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Post #53 Bypass

Posted on Mon Aug 7th, 2023 @ 11:43am by Commodore Sureth & 2nd Lieutenant John Dallas & Lieutenant Commander David Wallace

Mission: Mission 10. Move to the Lagoon Nebula.
Location: Starbase M-69
Timeline: Concurrent


Sureth had been involved with many comm linked meetings and concluded his base,M-69, was no longer a science station but had evolved to be a deep space Fort.

Lt David Wallace had arrived very timely to prepare the station for the mission of dealing with this Essary. Now it was time to reward him for his service.

" Lt Wallace please report to my ready room," the Commodore hailed.

David was finalizing his mission preparations when he heard the page, "Acknowledged sir, on my way." David turned to his left and entered a turbolift. Seconds later he was a few steps away from the ready room, "Reporting as requested sir."

" Good how goes the preparations for launch?" Sureth led with.

"Still looking for a helmsman for the ship, Aya Moreau arrived in her usual fashion, little to no notice." David said with some pause "The strike team is ready, Aya is running a couple of drills based on the limited intel we have, based on that same intel we're to a degree certain we won't attract too much attention."

" Warrant Officer John Dallas has a pilots license. I will call for him. This move and mission has been straining on all of us. We were most fortunate Intel could spare you. Sometimes we have to bypass protocol. Saying that Lieutenant David Wallace I am promoting you to the rank of Lieutenant Commander effective immediately. Congratulations David." Sureth stood up and handed him the subdued pip.

David paused in his train of thought "Thank you sir." was all he could sputter out.

" You have earned it . Moving this station would not have gone so smoothly without your help. Now go find Captain Rivers."

"Acknowledged sir." David said without much else.

Sureth resumed his screen time toggling Warrant Officer John Dallas to meet now Lt Commander Wallace for detail.


John was already in operations and received his orders when the doors to the conference room opened.

" Lieutenant Commander Wallace, Congratulations. The Commodore just text me to meet you. How can I help?" John asked from his at attention stance.

David was still trying to process the rank change, "Warrant officer Dallas, I'll be needing your piloting skills, simply put I need you to familiarize yourself with the flight systems of the Ontario Class Cutter and be ready to depart in twelve hours." pausing to get his train of thought, "A small team lead by myself and Aya Moreau are going in to retrieve Captain Rivers and it's entirely possible it'll be a hot extraction and I need a pilot whose not afraid to be in a fire fight."

" Sir I am a Marine. I kick ass and take names later. I will be in the pilots holo suite familiarising with the cutters dashboard. " John replied snapping to attention.

"when you report, ditch the uniform, this is a covert mission." David said.

" Will do sir." John replied.

"In the mission profile package there are topographical maps of the area around the compound as well as the nearby facility we'll likely be redirected too, we'll do a full mission briefing on route." David then added, "you have twelve hours, good luck."

John chuckled as he never believed in luck. The universe might guide some people but John made his own way and rolled with the flow.

"Oh I modified the training protocols solely for this mission, you'll need to learn to fly in Essary space including where we'll likely be during the mission." David said as he turned to leave "I'm not going to make this easy, I'm also not going to start a war."

John smiled but he didn't want to show his first doubt to the Commander. Marines were trained to adapt and adapt he would to what ever was ahead.

David made one final comment "Hangar seven, I'll see you then."

" SIR YES SIR." the marine replied.



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