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Post # 14-A Chink In The Armor-Pt.1

Posted on Wed Apr 5th, 2023 @ 4:49pm by Captain Jamie O'Connell & Lieutenant Commander Angel Devroe & Lieutenant Maria SanChez & Lieutenant JG Johan Albo & Lieutenant Kalva Ren & Lieutenant JG Sarissa Aloran

Mission: Mission 10. Move to the Lagoon Nebula.
Location: Various
Timeline: Current


{Deck 1 - Peel Bridge}

The USS Peel had been heading towards the Lagoon Nebula for a few days now and things were going well. The Ship was performing beautifully and the Crew much the same with everyone handling multiple tasks with ease thus far.

About mid morning "Helm how far are we ahead of the Star Base" Captain O'Connell queried.

"One day's journey Sir" Helm reported with certainty.

"Good let's keep it that way....the last thing we need is to have a Star Base up our backsides" Jamie commented with a light chuckle.

Angel looked at the Captain with a big grin; apparently she found his last remark amusing.

"Captain, I'm detecting three Ships directly in our seems to be some sort of blockade" SanChez reported from Tactical.

"On Screen" Jamie ordered as he stood and walked up behind Helm. "I was wondering when there would 'a chink in the armor'" he thought to himself. "Helm when we get within one thousand kilometers of the Ships drop us out of warp and full stop." "Aye Captain."

Comms "Hail the Ships" Jamie ordered. Moments later "Go ahead Sir" he responded.

"This is the Federation Star Ship USS Peel, I'm Captain Jamie O'Connell, Commanding Officer.....we have orders to proceed to the Lagoon Nebula" Jamie stated matter of factly.

Then an older gentleman appeared on the Screen dressed in leather with emblems on the chest, rather haggard looking with a gruff voice "I know exactly who you are Star Fleet, now do yourself a favor and turn around and go back from whence you came" he stated in a southern drawl "We don't need your kind in these here parts."

"This should be interesting" the Captain thought to himself as he said 'With respect Sir, we can't really do that, we have our orders; and who are you to be blocking our path anyway."

Meanwhile Number One very quietly used the keypad on her chair arm and went to yellow alert just to let the Crew know something was afoot then was paying very close attention to the conversation in front of her.

"I am First Captain Donance of the Freighter Alliance.....we are what passes for the law in this here sector" He stated rather briskly expecting to be revered.

Jamie thought for a moment as he felt all the eyes on the Bridge Crew now on him "First Captain you appear to be a gentleman of integrity....please accept my invitation to meet on our Ship face to face.....I think you'll want to hear what I have to say" he commented hoping for a good outcome.

Donance thought for a moment "Let me discuss it with my other Captains and I will inform you of our decision in thirty microns (minutes)" he replied then the View Screen went back to a view of the Freighters.

The Captain returned to his seat to wait it out when Angel said in a low voice "Sir with respect, are you sure that was a wise decision inviting him on board" she queried with much concern.

"I sure hope so....I'm attempting to build trust between us for a diplomatic solution.....I really don't want to end up in a 'firefight' with these people" Jamie explained then turning to Sarissa "Are you getting any kind of a reading on him; mainly his intentions."

Sarissa nodded. “His intentions are very much as they appeared Captain. He appears to be a very sincere man, and he definitely means what he says.”

"Tactical watch them closely and let me know the second should they bring their weapons online" Jamie ordered. "Aye Captain" SanChez replied.

Tapping his Comm "Lieutenant Ren please report to the Bridge at once" the Captain ordered then commented to his Command Staff "Let's see if Mr Ren can give us any insight into those Ships without us having to scan them.....I don't want to do anything that would make us appear aggressive in any way."

The Captain glances back out of reflex as the turbo lift and immediately does a double take. The apparition that was stepping out of his turbo lift was not the same officer that he had met a few days ago.

The Kalva Ren he had met on his first day was a well groomed anthropomorphic cat with cybernetic limbs. The Kalva Ren that stepped off of the turbo lift looked like a psychotic stray that was dragged in off the street after a thunderstorm with spare parts attached to his body. As the cybernetic eye scanned and tracked everything on the bridge it caused a chill to run down his spine.

"You summoned me to the Bridge First of... Captain?"

"...Yes, umm..." taking a moment to gather himself " Yes, Lieutenant, we have some unexpected guests" motioning to the main screen "I was hoping with your extensive experience if you might be able to give us some idea about their technology"

Stepping up to the engineering station on the bridge he lays his cybernetic hand on the console and the whole system lit up, the science station noticed that the ships sensors were up and sending out an odd subspace frequency.

After a few minutes he turned from the console and says "These ships are using technology based on ancient Earth technology, they have energy resonance frequencies that resemble the old fusion powerplants from the early Earth colony ships" pausing for a moment as he seems to go into a trance he continues "their weapon systems do not have sufficient power to pierce our shields, however they do have missile systems that carry a dirty fusion payload that could disrupt the ships defensive shields to allow their energy weapons to damage the ship."

O'Connell listened very carefully to Kalva's explanation; Jamie was glad he had an extensive background in Engineering "Thank you Mr. Ren for your insight; it was most helpful" he commented being very confident in his CEO's knowledge.

{Thirty Microns Later}

As everyone on the Bridge were waiting to see what the Freighter Captains would do next the Comms Officer called out "Captain we're be hailed" "On Screen" came the order as O'Connell stood and went to his previous position. The First Captain came into view "We will take you up on your invitation.....may I bring my Second and Third Captains with me for the conversation" Donance asked.

"Yes of course.....I think you 'll find our conversation enlightening and worth your time Sir. I'll have my Helmsman send you the coordinates directly" Jamie replied with a smile "I look forward to your arrival....O'Connell out."


Shortly the three Captains met on Donance's Ship "Captains make sure you have your weapons with you.....I don't quite trust the Federation" he ordered being very serious.

The Third Captain spoke up "Respectfully Sir, won't they see that as an act of war if we go over there showing we're armed" he stated.

"Better that than be captured" Donance replied "Why do you have a problem with my orders Third captain" he stated gruffly.

"No are the First Captain after all" came the reply.

"Good it'd settled then.....weapons on stun.....let's go see what this O'Connell feller has to say" Donance answered.

{Peel Bridge}

Captain O'Connell sat waiting patiently for his guests to arrive when he saw three sets of lights indicating three beam in points. What he didn't expect to see was three armed Captains standing before him "Gentlemen, there isn't any need for weapons I just want to have a conversation explaining Star Fleet's intentions; please lower your weapons" Jamie stated as he looked to his left seeing SanChez going for her sidearm "Lieutenant stand down.....that's an order" as Maria nodded and replaced her weapon back into it's holster.

The First Captain spoke up "Quite frankly I'm not sure I trust you Captain so if you don't mind we'll keep our weapons right where they're at for the time being."

"Ok have it your way" O'Connell stated then let out a sigh "Computer initiate the Yoh Effect" and moments later the three Captains were encased in a containment beam.

"Donance shouted in anger "This is an act of war taking us captive like this....explain yourself" he demanded.

O'Connell walked over to the men sober faced "This is what I call leveling the playing field" as he looked over to Donance "The fact that you and your men came onto our Ship brandishing your don't call that an act of war."

The First Captain thought for a moment "That's a fair point I how long do you intend to keep us locked up like this."

"That depends on you. Computer enlarge the containment by one meter" then looking back to his guests "Now if you drop your weapons on the Deck then I will release you.....your choice" O'Connell stated matter of factly.

After a few moments of thought "Captains throw down your weapons, that's an order" Donance stated as all three men did what was asked of them.

Meanwhile Lieutenant SanChez kept her hand close to her phaser watching the three men very closely.

"Computer release the Yoh Effect" and instantly the men were free. The Second Captain started to reach down to the floor when SanChez drew her weapon "I wouldn't do that if I were you, not unless you want me to stun your ass into the middle of next week." The Second Captain looked up with a smile then raised his hands and stood back up.

Looking at the Second Captain "I will deal with you when we get back to our Ships" First Captain Donance stated looking quite pissed.

Sarissa was standing to the side and just behind O’Connell, as Counsellor it was part of her job to assist the Captain with negotiations, besides the fact her senses would come in useful. “Captain, might I suggest we show our guests to the conference room where we can all sit down to talk?”

Jamie turned and looked at Sarissa "Excellent idea Councilor....Captains if you would follow me we will proceed into the Conference Room where we can sit and talk like gentlemen." Walking over to Angel speaking in a low voice "Number One you have the Conn and contact the Base let them know we have a situation we're dealing with." "As you wish Sir." then turning......Lieutenant SanChez you're with me" as a relief Officer replaced Maria.



Senior Officers
USS Peel


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