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Post 58 "Broadway"

Posted on Tue Aug 22nd, 2023 @ 2:45pm by Lieutenant Odac Yova & Lieutenant JG Sayvek & Captain Shauna Callaghan & Lieutenant JG Ellie Kees-Odak (Veran-Dallas)
Edited on on Wed Oct 4th, 2023 @ 1:59pm

Mission: Mission 10. Move to the Lagoon Nebula.
Location: Lagoon Nebula
Timeline: Concurrent


Following the meeting in engineering Yova quickly rushed to his wife's station in science.
" Guess what we are going on a mission. Commander Callaghan approved our away mission to explore the Lagoon." Yova told Ellie.

“Seriously!?” Ellie gave her husband an excited look. “How did you manage to arrange that one?”

" I know people. Lt Sayvek is piloting us." Yova replied.

Ellie nodded. “Okay so when do we leave, and how long do we have to explore?”

" Just a few hours. Now if you're up for it? I'll call Sayvek." Odak replied.

“You bet I’m up to it!” Ellie nodded enthusiastically. “Let me grab my things and I’ll be right with you!”

Yova called Sayvek and told her to meet them in the shuttle bay in one hour.


The shuttle craft Rutledge launched and slowly entered the tip of the Lagoon Nebula.

" Entering the nebula now Commander Callaghan " Yova reported via comms link.

Tag Callaghan

The deeper they got the more dense the nebula got and astonishingly Sayvek announced.

" The sensors are low but I am certain that a vessel is ahead of us. "

" Commander do you copy. Sayvek has spotted a ship in here?" Odac added


There was indeed a sole craft inside with a passenger of 5 with minimal life support and no hope of being rescued.

" If anyone is out there and can deciper this message this is the cruiser Jim Davis. We are unable to reverse engines..."

" No use Jones we are too deep in to be reached. Nobody is going to risk their necks to save an Essary supply ship. And if Starfleet comes we are as good as arrested." stated a single blue skinned Andorian.

" I am not giving up hope. MAYDAY...."


As Sayvek mannered the shuttle Yova controlled the power and ever once in a while smiled back at Ellie.

" Isn't this where all you scientist become Vulcans? No offence Sayvek."

" None taken. That would be a compliment." Sayvek replied.

The shuttle slowly closed in on the sparkle and soon received the bleek MAYDAY signal.

Odac poured ever inch of power he could to the systems and availed Sayvek the ability to get even closer

" Cruiser JIM DAVIS this is the Federation shuttle Rutledge please respond." Sayvek commanded.

[ Shuttle we are off course and was pulled into this nebula by .. Please direct us out and we will leave this system.] replied the voice.

" Acknowledged taking a port turn now." Sayvek replied only to find the helm unresponsive.

" I am giving you maximum power Sayvek." Odac added.

" It would seem we also are unable to manuver. Something is preventing our impulse manuvers except forward." Sayvek replied.

Odak turned to look at his wife to reassure her but he was only half hearted himself.



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