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Peel Post #3 "Now That's Funny"

Posted on Sat Dec 9th, 2023 @ 4:08pm by Captain Jamie O'Connell & Lieutenant Commander Angel Devroe

Mission: Character Development 2023
Location: Deck 2
Timeline: Concurrent to Peel Post #2


{Captain's Quarters}

It had been a couple of days since their conversation and Jamie was eager to clear the air between them. Tapping his comm "Commander Devroe, O'Connell here, if you're free I think we need to talk" he commented wanting to get this over with.

Angel hearing her comm go off "Commander Devroe.....yes Captain please feel free to drop by now if you'd like....we do need to talk" she replied hoping she wasn't about to hurt Jamie's feelings.

"I'll be there momentarily" he answered then took a deep breath and headed out the door.

{First Officer's Quarters}

Jamie was about as nervous as he could be as he approached Angel's door. Taking one last deep breath he palmed the Chime waiting for an answer.

Angel stepped to the door and opened it "Hi Jamie please come in" she stated with a smile and stepped back allowing her guest to enter "Would you like a drink."

At the moment that would be welcomed "Yes please, the usual if you'd be so kind" he replied feeling his sweating palms as he dried them on his pant leg.

Moments later Angel walked over with two drinks handing Jamie one of them "Please have a seat and make yourself comfortable" as she sat on the couch herself.

Jamie followed suit and sat taking a long sip of his drink before saying a word, then looking at Angel "I've been doing a lot of thinking since our last conversation regarding our personal relationship" then he paused taking another sip "If you would like to try having casual sex from time to time I'm game if you still are" he concluded.

Angel sat and starred at Jamie for a few moments before breaking out into full blown laughter. Jamie sat confused at the moment before commenting "Ok....that wasn't exactly.......the response I was expecting."

After a few moments Angel composed herself then smiled while placing her hand on Jamie's arm "I'm sorry Jamie I didn't mean to laugh but the reason I wanted to talk to you" then she paused a moment trying to find the right words to say "Let's just say I think you were right initially.....I mean we have a great relationship and I don't want that to change.....I do very much enjoy our down time together and I don't want that to change either.....although down the road if we did happen to end up in bed together I'd be more than fine with that.....but for now maybe we should keep things the way they are. I hope you're not too disappointed" she concluded.

A stunned Jamie just looked at Angel and after a few moments could see the humor in the situation as he broke down into laughter himself "Now.....that's funny" he replied "And I couldn't agree with you more on all counts" then he paused "Although if we were to end up in bed together at some point I'd be fine with that as well."

"So you're not terribly disappointed then" she asked with a smile.

"No, actually I'm rather relieved.....let's keep things the way they are for now and one day who knows what might happen" Jamie replied being very relaxed now and much more at ease.

"You are certainly a remarkable man Jamie O'Connell and someone who I am happy to call my friend" she commented before giving him a kiss.

After the kiss Janie grinned looking into Angel's gorgeous blue eyes "You not so bad yourself" he commented then sat back very happy with the outcome of their conversation.


Captain Jamie O'Connell
Commanding Officer

Lieutenant Commander Angel Devroe
First Officer

USS Peel


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