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Station Post 7 " Jail House Rock"

Posted on Tue Oct 17th, 2023 @ 7:04pm by Captain Deke Rivers
Edited on on Wed Nov 1st, 2023 @ 1:58pm

Location: Lagoon Nebula
Timeline: Concurrent


While the Essary ship waited for reinforcements from the cargo ship JIM DAVIS, the real man in charge of the ship everyone new as BIGGS stepped down to where Deke Rivers was being held.

" Comfortable Captain?" Biggs asked.
" You go to Hell. I remember everything now and your ass is grass when I get out of here." Deke replied.
" No you will probably die here along with muself and this crew. Unless you cooperate. " Biggs replied.

" You drugged me to get here. I will not help you with any of your plans." Deke replied.

" I think you will."


Biggs returned with nothing to show for his taunts of Deke Rivers.
" Any change?"
" Not really. I hate this silence. We should just get out of here and not mess with the Federation. Our ship is no match for theirs." Lisa rold Biggs.

" The Federation left my family to fend for themselves when the Carrie's took over. I mean to make them pay restitution." Biggs replied.

" How by dying?" Lisa replied.


Deke powdered his life and decision and then decided he had to escape. Only one being was holding watch which made the odds even.
" I need a urinal or something to relieve myself." Deke said.
" Use the floor human. "
" I ain't a pig. Come on give me a jug." Deke begged.
The red skinned alien brought over a bucket and handed it up to the bars.
" Are you going to for me ?" Deke joked.
The alien opened the door and regretted it a second later as Deke grabbed the bucket and knocked the being off his feet with it. Deke then placed the being on the cot with the small cover and shut the door. He then planned.his escape by looking around the brig. Dawning a coveralls.and hat Deke then decided to wait until Biggs came back down.

But Biggs did not come down as Deke hoped. It was Lisa the trusty communication officer who came in. Seeing the bundle on the cot Lisa ignored Deke.

" Captain Rivers I can help you escape." Lisa told the red skinned being unconscious on the cot.

" Help me huh. Well good." Deke said as he revealed himself to her.

" How did you get out? Captain I know you are resourceful but Biggs will kill you before you can escape." Lisa warned.

" Maybe but I have to try. How can you help me?" Deke asked Lisa.

" The shield prefix code. I will send it to the ship that is coming for you?"
" Ship? Leave it to Sureth to see the cavalry. How can I trust you? " Deke asked.
" I served with Croesus in Starfleet once. He spoke highly of his human father. I never knew mine.

" Sounds good. Return to your post I'll confront Biggs down here. If I win I will see you on the bridge." Deke replied.



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