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Post # 37 Letting Off Steam

Posted on Fri May 26th, 2023 @ 10:35pm by Lieutenant Maria SanChez

Mission: Mission 10. Move to the Lagoon Nebula.
Location: Various
Timeline: Current


{USS Peel}

[Deck 2 Quarters]

Lieutenant Maria SanChez was one of the last Crew left who had not gone down to the Base to look around; something she had planned on rectifying today. Tapping her Comm "Private Anderson this is Lieutenant SanChez."

Moments later " Yes Lieutenant, what can I do for you" Anderson replied.

"I was wondering if you would care to join me on the Base to have a look around the place before we get orders to move out" Maria stated hoping for the right answer.

"Well since I haven't been off this Ship since I came aboard, I could use a break. I just need to clear it with my Captain, but I'm sure it'll be fine" Sarah replied grinning to herself.

"Meet me in Transporter Room one in an hour and let's go civilian casual for a change" Maria answered with a smile.

"Sounds good....I'll see you soon Anderson out" she replied.

After a quick shower Maria dried herself then bristled her hands through her short hair. Dressing she wore a pair of low rider jeans and a sleeveless top along with comfortable flats. Looking in the mirror she ran a brush through her now dry hair and was out the door for some fun and relaxation.


Materializing on the Promenade, Sarah turned to Maria "So where too, since you invited me along" she commented with a smile.

"Since I'm not really the shopping kind of gal....I thought we might find a Pub, grab a bite to eat,,,,and I could use some real honest to goodness booze for a change" Maria replied.

"Being the Marine that I am....that sounds like my kind of evening Maria" she retorted with a wry grin.

The friends walked into the nearest Pub, which just happened to be O'Malleys, sat and ordered a pitcher of suds and a platter of deep fried meats and veggies.

When the food arrived Maria poured each of them a nice cold beer then the two proceeded to demolish the platter of food. Sarah finished her beer rather quickly and poured herself another. Before she could pick it up Maria sort of grabbed her hand "Easy there girl.....remember what the Captain said about getting ripped while on the Base" Maria reminded her as Sarah gave her a puzzled look " know shit faced.....stupid drunk ring a bell?"

Sarah smiled "Gotcha.....ok I'll slow it down I wouldn't want either one of us to get hauled into the Captain's Office or anything" she replied setting the glass back down on the table.

"Good, that makes two of us and since I am a Senior Officer I don't want to set a bad example for the others. Besides I don't want to have to drag your lanky ass back to the Ship either" Maria concluded with a chuckle. The two ladies sat and chatted, along with some crude humor from time to time, while finishing their food and the pitcher of suds.

After they left the Pub Maria looked at Sarah "So do you want to look around the Promenade for awhile, now that I have my beer quota for the day" she asked while thinking the beer quota was only BS, but who's to know.

"Sounds good" she answered as the two friends started walking looking at all the different things that the Promenade had to offer. Shortly Sarah started to hear music and started out at a trot as Maria walked faster to keep up "Where are you going" she queried. Sarah replied "Music....I hear music" and moments later they were standing in front of 'Club A-Go-Go'.

Maria looked at Sarah "I take it you like to dance" "Yes, I love to dance don't you?" "Not so much" Maria replied. "Come on let's go'll be fun I promise" Sarah stated with a grin.

The ladies stood at a table, each with a frosted cold acrylic mug of beer, as Maria was watching Sarah wiggle her butt to the music while thinking "Maybe this dance thing isn't such a bad idea after all" while enjoying the scenery across the table.

Then a new song started to play as Sarah had a big smile across her face"Oh boy Disco" then grabbed Maria's hand and pulled her out onto the dance floor. Facing Maria "Follow my lead" she shouted so to be heard over the music. Sarah started to get into her groove as Maria stood trying to figure out the moves. After a few moments Maria decided to jump right in thinking "Oh what the hell, why not." Sarah smiled shouting "Now you're getting it" as the two ladies continued dancing until the music stopped.

Returning to their table, Maria grabbed her mug of suds and took a big swig "Dancing really makes you thirsty" as she snickered. "It sure does" as Sarah followed suit. The music started up again and the two went out on the dance floor to dance a couple more dances.

After the dances the friends polished off the last of their beers when Sarah commented "I think I'm all danced out for one night, let's get out of here" with Maria nodding in agreement.

They walked back into the Promenade holding pinky fingers as they left the area. Maria smiled "Let's say we return to the dogs are starting to bark" as she grinned.

"I'm with you" Sarah replied then taking out her Comm and tapping it "Peel this is private Anderson....lock onto my signal....two to return home" and moments later the two disappeared in two beams of blue light.

{USS Peel}

[Deck 3]

After arriving back home they walked to Sarah's quarters, she entered her security code and the door slid open as she turned "Maria do you want to come in for a bit?"

"Just for a minute....I'm kinda spent" came the reply. Once inside Maria walked up into Sarah's personal space "I had a really fun time today....thank you for going with me" she said in a sultry voice with a smile.

"Thanks for asking me....I had a blast.....I think it was exactly what I needed" she replied then leaned in and gave Maria a sweet kiss.

Maria smiled back "And that was exactly what I needed" as she returned the kiss in spades "I should be going maybe we can do this again some time."

"I'd really like that" Sarah replied with a smile of her own.

Maria nodded then turned to return to her own quarters one deck up. Walking home she couldn't help but think "I'm really starting to like this girl and since she's not in my Department it shouldn't be a problem with Command."


Lieutenant Maria SanChez
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
USS Peel


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