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Post # 54 Helping Hand - Part 1

Posted on Mon Aug 7th, 2023 @ 10:39pm by Captain Jamie O'Connell & Lieutenant Commander Angel Devroe & Lieutenant Maria SanChez & Lieutenant JG Johan Albo
Edited on on Mon Aug 7th, 2023 @ 10:42pm

Mission: Mission 10. Move to the Lagoon Nebula.
Location: USS Peel
Timeline: Current


{Deck 1 Ready Room}

Captain O'Connell was finishing up signing off on some Ship's reports when he was interrupted "Captain you have message from Admiral Stone, Sir" Lieutenant JG Albo stated from Communications. "Send it my Ready Room, please" Jamie replied hoping for a new Mission.

When the message came up Jamie saw a familiar face "Admiral what do I owe the pleasure of your call" he inquired with a smile.

"Jamie how's the Peel doing, any concerns" Stone asked "And before you ask, yes I have a new Mission for you and your Crew."

"Admiral you read my mind" Jamie replied with a grin "The Peel and the Crew are doing well, thank you; although I am short my Counselor who is also the ACMO. Sarrisa went back to Betazed for a few days due to a family emergency."

"I'm sorry to hear that, but you do have a EMH in your Computer System so you still have Medical on board should anyone should require it" Stone pointed out.

"Yes we do have an EMH to fall back on, so we should be fine until her return" O'Connell replied "The Mission Sir?"

"Oh yes of course. You will be providing an escort for a Waverunner Class Shuttle on its way to the Muratus Sector. They will be going to Draylax for a Tactical Summit. The Peel will remain in orbit with the Shuttle Vigilant during the Summit which is a one day event then you will escort them back to M-69" Stone explained "Any questions Captain."

Jamie thought for a few moments "No Admiral, it seems pretty cut and dried to me. We will do our best to keep the Shuttle and the Peel safe" he replied as the Mission was starting to go through his mind.

"One last thing, and this is just between you and I and is to go no further, even though they appear to be a Science Research vessel they are in actuality a Intelligence Ship; the Captain is James Lake who you will be conversing with during the Mission" the Admiral explained.

"Understood Admiral and as far as what the Ship really is; my lips are sealed. I look forward to meeting this Captain Lake" Jamie replied.

"Thank you Captain for your discretion and I think you and Captain Lake will get along just fine; they are due to arrive to you by fourteen hundred" Stone commented with a grin "I've taken up enough of your time Captain. Safe travels.Stone out."

After their conversation Jamie tapped his Comm "All Senior Staff please report to the Briefing Room" he ordered as he grabbed his PADD and another cup of coffee.

{Briefing Room}

The Captain walked into the room setting down his PADD and coffee in his usual spot at the far end of the table; a few minutes later his Senior Staff filed in and took a seat as he greeted each one of them by name.

Jamie looked around the room then began "Thank you all for being so prompt. As usual this will be a brief meeting" he commented then continued "We are to escort a Waverunner Class Shuttle to the Muratus Sector to a planet called Draylax for a one day Tactical Summit. We will remain in orbit with the Shuttle. When the Summit is concluded then we will escort the Shuttle back to M-69. Are there any questions or concerns."

Maria spoke up "Captain I have never heard of a Waverunner Class Shuttle before; is this something new" she queried with interest.

"Yes, I believe so. It's a hybrid of the Aero Shuttle or what is commonly known as a 'Captain's Yacht'" he explained "They will be arriving to us at fourteen hundred so make all necessary arrangements so we can depart M-69 as soon as they arrive. Any other questions."

"Captain with this being a Shuttle, I'm assuming we'll be traveling at a reduced warp so they can keep up" Lt. Commander pointed out "So I hope they have factored that into their arrival time for the Summit."

"Good point Number One. When they arrive I'll be speaking to their Captain, James Lake, to find out the specifics of the escort. Anyone else?" When no one spoke up "Ok, you are dismissed."

The room began to empty with Angel staying behind. Jamie looked up "Something else Angel" he asked with a smile. "Permission to speak freely Sir" she inquired. "Always Number One" he answered. "I'm just a little concerned about escorting a Shuttle that distance with them only having minimal weapons and warp speed" she stated. "The same thing has been going through my mind as well; but I'm not going to be overly concerned until I have a chance to speak with their Captain. Who knows the Shuttle just might surprise all of us" Jamie concluded. A smile came across Angel's face "You are right of course Captain, no need to be concerned before we have all the facts" she replied "I'll be on the Bridge Jamie" then she left the room.

{Deck 1 Bridge}

Shortly Captain O'Connell walked over to his seat as Angel stood then sat in her own seat. Tapping his Comm "Attention Crew, this is the Captain, at about fourteen hundred we will be getting underway escorting a Shuttle to and from the Muratus Sector to the planet Draylax. All Departments please check to make sure we will be ready at that time. Thank you all. O'Connell out."

"Helm please plot in a course for the Muratus Sector. Once I've had a conversation with their Captain I'll let you know what warp we will be traveling at" came the order. "Aye Captain" Helm responded while plotting in the required course.

[One Hour later]

"Captain we're being hailed, it's the Shuttle Vigilant" Lieutenant Albo announced. "On Screen" as O'Connor stood, straightened his Uniform and stood behind Helm, as was his custom, when a stranger's face appeared "Hello, I'm Captain Jamie O'Connell Commanding Officer of the USS Peel and you must be Captain James Lake" Jamie commented with a smile. "Guilty as charged Captain. Before we depart for the Muratus Sector, I would like to meet with you. May I beam over, you and I need to have a conversation" Lake commented returning the smile. "Certainly, I'll meet you in Transporter Room One directly" Jamie replied. "See you soon Captain. Lake out." Turning "Commander, you have the Conn" as O'Connell left for the Lift and Angel sat in the Center Seat.

{Deck 3 - Transporter Room One}

O'Connell walked into the Transporter Room as the Captain materialized on the Pad "Welcome to the USS Peel Captain Lake" Jamie commented with a smile. "Captain O'Connell very nice to meet you "James replied as the two shook hands "Could we move this to your Ready Room, if you would be so kind." "Yes, of course" Jamie replied "Right this way." as the two Captains left the room.

{Deck 1 - Ready Room}

Walking into Jamie's Office "James can I offer you a beverage" he inquired. "No thank you, I want this to be brief so we can get underway soon' James replied. "Sure, please have a seat. What's on your mind."

"I'm sure the Admiral informed you about my Ship as far as it's actual purpose" Lake commented.

"Yes he did and your secret is safe with me. I do tell my Number One everything that goes on but that piece of information I did keep to myself as per the Admiral's orders" O'Connell replied.

James smiled "Excellent Jamie, I was hoping you were a man of integrity. When we get underway, and clear the Base's traffic of course, I would like to proceed at Warp eight; if your Ship can keep up" he explained.

O'Connell sat shocked for a moment at Lake's statement as he asked "Your Shuttle will do Warp eight; but for how long" he queried.

Lake just grinned "Yes, the Vigilant can run at that warp all day long with ease. I see you're shocked that a Shuttle can perform like that. I would love to give you more details about my Ship but unfortunately it's classified. If I told you then I would have to kill you" he commented with a chuckle.

Seeing the Captain's ability for humor Jamie couldn't help but laugh "No I don't think I want to know that badly" he replied "So when do you want to leave."

"Give me about ten minutes to get back to my Ship and have Helm plot in the course. Once I go to warp then you can follow until we get to Drylax. I'll keep you appraised of our progress as we go" Lake explained.

"Sounds like a plan" Jamie replied as Lake stood and the two Captains shook hands "See you there" as he tapped his Comm "Vigilant this is Captain Lake, lock onto my signal and bring me back home." Moments later he disappeared and O'Connell returned to command.

Jamie returned and sat in his seat "Helm the Vigilant will signal us shortly. Let them go to warp first then we will follow at warp eight" Jamie ordered.

Helm turned and looked at his Captain "Sir warp eight?" Jamie just grinned and nodded "Aye Sir, warp eight it will be then.

Angel was in shock hearing Jamie's request as she leaned in "How the hell can a shuttle do warp eight" she commented with some concern.

"When I asked the same question the Captain informed me it was classified. So I guess we'll just follow along and see what happens" Jamie replied with a smile. "Agreed" Angel replied.


Senior Officers
USS Peel


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