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Station Post # 6 "Unbelievable"

Posted on Wed Dec 13th, 2023 @ 11:32pm by Lieutenant Commander Ramvek Williams M.D. & Lieutenant JG Heidi Stone
Edited on on Wed Dec 13th, 2023 @ 11:45pm

Mission: Character Development 2023
Location: M-69
Timeline: Current


{Deck 43}

Heidi Stone walked up to Doctor Williams' door and palmed the door chime waiting for an answer; she had something she wanted to show Ramvek. Opening the door he smiled "Heidi what do I owe the pleasure" he inquired with a smile.

"If you have an hour or so I have something I'd like to show you in Holodeck 2" she explained returning his smile.

"Sure thing, I was not doing much of anything special" he replied while grabbing his comm badge and shoving in his pocket. Moments later they were on their way talking as they went.

{Deck 31}

Walking up to Holodeck 2 Heidi paused "Computer initiate program Stone One" she called out. "Initiating program Stone One" came the reply then the doors slid open and they both stepped inside.

Ramvek looked around seeing a small community which was very lush with greenery and beautiful blooming flower beds all around. Looking at Heidi "This is beautiful, but I am lost as to where this place is representing" Ramvek commented.

Heidi giggled "This is where I grew up.....well a place just like it and I thought you might like to see it" she replied excited seeing Ramvek's reaction.

"Wow this is certainly a very beautiful place" then looking at Heidi "You are very fortunate to have grown up in such nice surroundings" he commented remembering just how different Vulcan was from this place.

"I thought you might like let's walk this way" she commented as she grabbed Ramvek's hand. The two walked around for about an hour, still holding hands, talking about Heidi's childhood years on Earth; it was hard to believe San Fransisco was only a few miles away bustling with activity.

After an hour of walking and talking they ended up back at the entrance to the Holodeck "Our time is up; I only booked this place for an hour" she stated before calling out "Computer end program" and suddenly all the beauty was gone as the doors slid open and the two exited.


Walking back towards their quarters Ramvek was dying to ask "So Heidi that was a beautiful program, how did you manage to put it together."

Heidi smiled 'Well I did have some help; one of the Computer Specialists in Engineering, Ensign Drake, put it together for me after I gave him all the parameters" she explained.

"Oh I see and how much did that cost you" Ramvek inquired with a grin.

"Nothing really....well except his payment was to have dinner with him tonight" Heidi explained.

Ramvek stopped looking at Heidi "Please make sure he's not married" he commented with a chuckle.

"The ONLY thing I'm having with the Ensign is dinner and that's all" she reassured him as they continued to make their way back to their respective quarters.

{Deck 31}

Lieutenant Stone walked into Dining Hall number two looking for Ensign Drake dressed casually and modestly; she didn't dress the way she would have for the Doctor. Seeing the Ensign sitting at a table for two, she walked over with a smile "Ensign good evening" she stated waiting for recognition from him and maybe pull out her chair for her.

Drake looked up "Hi Lieutenant, please have a seat" he replied but didn't offer to get up at all so Heidi sat herself which she was not accustomed to. "And please call me Carl" he commented with a grin thinking how hot this chick was.

Heidi just looked at Drake for a moment not liking the direction things were going so far "Let's keep it professional shall we. I only agreed to have dinner with you as payment for your help with my simulation" she stated matter of factly.

Drake grinned "Sure but you'll warm up to me before the evening is over" he replied with a smirk.

The two ordered dinner and kept the conversation more on the professional side while Heidi tried her best to remain civil and enjoy her dinner wishing Ramvek was sitting across the table from her instead of the Ensign.

After the meal was over Heidi was more than ready to leave as she stood "Thank you Ensign for a nice dinner and now my debt has been paid so if you'll excuse me I should leave" she stated with a serious face.

Drake jumped up and walked over to Heidi and grabbed her by the arm as he whispered "Not so fast bitch, you still owe me desert; what's say we go back to my quarters" glaring at her.

Heidi immediately jerked her arm free as she commented in a loud voice "Get your hands off from me.....who the hell do you think you are" and before waiting for an answer she turned and left the Dinning Hall both scared at what this guy might do and quite pissed all at the same time.

Drake soon realized everyone in the area was starring at him so he decided she wasn't worth the effort and sat back down to finish his drink.

Heidi quickly made her way to a lift, while glancing over her shoulder from time to time fearing the worst. There was only one place she wanted to be right now and she was on her way there.

{Deck 43}

Heidi exited the Lift and walked briskly to the Doctor's door palming the door chime when she arrived.

Ramvek heard the door, wondering who it could be, not expecting what was about to happen. When he opened the door Heidi rushed in throwing her arms around his neck bursting into tears "Ramvek hold me" she stated while sobbing on his shoulder.

He could tell she was clearly upset as he stepped back and gently lifted her chin with his hand "What has made you so upset" he inquired "Here come and sit and tell me what happened." Heidi nodded and went and sat on the couch while Ramvek grabbed a good stiff drink of whiskey from the replicator. Walking back over he sat and handed Heidi the drink.

After a long sip Heidi explained in detail what had transpired at dinner with the Ensign.

Hearing Heidi's explanation Ramvek was infuriated "HE WHAT" he stated pissed that any guy would treat Heidi in that fashion, or any women for that matter as he called out "Computer where is the location of Ensign Drake's quarters" he inquired. "Ensign Drake's quarters are located on deck twenty five room twenty five seventeen" came the reply. Looking at Heidi "Someone needs to have a chat with the Ensign reminding him of Star Fleet protocols" he stated then got up and rushed out the door not waiting for any sort of reply from Heidi.

{Deck 25}

By the time Ramvek walked off the lift he did something he had not done in a very long time; he allowed his emotions and Vulcan side to meld as he walked up to the Ensign's door palming the chime waiting for an answer. Moments later Drake opened the door not too pleased to see who was at his door.

"Ensign Drake, I'm Doctor Williams. I would like a word with you" he demanded in no uncertain terms.

Drake looked at Ramvek "I know who you are Doc and I have nothing to say to piss off" as he started to close the door.

Ramvek lunged at the door forcing it open as he grabbed Drake and pushed him back into his quarters and up against the wall placing his forearm against his throat and his knee under his man parts with some pressure looking him in the eye "Well I have something to say to you Ensign. If a young women says no to your advances take it at face value; it is no. If you come anywheres near Lieutenant Stone or if I hear of you treating any other women on this Base in such a fashion.....I will personally bring you up on formal charges for actions unbecoming a Star Fleet Officer and sexual I make myself clear Ensign" Ramvek demanded sternly letting some pressure off his throat so he could respond.

Drake looked Ramvek in the eye nervous about what he might do to him next as he answered "Yes Sir, I'll be more careful in the future."

Ramvek released Drake and stepped back "See that you do" then spun on his heel exiting the quarters wishing that Drake would do something stupid; but sadly Drake was much smarter than that.

{Deck 43}

The Doctor walked back into his quarters as Heidi stood up "So what happened" she inquired hoping Ramvek didn't get hurt.

"I had a one way conversation with the Ensign....I talked and he listened. Let me know if he bothers you in the future, I may have to be more persuasive next time but logically that should not happen" he replied with a grin.

Heidi walked up and put her arms around his neck "You really are my Knight in shining armor" then gave Ramvek a passionate kiss.



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