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Post # 38 Getting Acquainted

Posted on Tue May 30th, 2023 @ 3:34pm by Lieutenant Commander Angel Devroe & Lieutenant JG Sarissa Aloran

Mission: Mission 10. Move to the Lagoon Nebula.
Location: Various
Timeline: Current



It was Angel's turn to go check out the Base but she really didn't want to go alone. After some thought she tapped her Comm "Lieutenant Aloran this is Commander Devroe, I was wondering if you would like to go down to the Base with me and do some shopping" she queried wanting to get a few things for her quarters.

Sarissa had been looking for an excuse to go shopping, she smiled as she tapped her comm badge. “Aloran here, I’d love to Commander! I’ll meet you on the station promenade in say...twenty minutes?”

"Sounds good, I'll see you in twenty" Angel replied looking forward to getting to know Sarissa socially.

{M-69 Promenade}

Angel had decided to go civilian for a change of routine. She wore a pair of blue jeans with a nice top, comfortable shoes and had her hair down for a change. Standing by the Lift Angel would wait for her shopping companion to arrive.

Sarissa arrived to meet Angel as promised, it made a change to wear her civvies instead of uniform. She’d chosen a dress for a change, wearing comfortable flat shoes and her hair down. She smiled as she saw Devroe.

"Sarissa, right on time" Angel commented with a smile "So where would you like to check out first."

Sarissa smiled warmly. “Hi Angel, I don’t mind where we go. How’s about we walk and see what takes our interest?”

"Sure, let's see what's here" Angel replied with a smile as the two ladies started to make their way around the Promenade chatting and getting to know each other outside of their duties. After awhile they came upon an unusual shoppe with an unusual name. Angel looked at Sarissa "This sounds interesting....Heidi's Secret....I wonder what her secret is; I guess there's only one way to find out" she stated as the they walked inside. Looking around all Angel could do was whisper "Do women actually wear this stuff" she commented as all she could see was very provocative versions of ladies lingerie.

“I’ve no idea but I have to admit I like this one.” Sarissa grinned as she pointed out a pretty saucy looking piece of lingerie. “I might just take one of these.” She grinned as she picked it up.

Angel smirked as she whispered "And that wouldn't be to impress a certain Lieutenant by any chance would it" as she sort of giggled "Don't worry Sarissa your secret is safe with me."

Sarissa couldn’t help but blush. “Let’s just say it could be” She offered a wry smile. “Do you think he’ll like it?”

"Let's just say you'll definitely get his attention in the best possible way" Angel replied "And it's nice you have someone special in your life."

Sarissa smiled and nodded. “I’m lucky to have someone so charming, a true gentleman.” She took the lingerie to pay for it. “So where would you like to go next?”

"I noticed a weapon's shoppe across the way; something a little more my style" Angel replied "If you wouldn't mind."

“I don’t mind at all” Sarissa smiled. “I might find something of interest myself while we’re there, not that I usually have much to do with weapons.”

The ladies walked into a weapon's shoppe when Angel saw something of interest. Approaching the Shoppe Keep with a smile "Excuse me, could I take a look at the Qui'na you have on display."

Looking up from his work " know your weapons I see" as he handed Angel a medium length double edged sword. If you wish you can wield it over there" he instructed with a smile.

Angel nodded and made her way to the area as Sarissa was looking around. Entering the area Angel stood, feet apart at shoulder width, knees slightly bent. Taking a deep breath Angel extended her left arm open handed in front of her and the right arm pulled back holding the sword by the handle. Suddenly she took a few steps forward while turning and whipping the sword through the air hearing the blade singing as she moved it. After a few minutes she stopped while noticing the perfect balance of the weapon. Walking back to the owner "So how much are you asking for the Neberite Sword" she queried.

"That would be two thousand credits for that item" the Keeper replied.

Thinking for a minute Angel decided to try and haggle the price "Hmmm, I'll give you fifteen hundred for it."

The Keeper grinned admiring the challenge "Tell you what, I'll split the thousand seventy five since you seem to be quite talented."

Angel thought she would try one more time "Tell you what....I'll do sixteen five and not a credit more and that's my final offer" she stated hoping he'd go for it.

Thinking for a moment before answering "You're a hard nut to crack but I like your determination" then he paused "Ok, done and done" he stated with a grin. Angel paid the man before he changed his mind and grabbed her new find then walked over to Sarissa "Find anything you like?"

“To be honest I’m not sure” Sarissa shrugged her shoulders. “Like I said I’m not into weapons that much. I see you got yourself a bargain.”

"Might I suggest a small dagger style knife with a sheath; that way you can carry it in your uniform pocket just for a little added protection....but that is certainly up to you and your comfort level carrying such a weapon. As for myself I did manage to haggle the Shoppe Keep down to a more reasonable price; besides it will look good next to my Klingon Bat'leth and Japanese Sword which I have hanging on the wall in my quarters" Angel replied in some detail.

Sarissa considered Angel’s suggestion. “Actually that could be a good idea, I’d just need to learn how to use a dagger properly.” She saw a small dagger with sheath on display, it’s handle looked quite ornate. “What do you think to that one?”

Angel picked up the dagger and pulled it out of it's sheath looking it all over "Actually I think would serve you well" she commented "I don't know if you've read my personal file or not but I am quite skilled in several forms of Martial Arts as well as the weaponry. I would be more than happy to give you some instruction if you'd like."

“Really?” Sarissa nodded. “That would be great, thank you Angel. In the meantime I’ll take the dagger.”

"No problem, knowledge is useless if you can't share it. Matter of fact I instructed Lieutenant SanChez awhile ago on something that she was trying to master" Angel commented.

After the purchase was paid for they left the Shoppe when Angel asked Sarissa " What would you like to do now?" came the query.

“How’s about we find somewhere to pick up some sweet treats to take back to the ship? I do love a sweet treat!”

"As long as it has the word 'chocolate' in it; I'm there" Angel replied with a chuckle "That is something I haven't had in ages."

“Then chocolate it will be!” Sarissa grinned. “I’ll admit I miss the real thing when aboard ship, replicated is okay but it’s just lacking that richness you get with real chocolate.”

"That's for sure" Angel replied with a giggle "I don't even bother replicating chocolate; if I can't have the real thing then why bother."

They walked the Promenade chatting until they found a sweet shoppe and entered looking at all the various confections "Everything looks so yummy I hardly know where to start" Angel commented with a grin.

“I’m going for a good old pick ‘n’ mix” Sarissa grinned. “That, and some chocolate!”

"That sounds like a plan" Angel replied "Me, I see chocolate fudge in my near future....that and some chocolate covered cashew can never have too much chocolate."

They each picked out their favorites and paid for their confections. After they left the shoppe Angel stopped and grabbed a piece of fudge "I just have to try this now, I can't wait any longer" she stated as she took a bite, closed her eyes for a moment "Ah, this is so good" then proceeded to finish the piece of candy savoring the rich flavor.

“I completely agree” Sarissa nodded as she savoured a chocolate. “Ohh so good.”

The two Officers continued walking and chatting for a while longer. Finally Angel realized it was getting well on in the day when she commented "This has been so much fun, besides getting to know the real you, thank you for a delightful time" she commented with a smile.

“Likewise” Sarissa smiled and nodded. “We’ll have to do this again sometime.”

"Yes, I'd like that" Angel replied with a smile before continuing "I don't know about you, but my feet are killing me....not used to all the walking I guess. We should probably return to the Ship before the Captain sends Lieutenant SanChez looking for us" as a grin came across her face.

“Yeah I guess we should” Sarissa smiled. “Can’t have the Captain thinking we’re missing.”

"Probably not" Angel replied with a chuckle. Tapping her Comm "Peel this is Lt. CMDR Devroe, two to return to the Ship"; moments later the Officers were gone from sight.


Lieutenant JG Sarissa Aloran
Chief Counselor/ACMO

Lieutenant Commander Angel Devroe
First Officer
USS Peel


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