#36 On Their Way
Posted on Thu May 25th, 2023 @ 4:44pm by Taavis {UFP Intel Agent} {Meji} & Captain Tore Bjorgo & Lieutenant Commander Billi
Mission 10. Move to the Lagoon Nebula.
Location: USS NAZGUL
Timeline: current
"Runabout THAMES, you're cleared for approach."
"Roger, Nazgul, we copy." The lieutenant piloting the small starship responded, reaching out and tapping the intercom. "Commander, we're on final approach."
Commander Tore Bjorgo got up from the table in the aft section of the ship, closing the book he had been reading and tucking it into his bag. As he did so his eyes caught sight of his teral'n, the Romulan melee weapon he favored over all others. Once the book was placed inside, and pressed down a tad, he zipped up and shouldered the bag, going up front. His eyes immediately went out the viewport as he came onto the small Bridge. There she was, the USS Nazgul, in all her glory. When Tore had received word that he was being assigned as Nazgul's new Number One, he had been thrilled. His Augment status had aided him well in his career, and now the ultimate sign of trust had been granted him; executive officer of a cruiser. The Narendra class, spawned from the same basic frame as the Ambassador class, was a vessel to behold. That, and anything beat the ugliness of a Galaxy class. "Quite the sight, eh Lieutenant?"
"That she is, Sir." The pilot continued to approach, his speed slowing as he swung around to come in from the aft. They continued to move in closer as the aft shuttle bay doors opened.
Standing on the flight deck in the shuttle bay, Captain Taavis and Lieutenant Billi awaited the arrival of the new XO, assigned by Admiral Aaron Stone and Starfleet Command. That was fine, and welcomed, even. Billi was not quite up to the task of being the second highest officer on board, despite her skills and knowledge in various disciplines. Plus, with Stone now calling Nazgul regularly, Taavis felt that something else was brewing and that this new officer, Commander Bjorgo, was going to be needed in the very near future.
"I hope he's not an A-hole," Billi said, standing to her Captain's left.
"If he is that will be quelled post haste," assured Taavis. "However, Admiral Stone doesn't seem the type to send out that kind of officer for command. Not in a sector such as this."
The small starship came in, spun around to face aft, and then landed on its skids. Once the power had been shut down the port hatch opened and out came a blonde haired, blue eyed Human, carrying himself well. He had shorter hair and a thin beard. The eyes were intense, focused, but also carried a goodly portion of empathy and understanding. Taavis had read he was sixty-two years old, part of being an Augment, but his genetics made him look no older than a 30 year old Human.
Bjorgo, spotting the two females, and liking the fact that neither were Human, approached and extended a hand. "Commander Tore Bjorgo, reporting as Number One for the USS Nazgul." He shook both their hands.
"Welcome, Commander," said Taavis, as she shook hands. She continued as the other two did the same. "Glad to have you aboard. I'm Captain Taavis and this is Lieutenant Billi, Flight Control Chief and acting Number One."
Billi was quite taken with this piece of juicy fruit. Damn, some Humans just had that air about them, both physically and mentally. "A pleasure, Sir. Welcome to the Nazgul."
"Thank you, both of you," Bjorgo responded, a friendly grin on his face. "I take it the ship is waiting for me before we start to take a look around?"
"Something like that," said Billi, returning the grin.
Tore did not miss the interest behind those Orion eyes but chose to ignore it. He was not here to get his carrot wet. Plenty of time for that at a later date. "I hear tell we'll be receiving some cadets," said Bjorgo as they all began to walk together.
Taavis glanced at her new XO. "That we will. Admiral Stone is routing a transport out this way, which we will meet. Once they are aboard then we'll begin our own patrols and mapping of the sector."
"Sounds good, Captain," replied Bjorgo. "I know 69 just got moved, and that kind of move takes time for the dust to settle. People need to adjust, all that. I think it will do Nazgul some good to just get out there and do what she was built for."
Billi smiled. "I keep telling her that."
"As she constantly reminds me," quipped Taavis. She went to say something else but her combadge sounded, informing her she had a call from Admiral Stone. "Pardon me, you two. Duty calls. Billi, please show Tore around."
The Captain walked away towards another lift while Billi and Bjorgo stepped into the one just ahead. After entering and the door closed behind them, Billi spoke to the computer. "Deck two." The lift began to move, and within seconds, arrived at deck two and opened. Once their boot soles were on deck two Billi led the way to a door. "That's you, Sir. Your quarters have been sterilized and deep cleaned. I figured you would want to drop off your bag and acquaint yourself with your cabin. I'll leave you to it, Commander."
"Thank you, Billi," said Bjorgo. "Nice to meet you, and I'm sure we'll see each other again."
"Count on it, Sir." She smiled. "Until then." With a final nod of goodbye Billi walked away back towards the lift.
Tore watched her back as she went, finding the woman to be friendly and pleasant. Once she was out of sight he then entered his quarters. As per usual they were done up in the ever prevalent Starfleet blandness. Won't take much to fill a few shelves with odds and ends, he thought. Tossing his bag on the sofa, Bjorgo began to walk around and familiarize himself with the new terrain of his home.
Taavis got to her Ready Room, sat down, and called up the transmission from the Admiral. When his face appeared Taavis gave him a nod of acknowledgement. "Good evening, Admiral." She did notice that the Admiral was not in the same space he was the last time he had called. The background was different, reminding Taavis of a VIP suite. Perhaps, as he had said, Admiral Stone was actually making his way out to the fringe.
"Captain," Stone said with a friendly grin. "I hear that Commander Bjorgo arrived. Good. We can get things underway that much quicker."
"How did you know he was here, Sir?"
"I have my sources, Captain." Stone's friendly demeanor subsided somewhat. "I'm sending the coordinates for where the meet is. Don't lollygag, Captain. Get here promptly."
Taavis was starting to feel on edge. There was an intensity now, in the Admiral's visage and eye set, that told her there was more to all this than a cadet cruise and an inspection. Perhaps it was an Intelligence operation they needed a cruiser for. "Unless it's a dire emergency, Admiral, I believe that warp five will be sufficient."
"Warp five is fine. The coordinates are sent. See you when you arrive. Stone, out."
As he shut the channel down Taavis was taken aback somewhat. Now, with her curiosity piqued, Taavis was determined to get to the location and find out what was really going on. Not one to sit idle Taavis went out to the Bridge, seeing Billi had returned to her spot at helm. "Lieutenant Billi, there are new coordinates sent in by SFHQ." Taavis made it to her chair and sat down. "Set course, warp five, please."
Billi's hands danced over her console. "Coordinates set, warp five ready at your command, Captain."
The USS Nazgul turned and began to accelerate, maneuvering away from the traffic lanes and the base so she could jump to warp. Once clear, Billi tapped the key at warp 5, and within seconds the cruiser jumped to light speed.