confer with the Lt. CMDR. before I make a final decision."

Sarissa nodded. “I think that’s a very good idea Sir, but maybe we can avoid any problems by offering them a sweet deal? Maybe a trade deal with the Federation? Or something along those lines.”

"That certainly is worth considering but I'm sure I would have to go through the Commodore to secure such a deal" Jamie replied but liking the sound of the idea.

A few minutes later "Captain O'Connell we've figgered things out and have an answer for you" the First Captain stated.

The three Officers walked back to the conference table as O'Connell asked "So what have you three decided."

"We will move our Freighters and allow you and this Base passage.....but know this.....we will be watching the Federation to see if you're a man of your world" Donance stated matter of factly.

"I wouldn't expect anything less" O'Connell commented and maybe the Federation can throw some work your way if things worked out."

A grin came across the First Captain's face "Now that would be a welcome outcome" he replied.

"Now that we have come to an agreement I will let you get back to your businesses. SanChez please escort these fine gentlemen back to the Bridge so they can recover their weapons and be on their way" O'Connell ordered as he and Sarissa followed to make sure the exit went smoothly.

After the three Captains went back to their own Ships Jamie watched as they moved out of the way and left the area in three different directions. Jamie took his seat once again as Number One spoke up "By the looks of things I see you were successful in your negotiations with the freighter Captains; I'm sure the Commander on the Base will be pleased" she commented.

"Yes and speaking of such.....Comms patch me through to M-69" he ordered "Commander Callaghan the negotiations went well with the Freighter Captains and they have removed the blockade so you'll have clear passage to the Nebula, O'Connell out."

"Helm please proceed to the Nebula, warp four if you please" O'Connell ordered. "Aye Captain" and soon they were back on their way.


Senior Officers
USS Peel


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