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Station Post #10 Friends Reunited

Posted on Tue Oct 31st, 2023 @ 7:48pm by Lieutenant Commander Billi & Commander Kehlani
Edited on on Wed Nov 1st, 2023 @ 2:00pm

Location: M-69
Timeline: current


Billi walked into the Klingon eatery on the Promenade, Kehlani's small business that was now doing quite well with all the Klingons now running about. The place was full, with raucous Klingon laughter and conversation permeating the environment. Stopping just inside the entry, the sound dampeners keeping the noise to a minimum for the Promenade outside, she spotted her quarry. Several tables full of strapping young Klingon males looked her way, not because of her uniform, but because of her green skin. Too many of them had experienced the 'entertainment' value of Orion women, and this one was a cut above because she was military.

"Bitch!" Billi shouted, to be heard over the crowd. Every Klingon in the place immediately stopped talking and laughing, all of them looking towards the Orion who dared to throw out an insult while surrounded by Klingon warriors.

Kehlani, hearing the one word insult thrown out, looked up from her own table, expecting to see some suicidal fool who was just dumb enough to shout a derogatory statement. But, when her eyes landed on that familiar Orion face she got to her feet. "Tart!"

The two of them walked towards each other and upon meeting crushed each other in a Klingon bear hug of friendship. The room, now seeing that the insult had been in jest, went back to their own business. Namely; drinking, eating, and carousing.

"Always good to see you, Billi!" Kehlani was smiling as she stepped back to address her best friend and sister-in-arms. "Lieutenant Commander, now. majQa'."

"Thanks," said Billi. "The other portion of the promotion is that I am now Number One for the USS Nazgul." She clacked her heels together and stood at attention, giving a silly salute for a brief moment. "I'm part of the establishment, now."

"You are downright respectable, now." Kehlani quipped. "Well, almost."

They both laughed as Kehlani led her back to where her table was, passing it to take her friend to the back of the house. Once they entered the back, the noise was greatly reduced. "Damn, it's been a minute since I've been around Klingons during meal time. Nazgul is pretty quiet most days."

Kehlani chuckled. "We are a rowdy people, especially when the belly needs to be filled with wine and grub. Speaking of which, drink?"

"Please," said Billi, and when the goblet of bloodwine was handed over she took it and drank half of it down in one go. She belched and stepped closer to the open barrel meant for the back of house employees. She downed the other half, belched again, and then scooped up more in her cup as Kehlani finished her first and did the same. "Soooo, good." Said Billi.

"Miss it, do we?" Kehlani smiled after swallowing another mouthful of Bloodwine. "I'm sure a few barrels could make it aboard Nazgul, for your personal storage, of course." She wagged her eyebrows.

Billi drank a swallow before responding. "I would be grateful, sister. I have a few cases of libations stored in my quarters, but bloodwine-real bloodwine-is hard to come by out here."

"Not anymore," stated Kehlani. "House Kehlani has its own breweries and vineyards, not to mention the regular shipments of supplies from the Empire."

"How is the construction going?" Asked Billi.

"Better than expected. High City will be completed within the next few months, with enough homes built to house 10,000 families. Set on a plateau in the middle of three mountain ranges." Kehlani explained. "The Great Hall is already completed, with the streets and blocks laid out from there. My Steward oversees House affairs when I cannot."

Billi gave her Klingon sister a look. "Is this person trustworthy?"

"One of my most loyal," stated Kehlani. "Any show of duplicity, dishonor, or treachery means immediate execution. The House guardians are hand picked, by yours truly. They came from House Grilka, with her blessing since she has no shortage of applicants. When offered the chance to build something great, and to bring honor to the House and to the Empire with a chance for battle in these sectors, they could not refuse. If M'Tek steps out of line and shows disloyalty, he will be gutted like a Rokeg being prepared as a meal."

Billi laughed. "My warrior sister. Tougher than a hundred Klingons and twice as mean."

"Thrice," corrected Kehlani, laughing along with her joke. "Come, let us walk the Promenade and share a bottle of wine."

Billi drank down the dregs in her goblet and set it aside, Kehlani doing the same. As they vacated the back of house the Klingon grabbed a bottle of bloodwine from a shelf and they proceeded to make their way through the restaurant and back out onto the Promenade. Picking a direction, with Kehlani popping the cork on the bottle, they proceeded to talk, walk, and drink.



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