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Post # Destiny

Posted on Thu Jun 1st, 2023 @ 3:38pm by Lieutenant Odac Yova & Lieutenant JG Ellie Kees-Odak (Veran-Dallas)

Mission: Mission 10. Move to the Lagoon Nebula.
Location: Starbase M-69
Timeline: Concurrent


< Observation Deck >

Very little time availed from the move but now that Starbase M-69 was moved to the Lagoon Nebula Odac Yova called for his beloved Ellie to join him.

Having received the call to the observation deck, Ellie made her way there. She and Yova hadn’t had much time together lately with the move to the Nebula, so she was looking forward to time together with him.

The Neon glow of pink and blues lit up the observation deck shining a path to his beloved Ellie.

" You made it. Come kiss me wife." Yova asked as he met her half way. " I am so tired from this move. Engineering has been on duty for a week. We slept in four hour shifts."

Ellie nodded before giving Yova a loving kiss and hug. “Well now that we’re here we’ll have the chance to get back to normal, things might be busy while people settle back in but you’ll have the rest of the crew back now to help you.”

" Playing second fiddle isn't so bad. The chief is very busy. How is science? Now you have a whole nebula to explore." Yova added.

“It’s going to be completely amazing!!” Ellie grinned as she looked out at the view. “There’s so much to explore out there, but I’d rather do it aboard a starship than a runabout. Do you think I’m being overly cautious, I just worry now we have these two on the way.” she rested her hand on her growing bump.

" You should go I have no desire to serve on any more ships. I can watch the children after they come and we will get a holo nanny ." Yova urged. " We are not on the Amandora any more Ellie our careers are back on track."

Ellie looked at Yova worriedly. “Ohh no, I didn’t mean I want to be serving on a ship again Yova, I just meant hitching a ride on a starship to survey the nebula. I’m happy here onboard the station, and being away from the twins once they’re born would be difficult for me.”

" I just owe you so much. Meeting me foiled your career but I am so glad you did." Yova replied.

“Meeting you most certainly hasn’t foiled my career” Ellie smiled. “You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me, before I met you all I had was my work, now I’ve got you and we’re expecting twins! You can’t get much better than that.”

" You are right I am a catch. Engineers have rigged up neon lights and syphoned samples of the nebula. You should see them glow." Yova said hugging Ellie. " In fact I brought one."

The cylinder glowed orange but then became a different colour of blue the moment Ellie touched it. “Look it's a mood device."

Ellie couldn’t help but smile. “That’s amazing! And so beautiful.”

" I never saw it change colours before. That's eerie." Yova replied.

“You think there’s a reason for it?” Ellie backed away just incase for safety’s sake.

"Could be a great science experiment." Yova replied. He took back the cylinder and it immediately turned back to orange.

“Could be, but I’d prefer it to be under laboratory conditions. It’s safer that way.” Ellie offered a smile.

" I will take it to your lab on the way back to engineering. I love you wife. " Yova hugged her again.

“I love you too handsome” Ellie smiled warmly. “I don’t know about you but I’ll sleep like a rock tonight!”

" About that it is sort of why I had you meet me. I have Delta watch. We have a skeleton crew now that the two ships are here. I won't be home till 0200." Yova added.

Ellie sighed but nodded. “I guess I should have known that was coming, I’ll be out like a light once I climb into bed tonight so I guess I won’t see you again until breakfast.”

" At least we are together and not being scrutinised by an overbearing dictator of a Captain." Odac whispered.

Ellie nodded. “That’s true, I didn’t feel comfortable there but here I feel a lot more at home. Strangely enough I feel as though I’m supposed to be here, I don’t just mean the station I mean the Nebula. It’s odd I know, but it’s how I feel.”

" Me too it is like the first time I ever entered the Bajoran wormhole. The Celestial Temple feels just like this." Yova replied.

“You don’t think...” Ellie gave Yova a curious look. “This isn’t some sort of destiny thing is it? Something the prophets have guided you, us, to?”

" Maybe? I just feel like this is some sort of Holy place and it is ironic we are stationed here." Odac answered.

“Well no doubt we’ll find out in time” Ellie grinned. “Let’s drop off those samples in my lab and I’ll run some tests on them later. Right now I plan on going to get all 3 of us something to eat, carrying twins has certainly increased my appetite.”

" Let's stop by the galley for some rations. The kitchen is off line until all systems are brought back to full power." Yova then added.

“As long as I’m not going to be depriving anyone of anything” Ellie grinned knowing full well there’d be plenty of ration stores available. “I usually hate ration packs, but right now they’ll do.”

" I will make every effort to get the dining systems back on line ." Yova promised as they walked out the door.

Unobserved a vaporous cloud covered the observation windows but dissipated once the doors closed.

“Do you think we should put the sample back? What if there’s more to this nebula? It’s happened before, samples have turned out to be part of living entities. I’d hate for that to happen.”

" Are you sensing something or is your very pregnant brain on overload?" Yova chuckled.

“Probably on overload!” Ellie grinned. “But...I’ve never seen a sample react like that, it could be just random I guess.”

" Hydrogen gas go figure." Yova shrugged.

“I don’t know” Ellie shrugged her shoulders. “Anyway let’s get these to the lab and we’ll go enjoy those ration packs.”



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