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Peel Post #2 "Reality"

Posted on Fri Dec 8th, 2023 @ 7:03pm by Captain Jamie O'Connell & Lieutenant Commander Angel Devroe
Edited on on Fri Dec 8th, 2023 @ 7:07pm

Mission: Character Development 2023
Location: Captain's Quarters
Timeline: Concurrent to Peel Post #1


{Deck 2}


"You know I wouldn't mind getting to know you even on a more personal level" she commented with a sultry voice while grinning.

Jamie sat not knowing quite what to say at that point. All he knew was every Star Fleet instinct told him to spring off the couch and remind his Number One about certain protocols......but he couldn't hurt her feelings.....he really didn't want to get up either.

[End Snip]

Still lost for words Jamie just sat looking into Angel's beautiful eyes thinking he must be the galaxy's biggest idiot right now not responding to her overtures "So you going to say something" Angel asked wondering if she had over stepped the proverbial line.

Jamie stood up looking at this gorgeous women "You certainly know how to spring a surprise on a guy" then he paused looking for the right words "If I held any other position aboard Ship I wouldn't hesitate to take you into my bedroom right now" then he paused again before proceeding "Being Captain I'm not sure that would be a wise decision to be intimate with my First Officer; I value our working relationship too much."

Angel stood and walked up to Jamie not observing his personal space "I'm not looking for a relationship or any kind of commitment; I'd just like to have casual sex once in awhile and I thought it would be nice to have it with you" Angel explained with a smile "And I know you're attracted to me physically."

Smelling her perfume, and glancing down at some of her gorgeous body, Jamie's resolve was starting to wane as he grinned "That's one of the downfalls of having a Betazoid First Officer; I can't hide anything from you....I know you probably have never heard this before....but can I think it over and let you know considering my position on the Ship" he inquired.

Angel smiled as she whispered in his ear "Yes but don't take too long....this offer will expire soon" she stated before giving Jamie a very nice kiss which lasted for several seconds hoping it would help with his decision.

By this time Jamie was becoming quite flustered and was about ready to throw Protocols right out the airlock "I suppose you think I'm being stupid but I need to settle this in my mind; unfortunately the Ship and her Crew has to come before my own personal desires" he replied with concern "I'll let you know soon."

"I respect your position Jamie, and will respect your decision, but you also have the right to have a personal life apart from Ship's business" she replied "As far as duty goes, I can assure you I will be as professional as I have always been regardless of my personal life" Angel explained with a grin.

"Yes I know you will be and that's why you're so valuable to this Ship as well as myself" he commented with a smile.

"I should be heading back to my quarters and give you some time to think things over. See you on the Bridge" then she leaned in and gave him one more kiss before leaving.

"Yes I'll see you on the Bridge and thank you for understanding" he commented as he watched this beautiful women walk out the door. Jamie let out a long sigh. "I really need a drink" he thought as he opened the cupboard and grabbed a bottle of Irish Whiskey and poured himself a drink. Going back to the couch he sat taking a long sip thinking about what Angel had asked him and mulling over every conceivable outcome.

After a lengthy think, and a couple more drinks, Jamie came to a decision concerning Angel and her request of him.....hopefully he wouldn't regret his decision down the road.



Captain Jamie O'Connell
Commanding Officer

Lieutenant Commander Angel Devroe
First Officer
USS Peel


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