#11. And so it begins
Posted on Mon Apr 3rd, 2023 @ 6:15am by Captain Shauna Callaghan & Lieutenant Isabelle Veran-Dallas & Lieutenant JG Sarissa Aloran & Taavis {UFP Intel Agent} {Meji} & Captain Jamie O'Connell & Lieutenant Commander Angel Devroe & Lieutenant Commander Ramvek Williams M.D. & Commander Kehlani & Lieutenant Maria SanChez & Lieutenant Commander David Wallace & Lieutenant Commander Billi & Lieutenant Ainkara "Kara" & Lieutenant Griffon Resch & Sean Silk
Mission 10. Move to the Lagoon Nebula.
Location: Various
- M-69 Ops -
Shauna took a deep breath and tapped the Comms. “M69 to all ships, we are ready to begin the move. Everyone Acknowledge.”
- USS Nazgul -
Resch spun his chair enough to look at Taavis. "Captain, Commander Callaghan says M69 is ready to begin."
"Inform 69 that Nazgul is standing by to assist," ordered Taavis. "Any, and all, telemetry and flight paths are to be sent to Ainkara and Billi immediately. Lieutenants, both of you use the data as you need to."
The women acknowledged, as did Resch, spinning back to look at his station more than elsewhere.
- M69 -
Isabelle arrived in Ops cradling her baby son, she wanted him as close to her as possible so had arranged with Sureth to use his office. “Fingers crosses all goes well Commander.” With that she headed to Sureth’s office.
-USS Peel-
Hearing the call from M-69, since a channel had been left open to hear any new information, the Captain tapped the keys on the arm of his command chair "Commander Callaghan, USS Peel here standing by.....let us know where you want us" he stated eager to get things going "Helm be ready to plot in a new heading"
"Aye Captain" helm replied checking over his screen to be ready at a moments notice.
- M-69 -
“Acknowledged Captain O’Connell, Thank you.”
- IKS Rokeg -
HoD Kehlani sat in her chair, her eyes watching outside the forward viewport as the whitewash of warp travel went passed them.
"Arriving at M-69, HoD," announed the Helm.
"Secure from warp," Kehlani ordered as she got to her feet. "Send transponder codes to inform them we are friendly, and who is in command." Her officers did their jobs. Her comm officer opened a channel for his CO. "M-69, this is the IKS Rokeg, HoD Kehlani commanding. We are here to assist."
"Incoming hail from the USS Nazgul, HoD."
"Put it on screen," said Kehlani, taking a pace forward to stand ready to address their caller. Within moments Taavis appeared, giving a crooked grin. "Captain Taavis, always an honor."
"And, to you, Commander Kehlani." Taavis responded. "Got a new toy, I see." As had her opposite, Taavis had stood and moved to right in front of her viewer. "The Nazgul may pay a visit to Kerom, and if you'll allow, assist with colony infrastructure."
Kehlani was listening, and waited until Taavis had finished speaking for the moment. "Helm, bring us alongside the Nazgul. Match course and speed." Her eyes went back to the Vulcan. "My House needed a flagship, the Council provided. As for Kerom, any aid would be appreciated. We've come alongside you, Captain. We await any orders from M69. Rokeg, out." The transmission cut and Kehlani spun and sat back down in her chair. Now was not the time for catching up.
--USS Thomson--
David was on the bridge sitting at the mission specialist station, starships Nazgul, Dawnstar, Leviathan, Peel and Dominion all fell into formation. David watched the two massive Scavenger Class tugs move into their designated position, "Captain Blumenberg the board is green."
Maria turned, "Blumenberg to M-69 task group, the tugs are going to begin the tow in three minutes, ensure your ships remain clear of the tugs and the station at all times, the drones will form a perimeter to begin their programed work, if the math is right this is a fourteen day haul so sit back find a good holonovel and relax we got this." Turning to David” Blumenberg out"
Maria looked to the comms officer "Let the tugs know they can start the tow, signal the drones to get into formation." She started too walk over to David's station "Helm move us into the point position as planned."
-USS Peel-
Hearing Captain Blumenberg, Jamie called out "Helm plot a course with the coordinates provide.....one quarter impulse to start....once we're underway match speed with the rest of the Fleet" came the order glad to finally be getting underway.
"Captain looks like we're going to be an escort of sorts" Number One commented "I'm surprised they didn't send some of us ahead to scout the way to the nebula."
"Yes I'm surprised as well; so I guess we just go with the flow until told otherwise" Jamie replied thinking a holo novel wasn't such a bad idea.
- M-69 -
In Ops Shauna was having a similar thought. “Callaghan to O’Connell, I suggest you take the Peel, and scout ahead of our route. I don’t want any surprises.”
-USS Peel-
"Understood Commander.....if we see any potential issues we'll let you know; O'Connell out." "Helm break us away from the rest of the Fleet, looks like we have recon to do. Once clear maintain the same course....Warp 3; we don't want to miss anything" came the order.
"Aye Sir....breaking away now.....course maintained....Warp 3" Helm replied as the Crew could feel the Peel going smoothly to Warp.
"Lieutenant SanChez let me know if you find anything I should know about" Jamie ordered tactical.
"Aye Captain....you'll be the second to know" she replied as she kept a close eye on her Screens for anything out of the ordinary.
Angel leaned over towards Jamie and in a low voice "Looks like someone has some tactical chops after all" she commented as Jamie nodded in agreement.
--USS Thomson--
On the main viewer the view was the two massive tugs and the station, seconds later the tractor beams locked on, their blue glow enveloped the station. Then as if they were working with one mind their engines powered up, at first there looked to be resistance, then slowly the station moved. The sextet of drones followed suit, matching the pace of the station, their sensors continuously scanning the station. On the bridge the sensor feeds were overlaid along with visual data and other data.
"Structural strain is lower than expected, monitoring systems are now in full control of the stations systems, remote links are stable." someone called out
"Drone six and two are moving to pre warp position, the other four are starting their maneuvers now." someone else called out.
"Set condition Orange, move us into position at one quarter." Maria called out.
David listened too the events taking place, the status displays most of the numbers were about structural stress, power, even the limited life support that had been left on. David watched the drones move in a very mechanical manner. The drones themselves were oversized probes with larger sensor suites, and warp engines. He felt a hand on his shoulder "So far so good." he commented.
"When we jump to warp that's when the tension begins, hopefully the structural integrity field generator addons kick in on time." Maria said looking at a readout.
"Xom and I added a data feed back too the remote control units aboard the station, when we start accelerating to warp the field generators compensate." David pointed too the screen "the time delay is about twenty milliseconds which is as tight as we can make it."
"I saw it in some tech thing I ran across when I was on Earth a while back, never thought it had much practical use." David said
"If it proves useful you might end up with an engineering commendation." Maria remarked
"I don't think dad has one of those." David joked
- M-69 -
In Ops Shauna offered Isabelle a smile. “So far so good, fingers crossed it stays that way. Did you see your father?”
Isabelle shook her head. “No, he wasn’t in there.”
Shauna tapped her comm badge. “Ops to Sureth, we’re underway.”Is everything alright Sir?”
With absolutely nothing going on in Sick Bay Doctor Williams made his way to Ops just to be curious as to what was going on and how the move was progressing. When he walked in he noticed everyone starring at various screens while talking back and forth. Not wanting to disturb anyone from their important work he walked over to one of the viewports watching the stars moving steadily faster as a thought came into his mind "Hold together baby....hold together."
“Hello Doctor” Isabelle smiled as she walked across to Ramvek. “There’s not a lot for us medical professionals to do now we don’t have crew aboard, is there?”
"No, not really that's why I decided to come up here to see how things were progressing" he commented with a grin "So how are you getting along?"
“Okay. I’m starting to wonder whether keeping my son onboard was a good idea.” Isabelle frowned. “After having him taken from me before, I was afraid of being separated from him. He’s in my father’s office right now.”
"After what you went through with your Son your hesitations are certainly well founded" Ramvek replied "However I think your Son is safe here on the Base; at least I would hope so."
Isabelle nodded. “I certainly hope so.” She offered a smile. “Thank you Ramvek.”
-USS Peel-
Things were progressing quite well with the Recon and their path seemed to be clear thus far. "Science do you have any indication of how the Base is progressing" the Captain queried. Changing his Screen "Yes Sir, it looks like they are slowly going to warp." came the reply. Looking to his Number One "I doubt they'll be able go past warp 2....the shear force would make the tractor beam unstable" Jamie commented. "I agree, so we'll see what happens" Angel replied. Meanwhile Jamie was thinking then gave an order "Helm increase our speed to warp 4." "Aye Captain." "I want more distance between the Base and us just in case we run into any obstacles" Jamie commented to Angel as she nodded in agreement.
--USS Thomson--
The bridge appeared to be quiet, "Sir we're now at full towing speed, estimated time to destination thirteen days, ten hours, thirty six minutes, or an argument with Mr Xom." the bridge collectively chuckled.
David missed the joke. He closed down the mission specialist station and stood up, the past four hours were a blur now. David walked over too the turbolift, he knew he needed a shower, maybe something besides the weaponized coffee that the replicators were spewing out, as the doors hissed closed and the low whine began he unzipped his jacket for the first time in hours he leaned on the back wall for a few seconds. The lift stopped a moment later he stepped out taking off his coat and walking the few short strides too his quarters.
David was barely through the door when the monotone of the computer interrupted his lack of thoughts ~"Lieutenant Wallace, incoming subspace message, Starfleet intelligence."~
David spun the small terminal around and pushed the open key.
To: Lt David Wallace
Fr: Comdr Jarred Wallace, DOSFI
David, excellent work on the move.
Charlottetown recalled due to current situation.
Essary situation is uncertain, prep for future ops should need arise.
Full support of sector ops available to your CO.
'Toybox' at your disposal.
==Message end==
David closed the message and sat down on the couch, it looked like he was going to be in things for the long haul he reached for the bottle of whiskey he had stashed in his bag pulling it out and pouring two glasses, as if on cue the door chime rang out. "Come!" David called out.
"Well, I hope that other one is for me" Maria said tossing her vest on top of David's coast and sitting down next to him.
"So far so good I gather?" David said followed by a short sip
"We're good to go, Dinner?" Maria said.
"In the mess hall or here?" David said reaching over to her.
"Let's stay in and have one of those pizza's on the menu." Maria said then added "You need a shower!"
"Deal." David said standing up.