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Post # 56 " Declawed in time for Dinner"

Posted on Tue Aug 15th, 2023 @ 4:51pm by Lieutenant Commander Ramvek Williams M.D. & Lieutenant JG Heidi Stone & Lieutenant Hiri & Lieutenant Myar

Mission: Mission 10. Move to the Lagoon Nebula.
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: Concurrent



A large yowl rang out of a triage room as Dr Hiri attempted to repair Lt Myar's paw.

" You are a butcher not a surgeon," Myar yelled.

" You are a baby kitten...hold still."

Hearing all the ruckus In Sick Bay proper Ramvek went out to see what was going on. Noticing someone the same Species as the Doctor made him grin knowing that Hiri was one tough lady "Doctor how's the Lieutenant's paw doing" he inquired.

" Sorry Doctor..this animal won't hold still. HOLD STILL!" Hiri demanded.
" Doctor Williams she is a butcher. Plase attend to my paw." Myar begged.

"Lieutenant, Doctor Hiri is a very good at what she does" Williams replied then turned and grabbed a Hypo "Here maybe this will help" as he gave Myar a sedative to calm him down. Moments later Myar seemed much more relaxed. Looking at Hiri "That should make it a little more compliant."

" He is from an aristocratic pride. They think everyone is below them. There it's clipped. Thank you Doctor Williams," Hiri replied.

Ramvek smiled "Anytime Doctor; always glad to lend a helping hand even if is just moral support" he commented being sincere "Hopefully the rest of your Patients will be a little more cooperative today." Standing for a moment he had a thought "Hiri it has occurred to me we have never done anything together socially. Ensign Stone and I were going to have dinner on the Promenade right after work; would you care to join us?"

" I would not wish to nuzzle into such a romantic occasion Doctor. I generally do not eat socially as it might intimidate those around me." Hiri replied. Before Williams could respond M'yar piped up with in his stooper.

" She probably plays with her food. Or eats with her mouth open."

Even though the Lieutenant's quip was rather amusing, Williams shot him a look of disapproval "You would not be interrupting a romantic occasion, Heidi and I are just friends and colleagues" he stated "I thought it would be nice to socialize and get to know one another better. But of course I'll respect your decision." Ramvek was still in denial over his feeling for his Head Nurse.

Ensign Stone walked over in the middle of the conversation, Williams was unaware of her presence, not being entirely pleased with Ramvek's statement to Hiri; but she forced a smile anyways "Yes please join us for dinner" she commented looking at the Ramvek; she would set the good Doctor straight at a more opportune time privately.

" I will be honored Ensign. Is it casual or formal?" Hiri replied.

Myar snickered and then fell asleep.

"It's casual and I'm looking forward to getting to know you better. Let's meet on the Promenade, Deck 198 at a place called D'Marcos, at seventeen hundred" if that's acceptable to you Doctor" Heidi commented with a smile.

" I will be there and the same here Ensign. Now if you will excuse me now that talks a lot over there is asleep I think I will perform lobotomy on him." Hiri replied. Not really of course but the thought had crossed her mind once or twice.

The Doctor had to grin at Hiri's comment "Sounds like he probably deserves a lobotomy; although Star Fleet might frown upon it" he replied as he turned to check on some of their other Patients.

{Deck 198 - Promenade}

Ramvek and Heidi arrived shortly before seventeen hundred waiting for Hiri to arrive both dressed in casual civilian attire. Heidi decided to confront the Doctor "You know I overheard your comment to Hiri about our relationship; I was hurt by it" she stated looking into his eyes "When are you going to accept the reality that we are more than just friends and co-workers" waiting for an answer.

He swallowed hard not expecting a confrontation as he thought for a moment before answering "I do like's just" as he stopped in mid sentence. "It's just what" she inquired still waiting. Then he finally came out with it "It's just I am conflicted being the CMO and having a romantic relationship with my Head Nurse" he finally admitted "And it was not my intention of hurting your feelings in any way."

Heidi smiled having finally received an honest answer from him "Forget duty for five minutes.....don't you think you have a right to have a personal life as well as a duty one" she stated "You know my feelings go beyond just friendship."

Williams let out a sigh "Yes I know that, on both counts" then looking into her beautiful eyes he replied softly "Getting to know you has turned my world upside down; almost from the moment we first met."

His response had Heidi smiling from ear to ear "We can take things slow and I would prefer to keep our relationship private; at least for the time being" she replied " We can discuss this later, here comes out dinner guest" as she looked up seeing Hiri walking towards them "Hiri hi, don't you look nice."

Dressed in a no starfleet purple ensemble fit for a feline Hiri purred.
" I do don't I. I made peace with Lt Myar, he is joining me here later. We can find another table when he arrives." Hiri replied.

"We can get a table for four when we enter the restaurant" Ramvek stated "So shall we ladies" as the threesome walked into D'Marcos. Finding a table for four people they ordered their meals as they sat and talked.

Shortly their food arrived as everyone began eating "So Hiri what is your home Planet like" Heidi inquired with interest.

Hiri snickered as her normal response was comical but as Williams was present she declined to say.
" It is a modern Federation metropolis. There are old segments that were once Kzin controlled but for the most part metropolitan."

After swallowing her food "That sounds a lot like where I'm from. I lived just outside of San Fransisco, California on Earth" Heidi shared with a smile "Although I haven't been back home in years, but I doubt much has changed.

Ramvek added to the conversation "I lived in a small town on Vulcan so I did not know what a metropolis was until I went to Earth and attended the Academy. I have to say I do prefer a small town over a city" he commented.

" Vulcans are indeed a party people. Hiri neglected to mention the natural Savannah's. The pride hunts." Myar added.

" Didn't forget just Didn't mention. Savages." Hiri replied.
" Savage? My pride has hunted in the Savannah's for ages." Myar added.

" Offspring of the Kzinti would." Hiri poked.

After dinner was over Heidi turned her head towards Ramvek as she whispered "Look like those two are getting along quite well and are having fun teasing one another."

"It would appear so" Ramvek whispered with a grin when he queried "Hiri, just out of curiosity, how long have you been a Doctor."

" Five Terran years. 5 years at the Academy for medical school." Hiri replied.

Ramvek smiled "I must say I am quite impressed. Even though you you have not been a practicing Doctor for that long, you are very good at what you do" he commented, then looking at Myar "Even with the more difficult patients" as he grinned.

" Touche, Doctor Williams." Myar replied.

" Thank you sir. I come from a pride of healers." Hiri replied.

"Logically that certainly makes sense given your abilities" Ramvek commented with a smile "We're fortunate to have you on the Base." Williams noticed it was getting on into the evening when he spoke "As much as I have enjoyed this dinner with everyone I think it is time I said good evening"
as he stood.

Heidi stood as well "Yes, this has been a delightful evening and thank you both for coming" she stated getting ready to leave with Ramvek.

Myar strolled over and took Heidi's left and and lightly locked it.
" Twas a pleasure."

Hiri smiled and both then exited.

Ramvek looked at Heidi "That was a rather nice evening getting to know Hiri better. I had no idea she has only been a Doctor for such a short time" he commented. "Was surprised to hear that as well; but she is quite good at what she does none the less" Heidi replied with a smile "So would you like to stop by my quarters for a night cap, it'll give us a chance to talk some more."

"Sure that sounds nice" a rather nervous Ramvek replied having to share his feelings once again.



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