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(15) - The forth day

Posted on Thu Apr 6th, 2023 @ 7:33pm by Lieutenant Commander David Wallace

Mission: Mission 10. Move to the Lagoon Nebula.
Location: USS Thomson
Timeline: Day 4 - Evening


The fourth day was at least for David uneventful. He'd spent most of it occupied with more reports, preparing more summaries that were likely unread by the staff he'd prepped them for, the only new news was a run in between a supply and support convoy and an Essary task group patrolling their side of the disputed zones. This was the first visible sign of an escalating situation, he'd spent several hours on subspace with various peers in the sector and no of them could agree on if the Essary were flexing military might or this was more posturing.

He worked through lunch for the first time in days, a habit he was trying to break. The only positive was that Maria was busy with the matters of being a captain so they only had the few minutes in the morning before shift too talk and attempt to make plans for the early evening together. David had decided to get a quick shower and change in to a more casual look, he had barely finished getting dressed when the door chime rang out.

The door opened, "Long day?" Maria asked walking through the door.

"Yeah, some flexing along the border, and the usual mountain of reporting." David said as he Pulled his shirt on.

"Is that going to be a problem? I'm asking because the closest we come too the disputed zone is in two days time, and it's for about four hours."

"It shouldn't but maybe we should shoot a message out too the Nazgul and Peel just too cover our selves, the evacuation convoy took a different route if I remember." David said turning too look at Maria.

"They'll arrive about six hours behind us based on the planned course, Can I use your terminal too shoot out a text message too the two captains?"

"Yeah, I don't have much open work here so go for it." David said pouring a small glass of whiskey and gestured too Maria if she wanted some.

Nodding yes she keyed in a quick message to the two captain's, she looked up taking the glass "I was hoping for a quiet trip, but you seem pretty calm about it."

"The ships from the incident today were their patrol corvette model, lightly armed, but very maneuverable, they haven't deployed anything heavy, let alone any troops yet." David said taking a seat "If there was a sighting of their Black Star class ships I'd be more worried."

"So as an intelligence officer too a ship captain your saying there shouldn't be significant risk at this time?"

"We're not at any major risk, the next update from the group on our side of the disputed zone won't be up until the morning." David said taking a sip after wards.

"I'm sorry, we are off duty, did you want to still go over to the holodeck?" Maria said standing up fixing her dress

"It's fine, this happens all the time in the intel game." David said standing himself "Let's go for the walk you talked about, I never have been to London, even when I was in the academy."

Several hundred thousand kilometers away the convoy had a shadow, the bat winged shape of an Essary raider watched the federation convoy passing by. It adjusted course to follow for a short time, keeping distance from the large group of ships, but still close enough to finish it's work and not cause another incident.



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