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Station Post #9 " Where Did they Go "

Posted on Tue Dec 26th, 2023 @ 2:18pm by Commodore Sureth & Lieutenant Commander Ramvek Williams M.D.

Mission: Character Development 2023
Location: Lagoon Nebula and Messier 20
Timeline: Concurrent


It was the normal time of life on Starbase M-69. Normally busy that is as all aspects seemed to be occupied with hustle and bustle. Sureth was content it was that way even if he had to go to Sickbay for a physical.

" Doctor Williams are you busy?" Sureth asked.

Hearing his Comm go off....tapping it "Commodore not any more than usual, how can I assist you" Williams inquired hoping he wasn't having any physical issues.

" Oh good. I am in need of a physical." Sureth replied.

"Sure, at your convenience" Ramvek replied before entering his Office.


Sliding in Sureth took a seat beside a biobed and awaited Williams arrival.

Doctor Williams noticed the Commodore had walked in and seated himself by one of the Bio-beds. Grabbing his scanner, tossing it in his pocket, Ramvek left the Office and walked over to Sureth " Commodore, nice to see you again. Before we get started is there anything I should be made aware of concerning your health" he inquired with a smile.

" Yes several weeks ago I became ill, lethargic and fell. Doctor Hiri informed me it was dehydration and made me.promise to drink more water and consume my daily vitamin needs. I feel much better now. I am here because I am.planning a trip to Vulcan soon. I want to make sure I am fit for travel.

"If you would be so kind as to lay on the Bio-bed, I will examine you and we will see if you are fit for the trip to Vulcan" Williams instructed "Drinking plenty of water and keeping your nutrition up will go along way to preventing those kinds of incidents" then he paused a moment "Not to point out the obvious Sureth but you are not a young man any longer."

" Really, I feel as young as you look Doctor. Vulcan longevity is well known. My daughter Suban Silesh even came in preparation to collect my katra. She is a Vulcan Death Doula." Sureth mused.

Hearing Sureth's comment Ramvek had to grin "Well sometimes I feel as old as you actually are" he replied jokingly "And yes I am aware of Vulcan longevity; my Father is Vulcan."

" We have never discussed this. Please tell me more?" SURETH replied.

"My Mother, Ramona Williams, was an Ambassador to Vulcan where she met my Father T'Vek, who was on the High Council at the time. As time went on my Mother fell in love with my Father, finding him quite charismatic. Of course my Father thought my Mother to be a logical choice for a mate. When I was born they decided to make my first name a contraction between their two names; ergo Ramvek. Then when I left for the Academy my Mother urged me to take her maiden name as my last name; so Williams I became. Hopefully I did not bore you too badly" the Doctor concluded with a grin.

" I remember T'Vek. Yes he was charismatic. The science academy still had some say on Starfleet science projects until the mid 24th century. Thank you for sharing Doctor." Sureth replied.

"My pleasure Commodore.....ok now let us have a look at you" Ramvek commented while pulling his scanning device from his pocket and adjusting the Bio-bed to a Vulcan physiology. Williams slowly scanned Sureth starting at the head all the way down the entire length of his body watching the readout on the Bio-bed carefully before commenting."Everything looks as it should for a Vulcan" then he paused momentarily "The only thing that is out of the ordinary is your blood pressure is a little above normal, but that could be due to your position on the Base" he explained.

" Typical medical equipment reads Vulcan analysis high. But my heart rate has been low lately due to the dehydration. I may have overcompensating with a Vulcan herbal tea . I will back off. Doctor when did you last visit Vulcan? I could use a chaperone. " Sureth replied.

Williams was a little surprised at the invitation as he replied "It has been many years since I last visited Vulcan; although I do try to keep in touch with my Parents from time to time."

" I have an ex wife and two children there. There are grandchildren I have never met. If you decide to come with let me know. I plan to leave tomorrow." Sureth replied.

"Fair enough; how long do you plan on being gone that may be a factor in my decision" Ramvek replied; although he would not mind being on Vulcan again.

" I can not place the burden of running this place on Captain Callaghans shoulders too long. Two weeks I would suppose." Sureth replied.

Ramvek thought for a moment before answering "I am sure Doctor Hiri and Lieutenant Stone, along with the other Doctors and Nurses, could run this place just fine for two weeks in my absence. I very much would like to see my Parents again; so yes Commodore I would be more than happy to accompany you on your journey."

" Very good. I will prepare my yacht and we will leave for Vulcan in the morning." Sureth replied.

"I will be ready and meet you at your Quarters. In the meantime I will notify my Staff and go over the necessary things with them" Ramvek replied "What time would you like to leave in the morning."

Sureth stood up and replied " 0900."
Exiting the facility the Commodore nodded to Hiri as she seemed to have some pending issue and passed quickly.



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