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Post (12) - The Second day

Posted on Mon Apr 3rd, 2023 @ 11:36pm by Lieutenant Commander David Wallace

Mission: Mission 10. Move to the Lagoon Nebula.
Location: USS Thomson
Timeline: Move day 2


David woke early. He'd made his way too the small gymnasium near his quarters, strangely enough it was empty. After about a half hour David returned too his quarters, and got ready for the day. He sat at the small desk and went through the large numbers of reports, updates, logistical changes, and an after action report. He scrolled through the report, taking the usual notes and assembling the usual briefing report that he filed and knew would be ignored. He sat back in the desk chair with a coffee, normally he would be trying to find things too occupy his day now, but the station was in tow of the two massive tugs, and part of a formation of ships headed for a new place.

After about an hour more of reports, and reports about reports, and the analysis of the reports about the reports he thought about an early lunch, he looked at a small display, the lunch menu was one of the things he saw, not exactly appetizing but after the passible pizza from last night it was a better option after his experiences of yesterday. David grabbed his uniform coat and readied to leave, as he exited, "Oh!" he bumped into Captain Blumenberg.

"Sorry!" David said "I was just headed out for lunch."

"Can I join you?" Maria asked

"Always, shall we?"

Taking David's arm they walked down the corridor, "Sneaking around like we have been prior too this week hasn't been easy." Maria said as they walked.

"It was, plus it's not like we're aboard the same ship all the time." David said

"We're not always in the same sector but it makes the time better." Maria said as they entered into the mess hall.

They ordered and took a table over by the large viewport, the dull blueish glow of the tractor beams created an inadvertent tint to the windows but the stars were still quite visible they sat there with their respective meals, "So how'd you end up at a starbase?"

"I had applied for a spot back on Earth, but it turned out that the position had been merged into a reorganized department within intelligence so they offered me the spot on M-69, I figured it was an equal option, I just didn't think it would be this hectic."

"I can imagine, after we finished the new power plant on the New Sheppard colony and we finish this station move we're on down time for the next two months, the plan was to get back too earth, the two tugs are closing in on their next refit cycle and I'm sure the Thomson could use a major overhaul with all the work we do, plus it would be an excuse too catch up with Brayden in Vancouver."

David paused "Wait Brayden left starfleet?"

"Ten months ago, he opened that restaurant too." Maria said then taking a massive bite of the sandwich.

"Wow!" David stopped to process the news "So he just up and left after all that."

Maria looked at David slightly confused "That whole mess on Hellguard got into his head, the fire fight, the escape and you don't have any mixed feelings."

"Feelings? I wanted to leave field duty, more than once." David paused to take a drink "after we escaped it wasn't long before I thought about resigning, if it wasn't for Captain Memphis I probably would have."

Maria realized she'd hit a raw nerve, she turned too her food too try and deescalate the moment, "Aya, Jade and yourself did all that could too keep things from blowing up, the fact we're all still alive is a bonus."

"I guess, but now here I am again right in the middle of a hot spot and I'm helping move a damn space station." David said with some visible frustration.

"I don't know, it's a great way for us to spend time together." she said with a mischievous smile

"That is a bonus too this." David said calming down "Plus we get two weeks together that we wouldn't have gotten for a few months anyways."

"See some times there is a reason behind things, I'd like to stay but I do have a ship too command." Maria said picking up her tray.

David grabbed his and stood, "I should try and get some paperwork done, did you want too meet up on the holodeck later on?"

"Sure, but can you ditch the uniform?" Maria said as he cleared her tray "I want to spend even a few hours just having fun."

"Fine but I pick the program and you have to wear a dress." David said with a snicker.

"Deal." she said leaning in for a rare kiss.



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