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Post # 59 Helping Hand Conclusion

Posted on Tue Aug 22nd, 2023 @ 9:05pm by Captain Jamie O'Connell & Lieutenant Commander Angel Devroe & Lieutenant Maria SanChez & Lieutenant JG Johan Albo

Mission: Mission 10. Move to the Lagoon Nebula.
Location: USS Peel
Timeline: Current


{Deck 1 - Bridge}

The following morning Alpha Shift relieved their Gamma counterparts as Jamie and Angel took their seats at Command "Helm how long before we reach Draylax" the Captain inquired. "About twenty minutes Sir then we can assume whatever orbit you order" he replied. "Good" then tapping his Comm "Captain Lake we'll be arriving in about twenty minutes" he stated. "Great, my Tactical Chief and Infiltration Specialist are on their way to the Transporter Room as we speak" James replied "After you assume orbit we'll be ready to move the Vigilant back out into space." "Ok I'll let you know when we've established orbit" Jamie answered.

"Helm assume standard obit; the Vigilant will be exiting the Ship soon so hold her steady" Jamie ordered. "Aye Captain" came the response. Angel looked over at Jamie "So now we wait until the Summit is over I take it" she commented "I sure could use something to eat since you wanted us on the Bridge before breakfast" as a playful grin came across her face. "Go ahead, I think I can handle things here" he replied with a light chuckle. "Ok I think I'll take you up on that; I'll be back before long" Angel commented with a grin as she rose and left the Bridge.

After a couple of hours, and Number One was back on the Bridge, Jamie ordered "Mr. Albo open a channel the the Vigilant." "Aye Sir" and after a moment "All set Sir" he stated. "Captain Lake how's the Shuttle doing since the repairs" he inquired. "Good Captain, it seems to be operating well" then he paused "If it's all the same to you I would like to make the return trip back at warp six. I don't want to stress the Core until I've had it checked out by the experts" James informed Jamie. "No, warp six is fine and it's probably a good idea until you get back to DS9" he replied "If you have any problems on the return trip, let me know we can always squeeze you in back aboard the Peel if need be" O'Connell offered. "Thank you Captain but I think we'll be fine. Lake out."

{Draylax Summit}

Lieutenants Dean and Nox walked into the Summit, after showing their invitations, and grabbed a seat waiting for the Summit to begin. Dean leaned over towards Nox "I hope the speaker that you have to record gives his talk this morning so we don't have to be here all day; I hate these things" she commented wishing she was anywhere else but here. "Relax Lieutenant, this will all be over soon" Nox replied.

After about two hours the person of interest was introduced to speak "It gives me great pleasure to introduce Dr. Himlin Cordar" the MC stated then left the podium as Cordar began "My fellow Draylaxians" as he began his dissertation. Nox began recording Cordar discretely so as not to be found out. After the speech had run it's thirty minute course the MC walked back to the podium "Ok folks we're going to take a short break. Beverages and food is available in the lobby for your enjoyment. We'll meet back here in twenty minutes."

Nox looked at Dean as she whispered "Short and sweet; that wasn't so bad was it" she commented with a grin "Let's get out of here" as the two Officers left the room and made their way outside and away from knowing eyes. Tapping her Comm "Commander Reese, we have what we came for" Nox stated. "Standby, I'm getting a lock on you now" Reese replied and moments later they were gone in a stream of blue light.

Captain Lake met the two ladies at the Transporter. The Lieutenants stepped off the pads "We're all set Captain" Nox stated with a smile as she held up the very small recording device. Lake smiled back "Excellent, job well done the both of you. Lieutenant Nox lock that up for safe keeping and we'll get underway momentarily" as he turned and went back to the Bridge. "Comms open a channel to the Peel" he ordered. "All set Captain" Comms replied. "Captain O'Connell we have what we came for. We can depart anytime you're ready" James stated.

{Peel - Bridge}

"Understood Captain Lake; give us five minutes and we can start back to M-69" Jamie replied. "Sounds good,Lake out." Tapping his Comm "Engineering we're ready to depart if you're ready" Jamie commented. "All set Captain; warp ready on your command." "Helm plot in a return course for M-69, warp six if you please as soon as the Vigilant goes to warp." "Aye Sir, ready when they are" as Helm kept an eye on the Shuttle "Going to warp six now Captain" and off they went following the Vigilant.

The voyage back to M-69 went well and, thankfully, was uneventful. "Captain, we're approaching M-69 now Sir" Helm called out. "Good find a spot away from any other Ships to park just in case we get any new orders" Jamie ordered. "Aye Sir" was the response. Communications notified Jamie "Captain the Vigilant is hailing us." "On screen" Jamie ordered as he and Angel walked up behind Helm and stood when Captain Lake, with his First Officer by his side, appeared "Captain O'Connell, Commander Devroe thank you so much for your help during this mission; we couldn't have done it without you and your Crew" James stated with sincerity.

Jamie smiled "You're welcome, glad we could be assistance" he stated "Perhaps our paths will cross again some day." "Yes perhaps they shall" James replied then Commander Reese spoke up "Commander Devroe, stay in touch. I hope we meet again one day" she commented with a smile. "As do I " Angel replied returning the smile. "Captain thank you again and also for that great meal. The Vigilant will be heading back to DS9 momentarily" Captain Lake stated then he disappeared from the screen.

Jamie and Angel returned to their command seats as she commented "Besides being fine Officers they are also very nice people." "That they are" Jamie replied feeling good about completing another successful Mission.


Senior Officers
USS Peel


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