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Post # 60 Reality Check

Posted on Fri Sep 8th, 2023 @ 5:00pm by Lieutenant Commander Ramvek Williams M.D. & Lieutenant JG Heidi Stone
Edited on on Fri Sep 8th, 2023 @ 5:02pm

Mission: Mission 10. Move to the Lagoon Nebula.
Location: Star Base M-69
Timeline: Current


{Deck 32}

Heidi Stone was busy straightening up her Quarters before Ramvek arrived to finish their discussion that they had started on the Promenade Deck before having dinner with Hiri; it was time to have a serious discussion.

After her shower Heidi decided to be comfortable with a pair of jeans and a top with a pair of sandals to show off her recently manicured toenails. She brushed out her hair and sprayed on some nice perfume then added some jewelry. Walking back into the living area Heidi sat on the couch waiting for Ramvek's arrival.

{Deck 43 - CMO's Quarters}

Ramvek stepped out of the shower, being as nervous as he could ever remember, and toweled off before dressing. Stepping to his closet he stood for a few moments looking for something to wear. He settled on a pair of jeans and a sport shirt with sneakers for comfort. Walking to the mirror he ran a comb through his grey hair and splashed on some aftershave. Grabbing his comm badge, placing it in his pocket, he left for Heidi's place.

{Deck 32}

Sitting on her couch, Heidi was deep in thought figuring out how the conversation might go with Ramvek. She was snapped backed to reality when the door chime went off. She walked to the door, took a deep breath then opened it with a smile on her face "Hi Ramvek, please come in" as she stepped aside.

He walked in returning the smile "How are you Heidi" as he walked into her quarters. "Good, would you like a drink before dinner" she inquired.

"Yes I'll take a Scotch on the rocks or whatever hard liquor you have on hand" he replied really wanting something to take the edge off. Heidi turned and went to the replicator and ordered two drinks. Walking back into the living area she handed one of the drinks to Ramvek and sat beside him as he took a long sip.

"So have you given any thought to our recent conversation" Heidi asked then sipped her own drink waiting for a reply.

After swallowing his drink "Yes, actually I have been giving it a lot of thought recently" as he paused before continuing "Before I give you an answer there is one thing you should be aware of" he commented.

"I'm listening" Heidi replied curious of what he was about to say.

Taking a breath "My whole Star Fleet career the only relationship I've had has been with Medicine; that is not to say I haven't been with a few women. Actually having any kind of a relationship with such a beautiful women, like yourself, is new territory for me" Ramvek concluded with a smile "So that's where my head is at but I would most definitely like to explore the possibility with you."

Hearing his explanation and what he was willing to do put a smile on Heidi's face as she leaned in and gave him a nice kiss then said when finished "We can take things slow; after all I don't want to scare you off or make you uncomfortable in any way."

"Yes be gentle" he replied with a big grin."

"I promise, I'll be gentle" she stated with a smile "So what would you like for dinner."

"Surprise me" he replied "I'm not fussy when it comes to food." Heidi grinned and left for the replicator.

Heidi returned a few minutes later and set a plate of food in front of Ramvek "Here's smashed potatoes and chicken cordon bleu along with green beans."

"Looks delicious" he replied as they both started enjoying their meal while chatting about different things. When finished Heidi gathered up the dishes and placed them into the recycler then grabbed each of them another drink before returning to the living area.

Handing a drink to the Doctor "Here you go" she said with a smile then sat beside him "Just to be clear, I'm not looking for any kind of long term commitment; I just wanted to hear that you have some sort of feelings for me" as she sipped her drink.

Ramvek just grinned "Well I hope you liked what you heard" then he paused before continuing turning quite serious "Heidi it's probably for the best that you backed me into a corner like that. It made me admit that I do have feelings for you to myself; and of course now you know how I feel."

"Admittedly I was nervous about pressing you on this but I knew there wasn't any other way" Heidi commented then moved closer to Ramvek "I'm just glad things worked out for the both of us" she replied then gave him a kiss. "Would you like to listen to some music and relax for awhile?"

"Yes that would be nice" Ramvek answered while finishing his drink.

"Computer play Heidi's music list" she requested. "Playing Heidi's music list" came the reply as the room was filled with the sound of smooth jazz music. Looking at Ramvek "This is my favorite music to listen to when I want to relax; I hope you like it."

"Yes this is very soothing" he replied then gave her a kiss. The two sat listening to the music while enjoying each other's company; hopefully this was a sign of things to come.


Lieutenant Commander Ramvek Williams, M.D.
Chief Medical Officer
Starbase M-69

Ensign Heidi Stone
Head Nurse
Starbase M-69


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