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Post 62 " Contrived Lies"

Posted on Fri Sep 15th, 2023 @ 1:01pm by Commodore Sureth & Captain Deke Rivers

Mission: Mission 10. Move to the Lagoon Nebula.
Location: Starbase M-69
Timeline: Concurrent



Deke Rivers awoke early as the chow went quick in the brig of this ship. Today a unique opportunity availed him a biscuit. Scarfing it down Deke awaited the dreary part of the day.

Long distance from his shuttle and old friend who had sold him to these people. Deke now awaited his fate.

" Captain Rivers...someone came looking for you. He told me to give you this." a prisoner said handing him a folded cloth.

" What's the...?"


Sureth looked out his window at the enormous Lagoon Nebula they hovered near. With all the patrol ships gone the starbase felt like an empty house.


Deke returned to his corner of the room and placed the small
Clay transmitter into the corner. Molded the color of gray it did not conspicuously look out of place.

" This is Captain Deke Rivers to whom ever is receiving this. I am alive and well. Send Whiskey."

The device beeped and suddenly Deke received a shock of energy to his body.
Deke dropped the device and stepped back only to be engulfed in a transporter and beamed up to a ship.


" Welcome aboard Captain" said his captor. " A ship needs its Captain especially if we are to go into battle.

" I am a little groggy. Who is attacking us? " asked Deke.

" Not sure Captain. The Essary Directive prevents us from firing first but the enemy attacked our base. "

" Our base? "

" They have taken over our base in the Lagoon Nebula. Our orders are to attack their defenses while their patrol ships are out of range. The leader is a ruthless Vulcan named Sureth."

" Sureth....I know him. He is my enemy?"

" Yes he stole your command."



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