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Peel Post #6 "New Department"

Posted on Sun Dec 24th, 2023 @ 7:06pm by Lieutenant Commander Angel Devroe & Lieutenant JG Yesrin Jen

Mission: Character Development 2023
Location: Various
Timeline: Current


{Deck 4}

The following day, after meeting with the Captain and First Officer, Yesrin made her way to the new Intelligence Department which had been a small unused Laboratory the Captain felt they could easily do without. Exiting the Lift Yesrin could sense Jen [ How much work do you think will need to be done to get the area up to specs .] "I guess we'll find out soon enough" she replied as she walked up to the door. Stopping she noticed a sophisticated Security Pad by the door; one she had never seen before.

Thinking for a moment on how to proceed Yesrin tapped her Comm "Commander Devroe, this is Lieutenant Jen, I'm at the new Intelligence Area and was wondering how I get past the Security protocols" she inquired.

Hearing the call Angel tapped her Comm "Lieutenant hold tight I'll be to you shortly" she stated leaving her Quarters for the nearest Lift. Arriving to Yesrin minutes later she smiled as she approached "Good morning Lieutenant, here let me walk you through the process" as she stepped up to the Pad "This has been setup for only three Officers....yourself, the Captain, and myself. Key in your Security Code that's on file then place your right hand on the scanner for identity verification. Once done the door should open for you.....I'll show you." Angel keyed in her Security Code then placed her right hand on the scanner....moments later the door slid open then Angel called out "Computer close and rest the Intelligence entry door."Intelligence entry door is now closed and reset" came the reply. Turning to Yesrin "Here, your turn.....let's make sure it works" as Angel stepped away from the door.

Stepping up to the door Yesrin did as instructed and the door slid open without issue then turning towards Angel "Thank you Commander for your time and help" she commented with a smile.

"My pleasure Lieutenant, let's go inside there are a few things I'd like to show you before I leave" as Angel and Yesrin entered. Yesrin looked around amazed at what she saw "Commander you have it all setup for me already" she stated with a smile.

"Yes the Captain insisted on having this place setup for you ahead of time and since we're docked it gave Operations and Engineering something to occupy their time. I hope it meets with your approval" Angel replied with a smile "If you need anything else added, or removed, please don't hesitate to ask before we depart from the Base."

"Let me have a look around and get my gear put away then I'll have a better idea if I need to have any changes made or not" then she paused "Although I doubt that will be necessary by the looks of things" Yesrin answered with a grin.

"Well I'll let you get to it then" Angel commented then she turned and left to check on one of the Science Labs.

Walking around Yesrin was still blown away by the setup. There was a large metal cage for her Tech items as well as her chemicals; such as chemicals to make explosives, knockout liquid that she would load sleeping darts with, and a special place for her firearms and swords and/or knives. Also there was a private bathroom for changing into her Infiltration attire or for cleaning up after an OP. To the left of that were all kinds of hooks for ropes and grappling hooks.

Yesrin could hear Jen [ Wow this is a pretty sweet setup for such a small Ship ] Yesrin grinned "One thing's for sure the Captain pulled out all the stops on this one which I really appreciate." [ Well at least He's taking your position here seriously unlike some C.O.'s you've had in the past.] "It would appear so" she replied in thought.

"Let's go see what our Office looks like" she thought as she made her way there noticing her name on the door [ Very impressive ] Jen commented as Yesrin walked in. She had a nice desk with a two Terminals, a keyboard in case she needed to go 'old school', and in the corner a Replicator for food or beverages. Also on the door wall was a round table with three chairs in case she needed to hold a meeting or discussion with others "Wow this is really more than I had expected" she thought then returned to the central Intelligence area.

"I guess we better start getting things put away in their proper places" she whispered out loud. Tapping her Comm "Transporter Room Two this is Lieutenant Jen the new Infiltration Specialist. I left a Comm Badge on top of a large crate in my Quarters, could you possibly do a sight to sight transport to the old Science Lab number eight; it's the new Intelligence Department" she commented hoping for the best since the crate was quite heavy.

"No problem Lieutenant, I'll have the crate to you momentarily and welcome aboard the Peel" came the response.

"Thank you and it's nice to be here" Yesrin replied then seconds later the crate appeared. Walking over she removed the top and started putting things in their proper places as to her liking.

For the next three hours Yesrin unpacked the crate getting everything organized for easy removal when she was getting ready for an OP. After the crate was emptied she grabbed her clothing and placed them in a small closet in the bathroom. Walking back out she looked around seeing everything to her liking "Ok that's all set. I think I'll go in my new Office, grab some lunch before getting ahold of a couple of my contacts and see what's happening in the Intelligence world" she whispered. [ Sounds good to me ] Jen replied.

After a nice lunch and beverage, Yesrin jumped on the Terminal keying in her Intelligence code to enter the underbelly of communications. Typing in the address for her best contact, she keyed in " Stoner this is Viper what's been happening since we last talked" Yesrin inquired.

"So you are still alive" he replied "Not much of anything exciting, just the usual crap."

"Good then I guess I haven't missed much. Sorry for my absence of late but I was assigned to a new location and this is the first chance I've had to get ahold of you" Yesrin explained.

"So where did they send you this time" Stoner asked.

"Nice try my friend, but you know I can't give you my location for security reasons" she stated grinning to herself as she heard Jen [ Asshole, he knows you can't ever give away your location.] "Don't be too hard on him he just wanted to see if it was really me he was talking to knowing I would never give my location" she replied. [ I suppose ] came the response.

"I may be going on an OP before too long, can I still count on you to supplement whatever intel I may have" she inquired.

"Always Viper, you know that; I can usually find whatever you're looking for although it may take a few days depending on what it is" Stoner responded.

"Thanks I knew I could count on you" Yesrin replied "I should be going; I don't want to chew your ear off. Talk to you soon" then she severed the communication link. "That went well" she thought to herself. [ Ya maybe, but I think he or she is still an asshole ] Jen said making his feelings known. "Well that asshole, as you put it, has saved my butt on more than one occasion with his or hers Intel" Yesrin stated not really expecting a reply from Jen.

After a few more hours checking with some of her other, although less reliable, contacts Yesrin decided to call it a day "Jen what say we pack it in for today; maybe see if we can get permission to leave the Ship for awhile. I'd love to see what the base has on the Promenade Decks." [ You won't get any arguments from me; besides I'm getting bored anyway. ]

"Sorry I know how you hate office work but it is necessary you know" she thought. [ Yes I know but that doesn't mean I have to like it ] came the response and with that Yesrin simply shook her head as she proceeded to secure her Office and the Intelligence area before heading back to her Quarters.


Lieutenant J.G. Yesrin Jen
Infiltration Specialist

Lieutenant Commander Angel Devroe
First Officer
USS Peel


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