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Post 61 - Departure

Posted on Tue Sep 12th, 2023 @ 8:48pm by Lieutenant Commander David Wallace & Lieutenant Isabelle Veran-Dallas & 2nd Lieutenant John Dallas
Edited on on Tue Sep 12th, 2023 @ 8:49pm

Mission: Mission 10. Move to the Lagoon Nebula.
Location: Hangar 3
Timeline: 0500hrs (Mission Day 1)


Jason, the two engineers, Aya and the rest of the volunteers for the mission had all begun to arrive. David and the engineers were checking over the issues they had found with the arrival of the ship, The Ontario class runabout was designed to replace aging ships with the same purpose, almost. The Ontario are a new concept, the layout is flipped, engineering makes up the upper level and a half of the ship, the rest was very spartan, small quarters, even for the ship commander, a small rec area that doubled as a mess hall, a very rudimentary medical facility, and a cargo hold that can double as a vehicle bay because of the redesigned ramp, Jason boarded via the gangplank, followed by Aya and the engineers Master Chief Lester Chambers and Crewman Jax.

Jason and the other made their way too the main turbolift "Jax and Chambers head up to engineering and start preflight, Aya and I will start preflight on the bridge, The marines are due shortly along with the mission XO. The door slid open and Jason walked through followed by Aya, "Computer, transfer command to Lieutenant Commander David Wallace, effective immediately."

~"Acknowledged, USS Huron now in command of Lieutenant Commander David Michael Wallace."~ the computer blurted out.

"Tactical" David asked

"Weapons systems are all good, in preflight standby, internal power is coming online." Aya said looking at the readouts.

=^="Engineering to bridge, Engines to preflight, internal power is now on full, all we need are the marines and our XO"=^=

Isabelle walked onto the bridge giving a polite nod as she took up an empty seat, she had more or less argued her father out to allow her to go along for the ride so her senses could be put to use in helping to locate Captain Rivers.

David swiveled slightly in the command chair, "Welcome aboard, now all we need is our helm officer and we can get going."

“Thank you Commander” Isabelle smiled warmly. “I haven’t had chance to say it until now, but Congratulations on your promotion.”

"Thank you, I do apologize for the small quarters aboard ship but at least you have a bunk and a little privacy, it's a two day haul to our destination, Once we're underway if you need to rest it would be a good idea." David said looking too the other operation station to his left "Ops two is yours."

Isabelle nodded. “Thank you, Oh and I’ll be bunking with my husband..” she looked towards John, then back at Wallace. “so if anyone else needs those quarters they can feel free.”

David nodded, "Still the quarters are small, but for the moment our departure window is getting close, we should get ready to go." David shifted "Let's complete preflight and get going."

Isabelle nodded and headed over to her seat at Ops two. Like everyone else who’d attended Starfleet Academy she had taken the Ops rotation along with other departments, it was one she’d done particularly well on. Being such a small crew she could fill in where needed. “M69 reports we’re free to go once preflight is complete Sir” she offered David a smile.

David sat back, "begin take off procedures, once we're clear of the station move to one quarter impulse until we are out of the traffic lanes, Ms Moreau signal station ops that operation gold leaf is underway."

"Aye Captain." Aya said with a smile

John Dallas was tall and bumped his head a lot. Finding room to sit he did.

" Weapons cache are all charged Commander."

Jason looked at their position on the map, "Lets do this, punch it!"



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