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Station Post #5. Family time

Posted on Tue Dec 12th, 2023 @ 4:02pm by Lieutenant Isabelle Veran-Dallas & Commodore Sureth & Suban Silesh

Mission: Character Development 2023
Location: Starbase M-69
Timeline: Concurrent



The station had never seemed so big as now for Sureth as he shuffled between duty and family. His recent health scare had awakened his fatherly duties with the arrival of his first daughter Suban Silesh.
" Greetings Suban. I trust you are rested?" Sureth greeted.

" Yes sir. There was some uncomfortable moments on the ride here but I survived. Not to mince words but have you considered my proposal to return to Vulcan? Your duty to Starfleet was met when they retired you and the Nehls Bohr." Suban argued.

" Please cease this request. My duty is here. Isabella will be joining us for breakfast and I hope you are civil." Sureth urged.

" I will not pull her hair Father." Suban replied.

Arriving at her father’s quarters, with her baby son Isabelle entered smiling warmly as she greeted both her father and half sister. “Good Morning Father, Suban.”

Sureth leaned over and hugged Isabella as his greeting.
Suban watched but said nothing concerning the embrace.
" I will require some personal time Father. A long distance call from Vulcan is expected concerning Sulec, mothers uncle is close to death. I have to find him a substitute doulah as I am here." Suban stated.

“I’m sorry Suban, that’s terrible news.” Isabelle offered a brief hug knowing it may not be seen as a gesture Suban would appreciate. “If you need anything please let me know.”

" Thank you for the sentiment. I would like to go to work with you today Isabella."

Isabelle was surprised but nodded nonetheless. “You are welcome to join me Suban, I have a few people to see today once I drop off my son to the nursery.”

" It is agreeable to have both of my daughters here. I have meetings unfortunately but feel free to continue your day." Sureth stated.

Suban nodded and then walked with Isabella.
" I have never met my nephew. What is his name?" Suban asked.

“His name is Connor” Isabelle smiled as she motioned to her son. “He’s 4 months old now, and I’m currently 8 weeks pregnant, so Connor will have a sibling in a few months time.”

" My duties never availed me to have a child. Being a death doula is very demanding on Vulcan. The katra is a very fragile thing to assist." Suban answered.

Isabelle nodded. “Tell me more about what you do Suban, I know very little of my Vulcan heritage I’d like to learn more so I can be the daughter our father deserves.”

" Deserves? An interesting choice of words. We can not base our own lives off of the expectations of others. Aside from the protocols of our heritage there is still individuality Isabella. Infinite diversity in infinite combinations is the practice of many Vulcans. What does that mean to you?" Suban replied.

“I do not live my life for our father, I just wish to make him proud of me” Isabelle offered a brief smile. “I’m not a full blood Vulcan, I haven’t taken the Vulcan teachings or purged my emotions. I guess Infinite diversity means our father wouldn’t see my lack of Vulcan teachings a problem.”

" Some Vulcan's supress emotions. I for one practice under the teachings of Sybok. My passion to aid the dying comes from that philosophy. There is life beyond logic." Suban admitted.

Isabelle nodded and smiled. “I’d like to learn more about Sybok, I do have Vulcan patients who come to see me so a better understanding of my Vulcan heritage would come in useful.” She leant over to pick up Connor from his pushchair. “This is Connor.”

Suban studied their bond and how tight Connor clinged to Isabella.
" He is so fragile. " Suban replied with a slight smile. The first she had done in a long while as such actions on Vulcan were taboo.

“Would you like to hold him?” Isabelle looked at Suban curiously. “You just need to hold him gently.”

Suban accepted the child and at first awkwardly held Connor a distance from her. Slowly pulling him closer she again smiled.
" My nephew once got scratched by a sehlat and asked to be held. He was a little older than this child. " she said to Isabella. "Your husband is humanoid isn't he? This child exudes emotions."

“My husband is a Human, Yes, but he’s not Connor’s father. He and I longer on talking terms.” Isabelle offered an awkward smile. “As for Connor, children do tend to let their feelings well known.”

" Fascinating. " Suban replied as she handed Connor back to Isabella. " I am glad to have this time with you Isabella. Up until I arrived I saw you as an adversary. Now I am glad that is not the case. Father is thriving here and I am sure it is because you joined him here. But is this station safe for a family? From the obvious reports this area is becoming a heated sector."

“I believe it to be safe enough here Suban.” Isabelle smiled. “It would be nice to get to know you better.”

" Are you suggesting I stay here? I came to convince Sureth to return home. Now that it looks as if he is on the mend I will be leaving."

“Maybe you could visit more often? You did say you have an important job back home on Vulcan. I couldn’t ask you to give that up.” Isabelle offered a warmer smile. “I’m sure father would like seeing you more often.”

" This meeting occurred because he called me to come. Vulcan seniors do that when they fear their time of death is near, usually. I believe ours did so to avail us time to bond. He has a Romulan wit to him." Suban replied.

Isabelle smiled. “He’s a wise man, and a wonderful father in his own way.”

" Father is a devoted officer and scientist. I was never around him as a child." Suban said.

“I wasn’t much either” Isabelle offered a wry smile. “Hence why I wanted to be assigned here to be with him more.”

" I suppose our cultural differences are indeed opposite. I have an attention to duty and purpose hence my career choice. You have an attention to service as well. Between us the Directive is the same, we both have a servants heart. Sybok taught us to embrace emotion with service. Most cultures have a similar teaching among its people. Earth had its Christ and Bajor have their prophets similarly." Suban replied.

Isabelle smiled and nodded. “I am glad we’re getting to know each other Suban, and I think our father wants us to be the sisters we’re meant to be.”

" Me too" Suban replied as she hugged Isabella.

Sureth found the girl in an embrace and was pleased.

" Suban I do wish this could continue but a message has come in from Vulcan. Sulac has entered the first stage. I have called for a courier to rush here to fetch you." Sureth reported.

Suban composed and headed out to pack up. In her job that was a given to be prepared.

“I hope Suban can return soon father” Isabelle looked towards Sureth as she stood alongside him. “We were just getting to know each other properly.”

" Suban has always done her own thing. It is her faith and passion that makes Suban , Suban." Sureth replied.

Isabelle nodded. “I like her. We understand each other now, and I’m glad.”

" Speaking of understanding I want to spend a few minutes with my grandson tonight. Have Warrant Officer Dallas take you to dinner. " Sureth added as he left.

“I’ll do that” Isabelle smiled as she called after Sureth. “I’ll see you then.”

Sureth returned to duty as there was a whole station of issues going on that has to be attended to before the day was done.



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