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#13 Peel Back

Posted on Wed Apr 5th, 2023 @ 3:36am by Lieutenant Kalva Ren

Mission: Mission 10. Move to the Lagoon Nebula.
Location: USS Peel - Engineering
Timeline: Current


The ship was in the lead of the convoy moving the station and flying smoothly through space, it was time for him to peel back the shell of this ship.

Kalva was on his fifth shift in a row in the Engineering section of the USS Peel. Though he had downloaded all the blueprints and specifications for the ship and had been studying them in microscopic detail since he was informed of his ship assignment.

After almost 24 hours of crawling around in the ships jeffry tubes, in and around crawl spaces, behind and under access panels, Kalva's fur was caked with lubricants and dust and he looked like a psychotic Rakshasa.

The ships crew kept catching glances of the caked furry specter moving from tube to tube or popping out of an access panel to quickly disappear behind another one.

There was a new ghost in the machine...



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