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Peel Post # 8 - Not Our Ship! - Concl.

Posted on Tue Oct 31st, 2023 @ 11:15pm by Captain Jamie O'Connell & Lieutenant Commander Angel Devroe & Lieutenant Maria SanChez & Lieutenant JG Johan Albo & Lieutenant JG Sarissa Aloran

Location: USS Peel
Timeline: Current


{Deck 5}

Ensign Samantha Barot, or Sam as she liked to be called, hauled ass to Shuttle Bay 2 knowing time was of the essence. She quickly opened the Shuttle hatch, entered and made her way to the Pilots seat forgoing the preflight as she opened Comms "Flight Chief, this is Ensign Barot, I have orders from the Captain to depart post haste; I need to make an emergency departure asap" Sam explained. Moments later "Ensign your cleared for departure" the Flight Chief replied knowing this must be important coming from the Captain.


Once Sam departed from the Peel she opened her Comms "Captain O'Connell, Ensign Berot here, I'm off the Ship.....I'm coming about to get a closeup view of the cable before I proceed" Sam explained while closely watching her Screens "Please make sure I don't get any uninvited guests."

"Excellent Ensign, get that thing severed as quickly as possible. Lieutenant SanChez at Tactical has your back so not to worry" Jamie commented as he glanced over towards Maria who gave him a nod of affirmation. "Understood Captain; I'll keep you apprised" Sam replied, moments later "Ok making my first run.... target locked...firing" seconds later "Direct hit Captain but the cable still isn't quite severed yet. I'll come about and hit it from the other side."

"Tactical any activity from that Vessel towards our Shuttle" Jamie inquired. "Negative Sir, but I'll keep checking" Maria replied. "Mr. Albo how long do we have left before we're aboard that thing." Looking at his Screen "About eight minutes Sir" Johan replied with certainty. "Ensign you have eight minutes left to get the job done" Jamie explained.

"On it Sir....I'm making another run at that cable....locking on target....firing phasers now....direst hit Sir....we're free....heading back to the Shuttle bay. I'll notify you when I'm back aboard" Sam stated as she banked the Shuttle steeply to get back to Shuttle Bay 2 as quickly as possible; she wouldn't want to get left behind.

{Deck 1 - Bridge}

"Ensign job well done; I'll wait for your call" O'Connell commented. "Helm get ready to get us the bloody hell out of here." "Aye Sir, all set and waiting for your command" Helm replied having his hands resting lightly on the controls.

A few minutes later "Captain, Berot here, I'm safely back aboard Sir." "Good, Helm hit it" Jamie ordered as he finally sat back down in his Chair letting out a sigh of relief. "Going to warp three Sir" Helm informed the Captain.

"Tactical keep an eye on that Vessel in case they are stupid enough to pursue" Jamie ordered then looking at Angel "That was way too close for comfort."

"I definitely agree" Angel replied then lowered her voice so only Jamie could hear "A word of caution Captain; maybe next time we shouldn't be so trusting when it comes to strangers we encounter."

"Point taken Number One and rest assured that will never happen again" Jamie answered being firm in his resolve.

{Nemo's Vessel}

Nemo was checking his Screens when he realized his new Ship was no longer under his control as she screamed out loud "What the hell just happened.....where's our new ship.....I want answers damn it" he bellowed furious with the situation.

One of the Crew spoke up but fearing for his life once he gave the Captain his answer "A...well would appear they sent out a Shuttle craft and they severed our cable."

Nemo turned glaring at his Crewmen as he shouted at the top of his lungs "And why the hell didn't you send out one of our Craft to take out that Shuttle; did you ever think of that."

The Crewman swallowed hard "Ahh; Captain all of our Craft are busted....every last one of them" he answered still fearing for his life.

Nemo let out a long sigh followed by a loud fart "You 're lucky I don't just shoot you out the Airlock for your failure" he stated with another fart ensuing "I guess it's back to Ship trolling again for us."


After certain doom being averted, Captain O'Connell relaxed in the Center Seat being glad this Mission was coming to a close more than ever as her turned to Sarissa "Thank you Lieutenant for your council; you reaffirmed what I was thinking about that Captain" he commented with sincerity.

“I just said what I felt Captain” Sarissa smiled warmly. “I’m always happy to be of help.”

Now that the Bridge was in a more relaxed posture, Johan couldn't help himself as he turned looking at his Sarissa talking to the Captain as he thought "Man she is so beautiful, so sexy and I can't believe she actually wants to be with me." Moments later he forced himself back to reality taking care of business.



Senior Officers
USS Peel


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