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Post # 55 - Helping Hand Part 2

Posted on Wed Aug 9th, 2023 @ 10:43pm by Captain Jamie O'Connell & Lieutenant Commander Angel Devroe & Lieutenant Maria SanChez & Lieutenant JG Johan Albo
Edited on on Wed Aug 9th, 2023 @ 10:54pm

Mission: Mission 10. Move to the Lagoon Nebula.
Location: USS Peel
Timeline: Current



"Captain the Shuttle just signaled us, they're ready to proceed at one half impulse until we clear the Base's traffic" Mr. Albo informed Command.

"Helm one half impulse, follow the Shuttle out; wait for them to go to warp then follow, warp eight" Jamie ordered then looking at Angel "Here we go."

"Aye Captain, proceeding as ordered" Helm replied as the Peel started to move out. A few minutes later "Going to warp eight now, Sir."

"Good Helm, steady as she goes" Jamie commented "Science make sure we have a clear path ahead. Tactical make sure we don't have any surprises coming our way" came the orders as Maria replied "Aye Sir". Now they would sit back while keeping a close watch of the Shuttle and their area of space.

{Vigilant Bridge}

Six hours into the trip Captain Lake sat at the Conn pulling up different areas of the Shuttle on his screen keeping a close eye on things when Engineering notified him "Captain we're having warp core instabilities. One of the plasma conduits may rupture if we don't drop out of warp immediately" the Chief stated "It needs to be repaired."

James sat at the Conn not liking what he was hearing "That's not good news. Let me contact the Peel, they'll have to drop out of warp first or we'll have a Ship up our tailpipes" he replied "I'll get back to you." Opening a channel on his screen "Captain O'Connell, we're having warp core problems and need you to drop out of warp immediately" he stated. "Understood Captain" Jamie replied.

{Peel Bridge}

"Helm drop out of warp now then come to a full stop" Jamie ordered with concern for the Shuttle. "Aye Sir, dropping out of warp now....full stop initiated" Helm replied.

Looking over at Comms "Lieutenant open a channel to the Shuttle" as he received the thumbs up "Captain Lake what seems to be the problem with your Shuttle" O'Connell inquired.

"My Chief Engineer informs me a plasma conduit was about to rupture and needs to be repaired before we can continue on" James explained.

"I can send over some of my Engineering Crew to help effect repairs if you wish" Jamie offered with a smile.

"As much as I would like to take you up on your offer, I can't since the Shuttle is deemed classified" James replied while Jamie was trying to think of a better solution "How is this going to affect your Summit arrival."

James thought for a minute "If, and that's a big if, he can effect repairs in six hours we will just make it there on time. Otherwise we're going to look pretty bad arriving late" he replied with concern.

"Captain let me get with some of my Officers and see if we can't come up with an acceptable solution" O'Connell suggested with a smile trying to make James a little less stressed.

"At this point that would certainly be welcomed" James replied. "Good let me get back to you shortly. O'Connell out." Looking towards Angel "Any suggestions Number One" he queried.

Angel thought for a few minutes "We do have two shuttle bays. If his shuttle isn't to large maybe we could have some things moved around to allow him to squeeze his Shuttle into one of the bays. That way they can take their time with their repairs" she suggested looking at her Captain.

Jamie smiled "That was my thoughts as well. Let me contact Captain Lake and see just how large the Vigilant really is." Opening a channel "Captain Lake what is the size of your Shuttle."

"The Vigilant is twenty five meters long with a beam of ten point five meters and eight meters high" James explained "Why what are you thinking."

"I may have a viable solution. Let me get back to you momentarily" Jamis commented. Tapping his Comm "Lieutenant Johns could you fit a Shuttle twenty five meters long with a ten point five meter beam by eight meters high." "It would be tight but it is doable, I'll just have to move some stuff around" Johns replied. "Excellent, make it happen and let me know when you're ready" Jamie replied then contacted Lake "Captain I have some good news. We're making room in one of our Hanger Bays to hold your Shuttle if that's agreeable to you."

James couldn't believe the good news "That would be great then maybe we can still proceed without loosing too much time" he replied with relief.

"Great, I'll have my Hanger Chief contact you when he's ready, O'Connell out."

{Deck 5 - Shuttle bay 2}

Thirty minutes later "Captain Lake this is Chief Johns, please proceed to hanger Bay Two at one quarter impulse. I'll let you know when to cut your impulse engine and I'll tractor you in" he explained. "Thanks Chief we're on approach now" Captain Lake replied. A few minutes later the Vigilant rested on the deck taking up most of the room in the Bay.

{Deck 1 - Bridge}

"Captain, the Vigilant is safely aboard, Sir" Lieutenant Johns informed Command.

"Excellent, job well done Lieutenant" Jamie commented, then turning to Angel "I was thinking of inviting the Captain and his First Officer to my quarters for dinner tonight, you up for some home cooking" O'Connell inquired. "Always Captain" Angel replied with a smile knowing just how good his cooking was. Tapping his Comm "Captain Lake now that you are all nestled in your Chief Engineer can take his time effecting repairs. Would you and your First Officer due us the honor of having dinner at eighteen hundred in my quarters, I promise you won't be disappointed."

"Yes that would be most acceptable" James replied. "Good I'll see you then. My quarters are on Deck 2, room two fourteen; looking forward to having dinner with you and your First Officer. O'Connell out."

{Deck 2 - Captains Quarters}

Shortly before eighteen hundred Jamie heard his door chime "Come" he stated when Angel walked in "Jamie I thought you might need a hand" she commented with her usual lovely smile. "Thank you, that would be helpful" he replied "You can slice up the Italian bread to go with dinner."

"So what's for dinner, if I may ask" she inquired while grabbing the bread and a knife. "Angel Hair Alfredo and Caesar salad" he replied. "Oh that sounds absolutely delicious" Angel answered with a grin. "Let's hope our guests are as impressed with my cooking" as the door chime went off.

Jamie went to the door "James nice to see you again, please come in" he commented with a smile as Angel walked over "Please let me introduce my First Officer, Lieutenant Commander Angel Devroe."

James smiled "It's a pleasure to meet you Angel and this is my First Officer, Commander Racheal Reese." After the introductions and pleasantries Jamie asked "Can I get everyone a glass of wine while I finish preparing dinner" he queried and everyone said yes. The two ladies went and sat in a couple of chairs and started chatting getting to know each another.

Shortly James looked over and commented "Looks like those two are hitting it off rather well" then he said in a low voice "I'm not sue which one of our First Officers is the more gorgeous."

Jamie grinned "I think it's toss up in that department and it's nice seeing them getting along so well."

Soon dinner was ready as the group sat to enjoy a delicious meal together. James spoke up "Jamie I must say you're quite the accomplished Chef, your meal is delicious" he commented "Did your quarters come with a kitchen?"

"Thank you, I'm glad you're enjoying it. I like to cook every now and then; usually it's just for Angel and myself so it's nice to have quests once in awhile" he replied then explained "To answer your question no, I had it installed. When I was given Command of the Peel it was during a major refit so I asked and they were nice enough to install a small kitchen for me."

"Well you certainly have put it to good use, I must say" Racheal commented with a smile then looking at Angel "You're one lucky First Officer to be able to eat meals like this all the time."

"To be fair it isn't all the time but once a week Jamie and I try to get together socially just to know what the other is thinking. If I ate like this all the time I'd have to spend a lot more time in the gym" Angel replied with a chuckle.

The four officers sat for a few hours chatting about different things avoiding talking about work at all costs. Finally James stated "It's getting late so we should return to the Vigilant. What time tomorrow do you think we'll arrive at our destination."

"Since your Shuttle came aboard we've been traveling at warp nine so we should arrive at zero eight hundred tomorrow morning" Jamie replied.

"Good, the Summit starts at zero nine hundred so that will give us enough time to get things in order" James answered as he stood "Jamie thank you for a great dinner and a delightful evening" then looking at Angel "It was very nice to have met you Angel."

"It was nice to meet the both of you. Racheal keep in touch" Angel commented with a smile.

"It was very nice to meet the both of you as well" Racheal replied "And yes I will try and keep in touch when I can."

James tapped his Comm "Vigilant, this is Lake two to beam back" as the Command Team disappeared from site. "There goes two fine Officers" Jamie commented. "Yes they are and it was a pleasure to have met them" Angel replied "Here let me help you clean up before I leave." "Thank you that would be nice" Jamie commented.

Afterwards Angel said her good nights and returned to her quarters as Jamie grabbed another drink and sat thinking "Now that was a nice evening."


Senior Staff
USS Peel


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